
  1. Where does the change go if used as intended? Doesn’t seem to have a dropbox or storage area for the quarters

  2. Want to try this so bad but don’t think it’d work with both nostrils & septum pierced.

  3. What is a loaded tea?? My first assumption is an alcoholic beverage?

  4. Well that’d just be too girly. Can’t go overboard now.

  5. Kids probably sneaked in, set it up, then did it. Dude that got spanked seemed sleep so they could’ve easily just tiptoed passed him rq. That’s my guess

  6. I wonder how it knows boat=human=scratches. This is not their first rodeo & hopefully not their last

  7. Ngl the minis taste infinitely better than the original sized.

  8. When I worked at KFC, there was a girl whose boyfriend would stay parked outside the door the during her entire shift. That is not something I've seen commonly and it's a HUGE red flag.

  9. When I (24F) had first became homeless my bf had just started a new job & I was staying in his car. I’d stay outside his job for a while on the side, simply bc I didn’t know where to go until he was off, he had an hour long break mid shift & they had great shade so I could turn the car off from time to time. I never realized his coworkers probably thought I was watching him until reading this comment

  10. He forgot it was an escape room & was ready to fight for his life.

  11. What type of car is this? Love the minimal look on the dashboard

  12. Jeff ain’t even flinch or have that awkward hand thing after the slap when you dunno how to fight. He done slapped a few mfs before.

  13. It always comes around to BKF! It is awesome though. I bought some because of this sub.

  14. I will be buying some when I go to the store bc of this sub too lol seems to fix & clean everything

  15. The eyebrow caught !my attention more than anything

  16. Tell me you're unemployed,without telling me you're unemployed.

  17. I doubt she kept these on for a long time, as they’re probably for a nail show. But given that expensive bracelet on her wrist idk if money’s a problem for her.

  18. I’ve seen the truck & car driving around but never the middle one. Crazy to scroll on here & see it posted lol

  19. Basically just big spotlights. They use them at events and stuff (as comment above mentions) but cases like this they usually flash in the sky in some arranged pattern. Think of it as a light show. And tbh if the clouds weren't there I doubt they would even be able to be seen.

  20. This reminds me of when I was younger & lived close to the downtown area in my city. There would be this solo light that shot straight up or sometimes moved in the shape of an infinity sign, probably from the mall or a club idk. But man you couldn’t convince younger me it wasn’t secret batman.

  21. I like to use air freshener. Continuous mist & seems to drop em quicker

  22. Unless you feel the lady is flirting, I’d say to simply treat it the same regardless of gender. Give a :) not a :D and slightly nod to give acknowledgement. Don’t stare & keep it moving unless they hold eye contact after (and you’re sure it’s you they’re interacting with). Where I’m from simply making eye contact in a Walmart aisle follows up with a :)

  23. If a car still drives but the breaks don’t work, you’d have to be a dumb mf to still drive it because “well I mean it drives”. Especially if it was said before hand not to use it & said dumb mf takes it upon themselves not to listen.

  24. The only sin here is the underwear, if you are going to open the blinds make sure it is worth looking at

  25. I think they look great like this & would also look great with a thong. The undies in the pic could’ve been way worse so I assume she put thought into them, this look is on purpose. Guess it depends on the look you’re going for.

  26. Ant nerd here, this is an Atta sp. queen ant! They are better known as leaf-cutter ants because they cut leaves and feed them to the fungus they grow underground. Workers can come in many different sizes and colonies can get hundreds of thousands of workers at a mature size and they can make incredibly long trails. This genus is one of the larger species of ants and are very cool. Founding them (the process of getting the queen to her first workers) is a bit of a challenge, they like to die for absolutely no reason besides maybe stress. They are a pretty expensive species with prices ranging from $100-$500 outside of their native range.

  27. What sparked your interest in ants? If you don’t mind me asking

  28. That first look is saying “so you not gone appreciate my hard work & dedication? Shit took like 12 minutes to find”

  29. Ohhh that baby is the cutest!! Go Donut good job!

  30. To me tobacco is the gateway drug. Almost every person I know who does hardcore drugs smokes ciggs; but not every cigarette smoker I know does harder shit.

  31. Keep doin that & her edges will be non existent. Made me physically cringe just thinking about it

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