
  1. Yeah, select RTX 2000 series cards supported it, and then only the RTX 3090 supported it for the 3000 series. Now with the 4000 series it’s officially dead on the consumer side, although it lives on in the professional “Quadro” lineup. (Yes, I know it isn’t called Quadro anymore, but still)

  2. Sort of? LTT did a retrospective with dual 3090s and I think Shadow of the Tomb Raider still saw meaningful benefits, but outside of that title I don’t think anything else they tested responded positively, beyond maybe some games picking up 5-10% average FPS at the expense of 5 to tens of frames in the minimum FPS.

  3. interesting but kind of sad. Sounds like a waste of money and electricity ultimately.

  4. PSN is not available in quite a few countries where people have bought HD2. philippines, the baltics, and russia for example. Essentially now locking out all of these people from playing

  5. Russians will be locked out? Excellent. Fuck em. if they want good games they should stop behaving like themselves for a change.

  6. Does this mean that if I buy this on steam and link it to my PSN account I will be able to download it in my PS5?

  7. 8’ was nothing for my childhood pitbull. She was the biggest baby, but she would literally climb the corner of the fence if you weren’t keeping an eye on her!

  8. There were children that needed biting on the other side of that fence!

  9. They can downvote me all they want, there was a post right next to this one on

  10. Asuna, especially in the Alfheim arc, is a thousand times better than her canon personality. That whole “really?” “NOOOOOOOO” moment

  11. I never thought making a character racist could be such an improvement.

  12. LBTs sales are always fun if only to see what they've marked down from the original prices. $900 for a renamed, slightly updated 6094? Thank you, no, lol.

  13. The funniest part is that the gear they sell through their website isn't NIR compliant. They only use the correct fabric for unit orders or people with MIL/LEO IDs to prevent that stuff from "falling into the wrong hands." They're permanently on my shitlist for that.

  14. This is an all-time understatement. Every time people make fun of Canadians for being soft/too polite, just ask someone about WW1.

  15. I'm 49, and I think that the "no closed doors" and "internet blockers" are both utterly insane for teens that old.

  16. I was raised with unrestricted internet access. it was not healthy. I'm not repeating that mistake when I have kids.

  17. It's about the age. When young? absolutely. But you need to start relaxing restrictions when they get older, which includes backing off of censoring the internet. The internet should not still be restricted for teens preparing for college.

  18. I'd say no unrestricted internet before 16. And even then I'm skeptical about not blocking 4chan/Incel forums and the like.

  19. Your post and comments seem like you do in fact hate them, you just don’t want to admit the words that you “hate them”

  20. The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. Which seems to be where OP is with her parents.

  21. Yeah… I’m guessing it’s not your brothers friend that are uncomfortable , They are probably just your average teen boy idiots who see an opportunity take the piss out of your brother and it’s making him uncomfortable… most of the time teenager boys just find the sore spot on their friends and poke it … it’s clear your brother and dad are embarrassed by your choices and it’s them you need to educate rather then hiding from the friends…. What are you wearing anyway, is it a full twin set and pearls or are we talking black nail varnish and kilts

  22. His brother is mad that his friends are interested in OP I'd bet.

  23. Not wanting to march to certain death fighting other men's wars doesn't make you a spineless coward lmao, self-preservation is the most basic instinct every organism on this planet has.

  24. If your home is under attack, it's your war. War is also not certain death. What the fuck happened to people having a sense of civic duty?

  25. That's not how it works. Taxes do a lot more than provide housing and free education. All kinds of infrastructure, roads, electricity, heating, communication was built and is being maintained by the government through taxes. Meaning everything you think is wholly your achievement has been built by the collective of your country's people for everyone to use. You, your children, your private school, maybe even your business (one you work for or own, doesn't matter) rely on these things. That's how you are reimbursed for your taxes.

  26. In total war with another country, not fighting will not save your life. You can still be killed by an airstrike. You may be raped and murdered if the enemy occupies the place you live. You may be killed by security forces on a whim if your country outright loses the war. What you're missing, is having all the things that you listed can only continue to exist if you protect them. What's the point to building all of that if you are unwilling to do anything to defend it when someone else seeks to destroy it? In an ideal world, no one would have to go to war and risk death. But we don't live in an ideal world. We live in one where shitty people try to steal from others with force and use violence to generally get what they want. Sometimes societies need to force the issue if they want to survive. Especially when the alternative is a potentially indefinite period of brutal subjugation at the hands of an aggressor that sees your people as being less than human. The individual that dies cannot be reimbursed obviously. But a society built off of pure individualism is inevitably doomed.

  27. that retard is nothing compared to lucas botkin and the hellhole of a cult that he crawled out of

  28. I will never stop being horny for 10ft tall muscle mommy super soldiers.

  29. Then fuck off back to R34 and stay out our hobby which has nothing to do with sex or getting off.

  30. Christian here. He is right. These people playing Christian are the very people the Bible warns against. It's your choice to believe what you want. Be fearful of the people who hate you for it.

  31. Christ is King, but Christ's kingdom is in Heaven, not on earth.

  32. Kamber Tactical just dropped a new neck protector addon that should work fine. it's around $250.

  33. Hi, can you drop a link? I couldn’t find it on their website

  34. I was so disappointed with the Chris Pratt flick when it was originally announced - Edit: Apparently this was The Tomorrow War, not the Forever War. Still was disappointed because I thought it might be an adaptation and we didn't get it.

  35. That last bit is why Haldman wrote the book. it was a reflection of his experiences as a Vietnam veteran. The book maybe SF, but emotionally the war feels are dead on.

  36. That's been bethesda's MO for a while. They stripped dialogue choices and merged the SPECIAL and perk systems from the fallout series in FO4. Streamlined RPG elements for mass appeal.

  37. Fallout 4 was bad. Really bad. I made the standard mistake of buying it on launch, put 30hrs into it, and then never touched it again. Being a buggy piece of shit may be the reason I just gave up when I did, but the story and gameplay loop are so bland that I never bothered to go back and try it after some patches with mods. They made the shooting feel decent and the ruined everything else. the way the implemented power armor in particular was dumb. because I didn't want to worry much about fusion cores I just never used it. What a waste of a game.

  38. I’m going to be very honest, OP, the point doesn’t change that your mom isn’t wrong about his parental rights.

  39. PTSD can manifest in different ways and none of the information we have has ever suggested that OPs dad is prone to outbursts of anger or violence. Multiple judges have rules that he is not a danger to her. She's less than three years from adulthood. Her mother's constant demands that she terminate her father's very limited parental rights are not valid.

  40. lol and which country exactly has been doing things “the right way” for the last 400 years? Whose citizens have done things the “right” way with no bloodshed and evildoings while experiencing as much upheaval?

  41. No country is perfect, but Russia has been seen as a backwards shithole by the rest of Europe since the days of Peter the 1st. They've never managed to behave normally and they continue to take pride in being awful to this day. Russian culture is itself anti-human.

  42. lol come on. For one most countries again no longer exist from 400 year ago. They’re nowhere near the same. For two, let’s take someone like the UK. What did they do? Oh only conquered the world. Look at what they did in Africa. In India. In other countries. Are we blaming those citizens to this day (have we ever??) or is that part of them “not being perfect”. Does that excuse what Russia are doing now? Hell no. Nor would I say they “take pride” in anything. Are they nationalistic? Any country, and literally every country is during a war. So why this weird obsession with blaming just Russian citizens?

  43. Because Russian citizens are the ones committing war crimes here and now. What they are doing in Ukraine today is a small part of a larger pattern of behavior that has been ongoing since the early days of the Russian empire. They have never shown any remorse and they seek to return to the days where they were able to freely abuse the Ukrainian people. Go take a course on Russian history or something. It was grim and barbaric even from the perspective of the rest of Europe at the time. Anything short of what Germany went through after WWII won't be enough to even come close to "fixing" what is deeply wrong with that society and given the fact that they have nukes that is never going to happen.

  44. Haha my husband has a gym in the garage for this reason. Cost about 2 years of gym membership but totally worth it...

  45. It certainly should be! As much as I chuckle at a gym fail video I'd be super annoyed if people in the gym were busy filming others.

  46. I agree. I have a tendency to just zone out and stare off into space between sets during hard workouts and I worry about someone thinking I'm staring at them. Thank fuck this culture doesn't exist in Eastern Europe.

  47. Except you sort of can. Roids are remarkably powerful. You went get to elite bodybuilder levels but you will gain a non trivial amount of muscle.

  48. Not really. I know exactly which study you're going to cite for this and it's not a good one. Steroids make your muscles retain more water and glycogen. You will not make meaningful gains while roiding if you don't go to the gym.

  49. Dude the League of Arab Nations directly said that they intended to finish what Hitler started when they first attacked Israel. The surrounding Arab Nations have not been subtle about their genocidal intentions towards the Jews for a solid 70+ years at this point. When I say a second Holocaust I'm specifically referring to another genocide of Jewish people.

  50. You are worrying about that when Israel is genociding palestinians? Seems deserved.

  51. Wow, she moved into his place after dating only 6 months? Probably missed a lot of red flags in the rush to live together.

  52. I moved in with my wife after we had been dating for three weeks. In my defense, the barracks my unit had me in were disgusting (repurposed bone tuberculosis ward with dried blood on the sheets and pillows they gave us), and she insisted.

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