
  1. Oh my god I'm exactly in the same position as you and even in the same concert! So I'm curious to see the replies, even if generally there aren't many over here

  2. This looks so impressive, especially for the budget. Well done getting it made!

  3. Thanks for your comment, I don't have any international screening planned for the moment but I'll post a new international trailer if that's the case :) (And it'll end up on my youtube channel anyway))

  4. This looks amazing. What kind of camera did you use to make this? It looks ready for the big screen :)

  5. Thx! I used a Sony A7C (same sensor as A7III), which is made for vlogging originally but it was good/cheap enough for me, and most importantly very small, light and practical

  6. Is this like a completely independent film? Can't find any info on it on imdb or letterboxd. Looks interesting!

  7. Hey the director here! Yes, it's very very independent in the sense that it's just me behind the camera and I got mostly my friends to act in it because I wanted to try making a movie

  8. Did you pull focus yourself? Looks great (but stressful!)

  9. Most of the shots are done with autofocus thankfully, or else it would have been impossible to handle that many things at once (and thanks!)

  10. Found the fix, make sure hardware acceleration is on if you are using google chrome. You can find it in settings

  11. You really are the bestest dude, that's so cool and atmospheric! Even the lighting and color choice, it's all perfect. How did you animate all those maggots though?

  12. Okay seems straightforward enough :) Thx for replying!

  13. Safety Last (1923) by Harold Lloyd is now a century old, but it's humour is still so, so relevant, and personally, I prefer it to Chaplin :)

  14. This is probably not it, because they didn't make a black and white music video, but

  15. Nah that's actually very accurate, as I've DP'd a ton of student films, each time the director wants their characters sitting on a couch againt a white wall in a tiny apartment, shot from the front of course. Then they decide they wanna show every other angle so it's pretty much impossible to light well. That's what you get when you refuse to prep haha From experience, the best-looking student films are shot outside, in natural landscapes :)

  16. Dude this was absolutely incredible. I need more. Do you or whoever made this have any other stuff?

  17. A bit late but yeah I'm the creator of the video and there's plenty more on my channel

  18. Says the video is private

  19. If it was longer than 20 minutes I would have lost all motivation to finish it haha There is still the previous episodes you can watch though

  20. I doubt the others actually have a grasp on modern french cinema - we're probably all from the anglosphere; but the idea is that French culture - especially the arts, has a reputation of being esoteric and avant-garde. I mean the first real feature length film a trip to the moon (or more accurately La voyage dans la lune) was a french film.

  21. ?? What are you talking about? Yes I know I'm late to this discussion but A trip to the moon is like 15 minutes long, it's actually Australia that produced the first feature film (The Story of the Kelly Gang, 1906)

  22. Do you have a written, signed release from the parent (and maybe also the child, depending on age)? That would help to determine if the video is legal. (However, just because a video is legal doesn't mean that YouTube can't take it down, for any reason they may have.)

  23. Sadly no, it was just a verbal agreement since I knew them personally and often frequented them. For information, I am a minor too.

  24. The bottom line is that it is YouTube's website and they can decide what they want to carry on it. She can request that YouTube take it down, giving some reason. YouTube can decide whether or not they agree with that reason, and take it down or not.

  25. Okay thanks for your answer, and trust me I definitely will get signed releases in the future even for non-professional projects.

  26. It's not a matter of noise, mostly of color and lighting. For example your grass looks a bit too saturated, hence a "plastic" look. Also, it's way too messy, more so than in real life. If you look at a

  27. Un très joyeux anniversaire à toi, je suis désolé de ne pas avoir été aux précédents ! Tu connais les affaires avec ta tatie... Olala mais qu'est-ce que tu as grandi... Bientôt tu vas tous nous dépasser ! Je t'ai pris un sac à dos winx tu aimes toujours ça non ???

  28. It's a reference from The Social Network, about changing "The Facebook" to just "Facebook"

  29. I actually do a lot of regular live-action shooting as well as vfx/animation, but the latter stands out more in the showreel. Should I make it more general on all the things I can do or focus on the things that less people do and is more visually striking?

  30. Well it certainly makes me feel bad about my skills so I’d say so!

  31. Okay, I wasn't sure about this shot! Thank you and duly noted.

  32. If I had to guess it would be a 3D scan of a car and a smoke+fire sim but that looks seriously good and is very eye-catching! Props to you

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