
  1. I was the subject of some pretty heinous intimate partner abuse. Everyone seemed to pick sides at random before knowing anything, and stuck to their chosen side even after the truth was forced out in court.

  2. If you let it happen, your daughter will remember forever that you did nothing.

  3. Question for you… where’s your proof that this guy is telling the truth? After you literally called me racist for “not having any proof”, surely you wouldn’t be a hypocrite… right?!

  4. I didn't claim he was telling the truth. I honestly don't really give a shit about the guy tbh. What I do give a shit about is people making unsubstantiable claims based on race, which I can tell you're itching to do based on your guessing at mine.

  5. You're talking to me so thanks I guess. Stop any time though.

  6. Give me a breakdown of men vs women users on Instagram. You can say 'people' all you want, but that's like saying 'people' shop for dresses. Some men do, but it's gonna be mostly women.

  7. If I say "people steal things" and you say "that's racist", who is the one being racist?

  8. As someone who works in criminal justice, there's a good reason we don't listen to the public. That comment just has so many things wrong with it, it's hard to know where to start.

  9. The criminal justice system puts people to death, I just wanna watch TV lol. Heck, the criminal justice system in my country used to castrate people for being too dumb or too black as recently as the 70s. Your horse isn't that high.

  10. You're not cheesing with this build lol you're fine. Don't fall into the FromSoft elitists' opinion that bosses should be killed naked with a longsword. You're supposed to take advantage of everything and anything the game gives you to move forward, that's the whole point. It's only cheese if you use an exploit to kill a boss in a way that wasn't intended. Freezing up Radagon, for example. And those are usually patched out anyway.

  11. My strategy is so embarrassingly cowardly that I wont share it. Shameful. Plus I was aiming for Fia's ending because I like hugs, then she died. At least I could pretend I wasn't maidenless for a time.

  12. Elden Ring. I was so close beating the elden beast and I got burned up right at the end. Game is long and I tend to take my sweet time as well. I replayed the game a few months ago and got burned up again somewhere near the end (basically have Malenia, Malekith and the ending), is it is so hard to pick it from this point on because I'm rusty and the content gets harder.

  13. It felt like every single boss was "last boss" hard, so the only way I could progress at all was to find a way to cheese them. It made me feel like Patches. I didnt deserve it. My lack of strength did not befit the crown. Gideon was right, I was too tarnished to be Elden Lord...

  14. You would regret this the second you want to google a random question, or watch a how-to video on how to change a tire, or check the score of the NFL game, or look up the phone number or menu of restaurants nearby, or check their bank account, or open a verification email, or read a recipe while in the kitchen, or get directions in the car. I find it hard to believe that everyone in this threat pinning for a dumb phone isn’t taking for granted just how much they rely on their smart phone.

  15. Get one for yourself but let your daughter experience life like all her friends around her, lest she become an outcast.

  16. I'm trying to do better than everyone else for her sake and mine. All her friends around her were raised by an OtterBoxed IPad as a third parent. No fuckin thanks, I prefer to raise a functional adult.

  17. Feels like she wants to be like MoistCr1TiKaL + CjDachamp.

  18. I made it 4.5 seconds before closing the video out of cringe. I don't care about the importance of anything said if it's said like that.

  19. I think it's crazy how she's the only one in the photo that looks in distress. Not saying she is the only one in distress, but everyone else looks so casual

  20. Likely that everyone else has already had an opportunity to initially feel and begin to process this emotion. Ms. Vecchio is captured here in her initial comprehension of a particularly personal one.

  21. "You built the home" says the guy holding a hammer.

  22. The article says that she also posted swastikas on her vkontakte page, so I guess that everyone involved, including her, are indeed assholes.

  23. It's called vapor lock and it can stall out the aircraft if they fire for too long

  24. Yes because the gun's exhaust gases displace oxygen at the engine intake needed for combustion.

  25. Starfox for Super Nintendo. It had groundbreaking 3D effects in its day, but is capped at 20fps which feels like 2 seconds per frame.

  26. She is not describing CNC, she is describing straight up NC. If your gf could only get off if you loaded a gun, put it in her hands, and she held it against your head, would you continue in a relationship with her?

  27. Bulbasaur. He is the best starter and I will fight anyone who disagrees.

  28. Picking Bulbasaur is the same as picking easy difficulty.

  29. If the kids were being abused and the grandparents became aware, it was their responsibility to collect and present credible evidence to appropriate legal channels. They didn't do that. They did the opposite of that.

  30. Never dealt with CPS have you they are the biggest bunch of kidnappers in America. While many foster parents are kind and loving and do it for love. Many are in it for the check or worse still to control people, and neglect and abuse is way too common.

  31. I've had my child temporarily removed from my custody by CPS (edit: I live in Canada, so our equivalent is the Ministry of Children and Family Development) due to a false claim from an ex. It was promptly investigated and closed. It happened a number of times with different claims too. It was family court that took ages, not MCFD.

  32. Your dad wants to teach you a lesson in financial responsibility. You should respond in kind.

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