
  1. I think the fact that government is the one now trying to get the info out probably negates that to a degree as they've been fooled too. It would mean reorganisation of power, and a few heads will probably roll as scapegoats, but realistically everyone involved today was just passed on the dumpster fire from those they replaced probably a couple of times over, now that those as far back as Roswell have already died.

  2. Relavent to my other comments, I've heard that because the government higher ups comprise mostly conservative white Christians who lean towards the literal, that that is one of the reasons disclosure has either been held off at best for the sake of secrets(??) or at worst they also don't know what's going on but because it so heavily conflicts with their entire identity as a person and their worldview.

  3. That's very true, you can't just let out unbelievable news all at once as for religion people will realise that it was put out to keep humanity at peace. Imagine knowing that even if u kill a person u won't go to heaven or hell.

  4. Morals emerge from the desire to preserve community. Murder is counter productive, as an example, to keeping say a growing village well, growing. They are not divine, and if our collective evolution or brain chemistry was different, who is to say we wouldn't have a different view on this? Imagine if humans evolved to be pack or solo hunters at most? Violent times.

  5. Got it. So you think everyone is 100% a victim. Like they can’t decide one college over another. I’m not even saying that this isn’t true for many. But y’all pretending like every single person was held at gun point and forced to sign a $100,000 loan is ridiculous. Some people were more responsible and made better decisions than others. We shouldn’t punish the responsible and reward the irresponsible. Especially on a wide scale like this.

  6. Look at tuition trends and educate yourself. An entire generation was sold a false bill of goods when we were told we needed at min 4 yr degree just to get an entry level job. So no strawman bullshit, you right wing nutjob. We can address each issue separately (which I'm not, I'm blocking you after I post this), but I know how you guys work with you whataboutisms.

  7. There's a few billionaires make money by influencing politics, crashing economies, and buying everything up for pennies on the dollar.

  8. Billionaire Ken Griffin of Citadel, a market maker and hedge fund, has a wonderful track record of shorting American companies to the ground by any means necessary. I mean, what could be more anti-american than this behavior? Oh, and all the big Wall St players do it too, 2008 never ended, buckle up! Self regulating companies know and encourage the behavior. Look up fines vs how much they make doing the thing that got them fined. If you only paid a few cents every time you swiped $200 at work, and never see jail time, wouldn't you too? If you have no fucking ethics whatsoever that is.

  9. I wish these MAGA cultists would be banned already. Treasonous motherfuckers the lot of em.

  10. Personally I like how we can shit on Truss all day here but can’t even mention sleepy joe. Literally the man in charge is shielded from our le Reddit mod team because they are political zealots.

  11. The economy was supposed to shit the bed 3 years ago under a former president and current domestic terrorist, so where's his part of the credit? Critical thinking please, acting like one man ever has the ability to wave a magic wand short of facist regimes, kinda like the one that failed on the 6th lol

  12. yeah, people saying NFTs are good for consumers are being taken for a ride

  13. So it's not good for you if you created an NFT for an online RPG, rare sword let's say. You have a permanent 10% royalty of all sales. Not the devs, they have nothing. You do. Some player gets the rare drop. Decides to put it on a marketplace for let's say $1k (it is really rare and strong!), looking more like an asset by the minute right? Think like an asset; you just made $100 by the way. And you will into perpetuity. With all your portfolio btw. Welcome to the full-time job you wish you had 10 years ago, before web3, before the world called you a filthy liberal for getting an art degree.

  14. what happens when that online RPG goes offline before I have a chance to sell my “rare sword” that only exists in that online RPG?

  15. Exactly. And you've been told by many sources that they are ridiculous. There are marketplaces that allow you to hold your assets in your own wallet while simultaneously listing it for sale. Just gotta give the market permission to take that one asset, and bam, sold.

  16. Not so. Some people manage only a few visits before being unable to pay the bill, and then another cycle starts and yet another unpaid bill. If only we didn't need insurance middle men, therapy could be affordable in the long run.

  17. My daughter, who's on limited income, stopped going to therapy because she missed an appointment- and the therapist insisted she pay full price for the missed visit. Instead, my daughter quit therapy and the therapist didn't get his money. Lose-lose situation over the Almighty Dollar.

  18. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm currently causing some extra financial hardship on my parents right now due to my mental issues that took my out of normal life in May. I wouldn't be doing any of these things without help, and I'm quite certain I'd be dead. I hope you can find her help, possibly some financial assistance from someone (a better provider that can work with you monetarily) or somewhere (in the US I know it can be gamble depending on state, but your state offices may be able to help as well), if one office treats your family this way again go onto the next (easier said than done, I know, took me almost 4 months to find a psychiatrist), but I did get lucky for previous hospital visits forgiving my bills since I'm basically net $0 on cash vs debt right now.


  20. This saga has gone past the point of absurdity for me. I'm sure this didn't help my mental breakdown quite honestly, but in a weird way I probably wouldn't be here without it.

  21. If someone wasn't interested in waiting this out because of well, you've all seen the state of this world, is there any way to legally hurt any of these entities fucking the world with anything written on a "note" citing blame? Asking for a friend.

  22. Ill never forget that interview she had with jon stewart and came off as a completely evil toad. Taking all those speaking fees. Bs

  23. I reported this post for only serving to humanize those that make 6 figures off speaking fees for the 1%. Corrupt as they come, end the fed.

  24. Usually upvote these when I see them. Been out of work on a mental breakdown since May, looking at putting another month's rent on a credit card, down to about $200 in the bank. Disability is taking on average a month or more to pay in increments; I've received 2 checks since May.

  25. I've had lots of thereapy so I know the dark roads and what I'm talking about :) Feel free to DM if you'd like to chat.

  26. I have yet to hit my first bowl when I decided to watch this from yesterday. I honestly can't tell if this is satire or not? They cannot be that self-(un)aware. Its like a bad comedy joke.

  27. Mini rant: I just wish I could pre-order a pre-owned version of a game. This seems like it would be the biggest win for GS, I wonder why they don't allow that...

  28. They should honestly let you do this. Just give you a spot in line, and maybe just buzz/text you once one is available and ready for being picked up. Maybe take half the price of a new pre order, and maybe only charge a total of 49.99 instead of 54.99 by preordering in this manner?

  29. They look great, just got a look at them. I've started minting myself because the marketplace was so cool to see, unprecedented support from a great community to the indie apes from all walks of success. Nothing but the best in your future minting.

  30. There's no need to bash people who can't DRS. They are doing the best they can. Nonetheless it's important to remind everyone that when shit hits the fan banks and brokers could be on the brink of bankruptcy. The whole financial system could collapse. Those are the words that Thomas Peterffy used to describe what happened in the 2021 sneeze. The only way to guarantee that you will have access to your shares is DRSing them. So try to be understanding of other apes circumstances and try to help them find ways to DRS and secure their shares. Sooner or later the float will be locked or an nft dividend will be issued.

  31. To your sooner or later portion I believe was the crux of the post. Will the float be locked eventually, using only the knowledge and stats we have at our disposal right this very miniute? Sure, seems to be the case, just takes time. But time is another enemy here, the more time goes by the more things they will attempt to change or obfuscate. I mean I feel like the whole DRS movement began on this principle, when we were all fantasizing about phone numbers, people were putting in the DD hours to show us all about DRS. We wouldn't have to even consider DRS as a solution if it wasn't for those apes thinking in what if and worst case scenarios.

  32. We've lost so far every time we seemed on the cusp of something. And it all plays to the OPs point. They will kick and scream before playing by the rules. Again, everyone is free to do whatever. I personally won't be the asshole to look at an APE burned after and say I told you so. I'll gladly pull a fresh wad of bills out of my ass on the spot and give each and everyone one of you what you earned by playing by the rules when others wouldn't. We're here as a community not to talk about organized stock manipulation like MSM and boomer tier takes say on the daily. This is where we come together to get excited, talk, and support each other. I lost my own way recently with an APE. And I regretted it. I just implore everyone to think, if you're upset or anxious, or even if it's too good to be true (pickle options gang), stop. Read it again. As many times it takes you to understand what's really being said and what's not being offered up as well. I think because we are all individual investors from all walks of life that just happen to like GME, we should realize that even someone's way of writing or speaking may sound more FUD like, or harsh, or take a book from the SEC, maybe something is written very wordy and overcomplicated. But sometimes you may have to bridge that gap in communication, to weed out the true bad actors in the sub.

  33. Also, since I didn't bring it up, I didn't ignore you about those wanting a refund, which I agree is absurd. If we like it to a stock again, it's a bag holder being mad that their investment went down instead of up, and they'd like to sell at their cost basis please. The analogues are there to see. So sorry if you thought I was attacking THAT part of your argument because I wasn't. I was saying that reselling is not a problem, whatsoever.

  34. Yeah but can't that resale happen organically? I personally want item limits, their are also creators who want this. These creators wish to build large communities and that's hard to do when someone purchases 70% of the tickets for entry. Thanks for clarifying about the refund thing though. Again we just have dissenting opinions, but you'll never sway me by likening me to a Citadel Simp.

  35. Well I broke my vow not to respond by deleting that part of the comment I had made. And yes it's frustrating. It sounds now like you're viewing this as a ticketmaster secondary market which is more apt, and you're damn right it sucks when you want something bad enough, but weren't fast enough to get the fair price.

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