
  1. I did & there are more articles. But you refuse to believe facts which is pretty typical. Typical. Typical typical typical.

  2. You didn't read until the end. What he wrote was satire

  3. You can use a tangent all you like, it doesn't answer the question on the knowledge you have when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth.

  4. There still has to be more to it though. You typically don't go THIS far with somebody unless they pulled some Bill Cosby & Harvey Weinstein shit.

  5. Is this about Bill Clinton or Trump or both lol

  6. It’s stupid to be winning a war having committed zero troops???

  7. Biden is the one tearing down America but you don't get it. He's not winning any war. He just sabotaged a huge pipeline now Europe is fucked and energy prices are going to be even more insane. I don't think you understand who you are rooting for.

  8. Biden said he would end the pipeline himself. Are you dense?

  9. I wonder if Aztecs had some underwater city myths too, or any of the mesoamerican cultures

  10. They believed there were 3 layers of the universe. I don't know who thought up this version of Namor but it's way out of left field

  11. I mean it's not like they have treated Nordic gods as they originally are.

  12. Do you know anything about the Aztecs? Wouldn't you want an original character not one that's existed for 50 years repurposed just to pander to you?

  13. It wasn't horrible because it had "the chicks" in it. (Although I wouldn't have made it all women. I'd have had at least one male member of the team and maybe one character who was trans.)

  14. I didn't say it was horrible because of the women. Though none of them are funny. It sucked because it was all adlibbed to shit

  15. I'm not bitching. I commented on it. Why do you care? Were you in it or are you more retarded than the writers?

  16. Oh yeah. I forgot about that. It is stupid. How could she be the killer

  17. Yeah, Prince Charles Cinema in London do a marathon back-to-back screening of all three films.

  18. If you have coors he will come.... Skooooooooooal

  19. Just watch the first one and stop right there

  20. Gawl dawlg. Talmbout my boyz over at Dog Fartch? Luv’m like a brutha. Best in the the bizness. Niiiiiver been wrong in 900 yairs of MMA reporting.

  21. They are sweethearts b. Some say the sweetheartiest b. Bbbbeast of reporters

  22. Why is his hate directed at Zuckerberg? Dude has money and wanted to rent it out. Dana obliged. If he did any research, he’d know Zuckerberg is an actual fan and could easily name 10 lol.

  23. Fuck Zuckerberg. He's a piece of shit. Some say the biggest

  24. What dummy. Climate change is a hoax

  25. I'm not a fan of Clive Owen and will usually avoid something he's in (unless it highly acclaimed like Children of Men), shoot em up was a fun movie though.

  26. Why? Why? Why? Clive Owen has the coolest voice and delivery.

  27. I always thought that was some way to trap people into these small groups. Thanks for answering

  28. That line probably wasn't said but to say Black people didn't talk like that in 1989 is just retarded. "Us", "We", "Ours", that didn't start now. On a personal note, I am black and I never say "we". Why the hell would I ? I am not a mindless drone.

  29. You're not part of the black community?

  30. Ha ha..when are you releasing that in paperback you narcissist?

  31. Why Virgy? Him and Royce combined are insanely irritating


  33. What does Shuli still have a flip phone? I'm calling Shenanigans

  34. I just can’t get on the Shuli bandwagon! I can’t stand his face

  35. He sucks. He's getting jokes from this sub too. I'm not sure I believe this story either

  36. I think that's the point of the picture

  37. comic books and their movies should inherently be lame. the trend away from it has been the genres downfall

  38. I'm talking about what happened in the movie. I stopped reading comics when they got retarded

  39. Calling people phobic or using isms is a thing of yours I see.

  40. How was I transphobic? I never said I was scared of a trans person

  41. Fun fact: Connecticut has some of the richest Counties in America

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