
  1. women are not allowed in this house and i don't think you can do it for them because you have no idea how much they love me.

  2. He was actually doing fine until the dumbass cut in front of him

  3. A lot of people do fine driving blindfolded until someone/ something cuts in front of them

  4. Bro he still has eyes (I’m assuming)

  5. This assumption is beyond our abilities to confirm. But one could though assume that with that cabinet in front of him he is as good as a person without eyes

  6. Where was Gondor when the world came into existence?

  7. It was just the beginning for the new generation to be ready. So i think the next step will come from a different perspective of what the new generations are doing and how to do things in a way they are doing now that we have the time and energy and resources and resources and we can do things that are more meaningful.

  8. You better pray you aren’t gonna be kidnapped

  9. three guys blowing their instruments simultaneously

  10. what happens if one stands for both nampat and grond?

  11. "Mężczyzna zaatakował, bo podczas jazdy przewrócił się wózek z dzieckiem, które towarzyszyło jemu i kobiecie z nim jadącej. Grozi mu 5 lat więzienia."

  12. I was just thinking about what needs to happen for such a reaction, thought it would be for sure children related

  13. Me clicking on this: How did they bend their finger like... Not a finger... 😳

  14. With each grunt, he grows stronger

  15. Just keep buying guys and save my marriage

  16. my man I always comment bear attack posts with "obviously staged" no one ever gets it

  17. Having sex with that guys dead wife

  18. karma farmer gets downvoted to oblivion

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