
  1. This was 20 years ago and they're on great terms according to him later on in the article

  2. My missteps were learning curves. I grew so much from those two moments. This was my first public facing job (and like insane amount of eyes on) and it definitely showed. My apologies were also dreadful.

  3. Honestly, I thorougly enjoyed your "mistakes". They were all in all good fun and showed your passion. Goodbye Dunc thank you so much for your amazing work.

  4. Proof of ID A tax return A work schedule, so a job then ?

  5. Im just going of what the pereon i replied to listed, which seemed counterintuitive

  6. Why exactly? It's the only way I've ever been able to do Classic raid content because I have a life outside of this game.

  7. They outnumber regular runs 90/10. They shouldnt be the normal way to do content

  8. In the book that must not be named , a certain person's daughter disarms Harry and Hermione defeated her , so Hermione is the owner of the elder wand.

  9. Oh! I was always under the assumption that took place before HP, I've never read it. Is it not worth since it's referred to as the "book that shall not be named "?!

  10. Does your husband rule all of New Jersey and work in waste management ?

  11. "From muslims banning pride month and bringing sharia law" opposed to the christian and conservatives who also oppose pride month and want to bring christian law ?

  12. So many of those laser line indicators in league are buggy and fucked so it Akshans was too I wouldn't be surprised

  13. Line indicators dont work well around river transition due to the change in height

  14. Extra creamy brownies, home made. Even making them just takes your mind or body out of the things it's thinking or feeling

  15. I would find it incredibly disrespectful to Hauntzer, Sven, and Turtle, who are celebrated veterans of our golden age (turtle twice), aswell as to all up and coming talent, to put them in our ACADEMY team.

  16. bruh i love these boys to death but come on now they're washed as fuck

  17. As would Mick Jagger, Keith Richards and countless others. 😜

  18. I saw the Stones in Amsterdams past july, and Keith sucked ass. I love Keith to death still, but the man didnt move at all, his solos were really lackluster and his timing was quite off a few times. Still loved the show though, Mick and Ronnie were on absolute fire.

  19. The first time i did this fight, I was not even expecting to enter a boss fight. Scared the shit out of me

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