
  1. zuzg says:

    It's actually debatable if it was intentionally inflammatory

  2. Ich habe lieber Mods, die hier noch zumindest einen Teil an Herzblut reinstecken, als irgendwelche Randos und das ganze hier zu einem Facebookabklatsch verkommt was das Niveau angeht. Und nur weil man links eingestellt ist, heißt das nicht, dass man jeden Kampf aus Prinzip bis zu Ende kämpfen muss, wenn absolut klar ist, dass das Resultat zu 100% beschissener wird.

  3. zuzg says:

    Irgendwie besteht bei manchen der Irrglaube das nsfw schaltung die einzige Form des Protests ist.

  4. Ah du warst also mit in der Telko am Wochenende? Liest sich jedenfalls so.

  5. zuzg says:

    in diesem Kommentar gibst du offen zu

  6. I am fairly new to reddit and don't know how to use hide spoiler so let's just pulse here for people who don't want to see it.

  7. You enjoy when games are removed. So adult. You can give people rights to games if they subscribed at the time. To make people pay for a game that was free for months or a year is foolish. Goofballs here desperately cape for Sony as if they need to make even more money. Let’s TRY and clown users for wanting a better service. Go jerk off to a PS logo.

  8. zuzg says:

    Ps+ Essential tier gives you 2-3 games per month, that are tied to your ps+ account indefinitely.

  9. As someone who doesn't really care either way, I will say that the changes they made to Aloys character model between the first and second game were a bit of an odd choice. They pudged her up and changed her facial structure in fairly unnecessary ways, and I'm not sure what the intention behind it was.

  10. That’s not actually true. Exposure to marijuana before the age of 27 is associated with a significant decrease in IQ (meaning a reduction in IQ from the pre-marijuana IQ, not just correlation between consumption and low IQ), as well as a range of other serious side effects (mood disorders, psychotic disorders, suicidality, self harm, AND HIGHER RISK OF MOTOR ACCIDENTS!!!).

  11. the top right face crying is basically kobeni during the Family Burger panels

  12. zuzg says:

    Still one of the funniest panels in Manga history.

  13. Dc has already shown to us what a true disaster is twice this year

  14. zuzg says:

    DCEU is dead at this point. What were currently seeing is the corpse twitching but it's dead nonetheless.

  15. I cannot remember a time where I've seen so many Nazi and Confederate flags in public. Trump unleashed and fed a huge, ugly hatred that is still growing. It's as if we took a huge step backwards into ignorance and violence.

  16. zuzg says:

    Remember when Lindsey Graham did an interview with Trevor Noah prior to Trumps Presidency with him saying "if we choose Trump as President it will hurt and divide the GOP for decades to come"

  17. Shouldn't there be a janitor rather than the CEO on board of that sinking tub?

  18. zuzg says:

    Nope it's a very clear users vs admins.

  19. Not really much astroturfing needed since a lot of users already had a huge hate boner for mods for a while now.

  20. zuzg says:

    Sure bad mods like awkwardturtle exist and that one deserved getting removed and permabanned.

  21. I Can also see the peak of Mt Everest from my couch. But actually physically getting there is a feat.

  22. zuzg says:

    Difference is that when you reach the peak of Mt Everest you can actually see it with your own two eyes...

  23. What happened there ? I remember that sub used to hit the frontpage

  24. zuzg says:

    Iirc people complained mods are slacking off which resulted to the Mods saying fuck you and really stopped moderating. Lots of porn and bot content followed.

  25. I'm going to run a script to edit all of my past comments (8 years worth on my main account) into some form of protest message.

  26. zuzg says:

    Afaik there have been cases recently with Reddit Admin undoing such history purges to keep your content and apparently they're allowed to do so per the ToS.

  27. See that's another things that proves you don't give a shit about the changes. You're just upset that you can't use the same app anymore. If you were truly upset you would have stopped using the website to not support them in any way at all. Instead by waiting it just shows your upset it inconveniences you.

  28. So the issue is what? Moderators upset that their power was threatened?

  29. zuzg says:

    Users justifiable upset about reddit being anti-consumer and acting in Bad faith.

  30. This is a crucially important piece of information.

  31. zuzg says:

    Won't stop the average Twitter user from harassing the wrong one.

  32. Anti-consumer when you don’t pay to use Reddit… lol

  33. zuzg says:

    Recent post from the Apollo Dev

  34. The app dev isn’t the consumer, you are.

  35. zuzg says:

    I don't get anything for free.

  36. Alita benefited a lot from being a decades-old Cameron script that had a light coat of paint put over it, I think.

  37. zuzg says:

    Probably cause the movie tried to be loyal to the anime which came out in the early 90s.

  38. Sorry, to be clear, I mean GDT’s quote. Not your comment. I love Pacific Rim and it seems pretty anime influenced.

  39. zuzg says:

    Oh I see, in his defense he goes further into detail and he's a good point.

  40. A couple people did exactly that, and I appreciated that, but most did not.

  41. zuzg says:

    LEDs are awesome, they last much longer, use a fraction of the energy and are brighter.

  42. If they are illegal, how are they passing with whatever agency is responsible for testing them?

  43. zuzg says:

    "for off-road use only" put that nifty sticker on your box of LED headlights and it's perfectly legal to sell.

  44. Then people should do better research on what they're buying. I can't speak for Germany but in America all of the major grocery stores and big box stores put out weekly ads and have prices listed online so it's fairly easy to compare the price for a box of Wheaties across multiple stores for example.

  45. The fining of Walmart for illegal aggressive business tactics was indeed one of the reasons for their withdrawal from Germany. They tried the usual thing of outspending competition, planning to tank losses for years to bleed out other retailers. However, in Germany they went head to head with some of Europe's fiercest discount retail juggernauts, Lidl and Aldi, and they only could compete with their business model by massively and strategically violating labor protection laws etc.

  46. In general I don't understand the hate for the new season but they're entitled to their opinion. I find it funny that people are gate keeping what Black Mirror is as well, it's mostly stand alone stories with minor Easter eggs that tie in some stories to the same "universe". I feel like there's plenty of thought provoking ideas and I do enjoy them branching out to other genres as well. Not saying it's my favorite season after 1 watch but I enjoyed each episode. I may not rewatch Joan is Awful or Mazey Day much but that could change as some episodes grow on me. At least it's something different

  47. By the end of the year, I think Mario, Vol.3, Spider Verse and Fast X will be the only ones on this current list that will still be in the Top 10.

  48. zuzg says:

    The 3 other Marvel movie will eventually end up on D+, heck Ant-man already is. And Fans that wanted to watch them in the movies already did.

  49. Yes!!!! Just watched the season 2 finale and loved it. The wait for S3 is going to be painful but worth it in the end. Can’t wait to see Thorfinn’s journey continue, I love the hell out of this show. I honestly thank everyone who worked on this show. Thorfinn is such a phenomenal and complex character with a lot of heart he’s come a long way.

  50. I’m confident in calling this the best anime I’ve ever watched and I’ve watched countless shows. The only thing that maybe comes close for me is HxH.

  51. zuzg says:

    Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is on a similar level.

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