
  1. By the looks of it, he’s in touch with her feminine side as well

  2. Two days?? Bro. How many people are you jacking off?

  3. What is the right move if i ever find myself in similar situation?

  4. You know what they say; “mao money, mao problems”

  5. Ah, so this is how the gator learned his roll

  6. Where do I get one of those meaty, flesh sacks

  7. They did rock paper scissors, winner gets to give head

  8. I love how it stays in the jar anyway at the end. "I like the jar, I want to be in the jar, but I don't want the LID on the jar."

  9. You’ve heard of fried French fries. Now I bring you (drum roll🥁) fried American ice

  10. Oh god! Hammer blood?! Where’s the NSFW tag !!??!!?

  11. The confederates would be so proud

  12. Am I fucked if I didn’t get the vaccine?

  13. Juggling is really boring in Africa, everyone does it this way, once you've seen one juggler you have seen them all.

  14. Once you’ve seen one juggler, you’ve seen Jamal.

  15. It bothers me how much the center line is crooked

  16. Yellow guy woulda broken his arm if white didn’t slow his fall

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