
  1. My friend tried to hold him and he jumped out her hands and was never seen again. I always wonder how he spent his last days

  2. My other friend had one that fell into an open air vent and died in there. They had to have the whole system torn out and redone to get rid of the smell. This story inspired me to start this thread lmao.

  3. Yeah, something to know about honeybadgers is that they give zero fucks. They will take on multiple animals multiple times their size and WIN.

  4. I would have done worse if my daughter called me a dirty slut so she should count herself lucky

  5. Underrated comment. If I ever spoke like this to my mother you can say goodbye to me

  6. Your poor daughter is going to begin to resent you if you ground her for 7 months over a situation brought out by your sister being emotionally manipulative. While simultaneously processing that she was conceived through violence. That's all I have to say here.

  7. My head is kinda in the clouds right now but no, my puns shall fly high until I’m six feet under, only then shall I return to solid ground

  8. I’m generally hypo but got chest pain and pounding heart (amongst other things) when I went waaaaay hyper. It was horrible and scary. And it went away when I got my synthroid dosage adjusted.

  9. That could be it. My heart was pounding and it felt like clicking in my chest you know?

  10. Hmm I’m sorry to hear that…my heart rate is low if anything…maybe there was a family incident that happened that triggered anxiety?? I honestly can’t hang out w certain family members anymore because of stress…I used to get bad chest pains when the pandemic started due to severe anxiety & depression…I would get bloodwork done & an EKG? Maybe it’s anxiety related? Or some people were saying they had weird chest pain after the vid vaccine? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I dunno I hope you figure it out!

  11. “Care clouds judgment. That is why you cannot win. This place… isn’t yours anymore.”

  12. “Care clouds judgment. That is why you cannot win. This place… isn’t yours anymore.”

  13. What os a prolapsed anus? That doesn’t even look like an anus!!!

  14. Wtf does he mean by kids those are full grown ass adults💀

  15. You have the greatest day any person has ever lived through!

  16. They push—we push. Every once in a while, we push hard enough that the light breaks through the clouds... so the world beyond the war glimmers... just out of reach. The war is the world and the world is the war. But behind every gunsight is a human being. We are those people. We are the jaded and we are the naive. We are the honorable and we are the criminal. We are the bound-for-legend and we are the lost-to-history. We are the knights of the sky, the ghosts in the desert, and the rats in the mud.

  17. If you supported the BLM riots then you should just be quiet or admit that they were pure vandalism and looting.

  18. i may be wrong but there are 3 genders, hermaphrodites are people born with both male and female genitalia.

  19. Yes thanks for pointing that out. I was thinking about saying that but like you said it’s fixed early on

  20. Well I can respect it. But making up all these “genders” (some of which aren’t even genders, they’re sexualities) is ridiculous. Two genders. And all the sexualities except the dumb ones.

  21. Somebody has too much money, but this is a very rare occasion where it’s being used well.

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