
  1. Umm…so 28 isn’t old and 30 isn’t the end of youth. But I’m glad you’re feeling good about your appearance and that you feel free.

  2. We've never met them before. My husband didn't recognize either parent, and they didn't recognize him. They're a Dominican heterosexual couple. We're a white heterosexual couple. I don't think that's it. My husband works with a lot of immigrants at his job. He's never had a problem with people of other races. Our daughter's best friend is Jewish, even.

  3. Your husband wanting to meet the parents isn’t strange.

  4. You’re not obligated to share your food with anyone, but it’s a nice gesture. If you didn’t want to share something you had already bought, you could’ve bought a separate sandwich for him. Your friend saw someone in need and tried to do something kind. You didn’t have to push back the way you did. Also, saying a homeless person shouldn’t be allowed in the food court is unnecessarily mean. Plus it’s a company card, so it’s not even your money. YTA

  5. Right? Sympathising with the person you love should be the easiest thing in the world. I don’t understand why he even married her when he seems to resent her! Why do people marry people that they don’t like?! I’ve seen a lot of this on AITA recently. It’s sad.

  6. 2i2 all the way! It’s nifty and has kept me going for years. Also, I guarantee that if you get the solo you’ll have a situation where the 2i2 would’ve been perfect and you’ll be kicking yourself.

  7. I’m the same. As a producer I wanna be behind the scenes but as a white female producing rap in the Midwest of the US, if I ever did get known I wouldn’t be able to handle the criticism bc I wanna make everyone happy 🫠 which is prob why I sabotage my music 🤷🏼‍♀️💆🏼‍♀️

  8. Are you me? 😂 Self sabotage is the name of the game!

  9. Self Sabotage is the name of the new band

  10. Awesome! You can be the drummer,

  11. I'll be in my room, making no noise and pretending I'm not there.

  12. Right? I was thinking I’ll be at home, in my room watching halloween classics that are not scary and eating snacks.

  13. Idk id rather have a friend who’s struggling with being a good person rather than someone who steals from me and is just like, “yep it was me, guilty as charged motherfucker. What’re you gonna do about it?”

  14. Haha! But at least if they told the truth you could be like “what in the psychopath?!” and you could stop being friends with them.

  15. This is Exactly what I'm going through. His name is actually Mike too.😞. It hurts more than I can say.

  16. It’s so sad that you’re going through that!

  17. I say cross that bridge when you come to it! You have a lot of time before that happens so don’t make problems before they become relevant to you.

  18. Good luck and Happy Cake Day!

  19. You tried your absolute best. You tried to give B all the support and care that you possibly could. He needs to be away from the general population so that he can get the specialised support that he requires and so that everyone is safe.

  20. This makes me so sad! 🥺 You should never feel like you are second best in a relationship. It’s sad that you put up with it. But I’m glad that you’ve finally decided to kick him to the curb.

  21. Ah the ol’ poop in the hat! A classic! 😂

  22. Thanks for sharing the link!

  23. LMAOO your puns 💀😭 You’ve got me rolling. But yeah, these people are so dumb. I won’t even feel sorry for them if they do end up developing something later on. Maybe that’s me being an ass but hey 🤷‍♂️

  24. Sharpay & Ryan from High School Musical. They were just working hard for their dreams and trying to bop to the top.

  25. Yeah my ex went through a spate of calling me drunk and crying asking me to go back. I was in a relationship with someone else at the time and he knew that.

  26. Right?! The drunk calling, the texts, the turning up to the house to drunkenly make a scene. I can’t tell you how many time my friends ex tried to pick a fight with her new man…a man who treats her with love and respect.

  27. Of course I’ve made mistakes before. I am human. Messing things up is part of the human experience…But so is taking responsibility, understanding when you’ve hurt someone and coming to terms with the fact that some wrongs can never be undone.

  28. OMG!!! I’ve never been so happy to hear an update in my life! First I’m so proud of you for calling her husband and letting him know what an awful person he’s married to. Even if he doesn’t leave at least he has all the facts now. As for your father I’m very glad to hear you’ll give it a shot at fixing your relationship with him and that you’ll continue to stay no contact with your mother and sister. As for your ex fiancé please be sure to think about things very thoroughly as the relationship has a lot of trauma and you’re doing so good right I wouldn’t want to read an update where you take 1 step forward and then 3 steps back. I don’t see why you can’t at the very most be friends though IMO. I’m just so happy you got to get some closure and updated us as well. I wish you all the best and I will definitely keep an eye out for anymore updates.

  29. Right?! I’m so happy for an update!

  30. if nothing else y’all not having kids has gotta make divorce less of a hassle. best of luck

  31. I was expecting this update, but I’m still surprised idk why. Your sister and her husband definitely need to know. It’s a safety issue at this point, especially with kids involved.

  32. Yes!! You can’t go wrong with any of these. Another that I would suggest is Mean Girls. I’ve never met anyone who dislikes that movie.

  33. Yeah this is the obvious and only answer lol

  34. You are not a child that your girlfriend can “punish” you are an equal person in what should be a partnership.

  35. So no one told you life was gonna be this waaaaay clap clap clap

  36. Any friends are not necessarily real friends.

  37. When I was a kid adults would make out like they knew everything and had it all figured out. But now that I’m an adult I have realised that they didn’t know diddly squat! They were faking it and muddling through life trying to figure it all out. Just like I am. Just like everyone is.

  38. Renting movies from blockbuster

  39. To be fair I don’t know if they’re missing much. My local Blockbuster always smelled funny and all the videos (VHS shock horror!😱) were always sticky for some inexplicable reason!

  40. Being unable to use your phone and Internet at the same time.

  41. Having a set computer time so that you could use the internet lol. It used to take ages to download a picture or a webpage 😂

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