
  1. If taxes were just about the raw amount of shit the government gives you, then rich people and poor people would pay the same gross amount in taxes.

  2. I am. A rich man that sends his children to private school and receives no government assistance, gets far less for his taxes than a poor man who pays almost no taxes and lives and gets food stamps and section 8 housing. Much in the same way, during an existential crisis, the strong and capable people need to take existential risks to ensure that society as a whole survives. Is it individually fair? No. But it's societally necessary to avoid the alternative (oppression by a hostile state that will lead to a lot more people dying along with the destruction of your culture and society). Do you think that the Allies conscripting soldiers during WWII was also morally wrong? Do you believe that they should have just accepted there being not enough volunteers, and allowed Hitler, who did use conscription, to roll over them and do whatever he wanted?

  3. That's not how it works. Taxes do a lot more than provide housing and free education. All kinds of infrastructure, roads, electricity, heating, communication was built and is being maintained by the government through taxes. Meaning everything you think is wholly your achievement has been built by the collective of your country's people for everyone to use. You, your children, your private school, maybe even your business (one you work for or own, doesn't matter) rely on these things. That's how you are reimbursed for your taxes.

  4. The copyright law is irrelevant to most of what you said. In the US only a human can get a copyright. An extra intelligent dolphin or monkey creating art or taking a photo can’t be copyrighted. Neither can something produced only by machines. It’s not a matter of creativity, just how the laws were written and interpreted.

  5. In my book, if you wrote the AI yourself, trained it yourself, the training dataset is not stolen and approved for such use, you own the work created by AI (or if you're using someone else's AI with the permission of owning its creations, they first have to prove all of the above). If at any point there is a non-consenting third party, you don't own jack.

  6. Oy, take a look at the ol' offended schnitzel-head here.

  7. I mean do you expect the average Japanese person to be physicist. I’m graduating with a degree in biology and chemistry and I would be useless as a vessel . Realistically how many people in the population know enough to make good use of his power.

  8. Being right for all the wrong reasons.

  9. They are right (mostly at least) about AI businesses being "fake". Lots of money to be made by exploiting the hype, questionable actual use. Everything else (the "reasons" in my original comment) is wrong.

  10. LLMs and neural nets are real though. Just because one company (Amazon) was "caught" using humans for identifying products doesn't mean machine learning is a sham (in actuality they were collecting training data, but apparently the neutral net that was supposed to replace them didn't take off). Claiming their products are overhyped and claiming that their products are entirely not real are very distinct accusations.

  11. I agree, how much more of an advantage would a plumber working on water pipes for a bomb shelter compare to a lawyer or psychologist in surviving a nuclear wasteland.

  12. Did you miss the opening montage of all of Lucy's skills? She is at the very least trained in martial arts, marksmanship, technology, medicine and other survival skills.

  13. When was that shift, might I ask? Cuz every gaming forum has mostly been complaining about games for as long as I can remember...

  14. There hasn't been, it's typical generationalism. People choose to engage with what they want.

  15. MrG says:

    Tenet was better with subtitles, but annoying because you typically read faster than the dialogue and it completely ruins any suspension of disbelief.

  16. That's not what suspension of disbelief means? You mean ruins the suspense and tension of scenes?

  17. Can you point me somewhere where I can read about this in detail?

  18. Can't really point to anything in particular and I haven't played the game in a while, but you can google Ascension guides to get an idea of what I'm talking about. Ascension is all about calculated risks.

  19. I mean, I'm no stranger to the game, I've beat Asc20 many times, but I'm not aware of the non-randomness in the encounters. That's what I'd like to know about.

  20. Well, I don't mean it literally and I don't think the person above was either. What I mean is that out of all roguelites this one is the one where I felt the most in control. Which I actually liked. Having few possible encounters that mostly aren't randomized in their details (like enemy health and damage) makes the game a lot more strategic.

  21. Because it’s “hot right now” to complain about how Gege is a hack and sucks at storytelling while we’re all on a sub dedicated completely to said “shitty storytelling”

  22. Is it hot to point out how he sucks at character development, character interaction, character defining moments, pacing and worldbuilding. This has been the consensus for a while. Abilities can be creative and fights are pretty cool (when you can tell what's going on) but Gege is pretty mid. The more invested people are, the more they can see the flaws.

  23. That is not the consensus. Annoying nitpicks who need attention are just very loud about it, and the thousands, if not millions, of us who think y'all are wrong just can't be fucked to argue about it.

  24. I am not arguing, just pointing out how it's not "hot right now" or anything, JJK was like this from the beginning. It's just in the beginning it was acceptable to not have developed anything. You can disagree, I will just see how the story finishes and read some other better stuff in the meantime.

  25. Isn't Rika a curse spirit that just obeys Yuta like a Shikigami? Or did she get pokemon'd after they killed Geto?

  26. Real Rika is at the airport or heaven or whatever. This Rika is Don't-Ask-Gege-How-Yuta-Actually-Managed-To-Get-Her Rika.

  27. could be reworded: ‘Grants each attack a 25% chance to pierce through evasion and release a bolt of electricity that deals 120 magical damage and leaps between 4 targets in a 650 radius. Deals 150% damage to illusions.’

  28. You make it sound like if it doesn't piece evasion nothing happens. The main effect is the proc, not the evasion piercing.

  29. Typescript is obsolete, we have classes, modules, and types in recent standard of Javascript/ES and we have babel for backward compatibility.

  30. You mean static types in JS? It's still a proposal.

  31. This is the same Keanu Reeves that recently did the John Wick series.

  32. Yes and he was visibly slow and not believable in the martial arts scenes, but there were so few of them you don't really focus on it. The one extended martial arts scene in JW3 was played off as John Wick fans basically paying respects to a retired superstar in their craft, which also sort of works.

  33. The menu. All of the movie's themes fall flat due to Slowik being a complete nut case whose folly was never deconstructed during the actual movie.

  34. My simpleton mind interpreted the whole movie as "Rich people only take and take and never appreciate, I've had enough and I'm going to kill myself as well as all these rich assholes".

  35. That's the plot synopsis, but on a thematic level I think it's more about the take and give relationship as expressed by two topics - creator vs the critic/consumer of art and the good old class warfare. Slowik's stance on both issues is pretty clear, but that's all the movie gives us. And Slowik is clearly very troubled by that point in his life, so all his opinions kind of don't mean much without some sort confrontation from an opposing opinion. We just see him experience catharsis. Margot starts to confront him but in the end as you say simply performs her role as the pleaser and giver.

  36. More like Jackie Jr. I heard once Nagakado almost drowned in three inches of spring water.

  37. +1 for the theme song composer borrowing from Bach.

  38. Its junk, period. I really hope that there's a turning point where we start to value talent, skill, and humanity in our art. It's really the only way to defeat the AI revolution. Value human skills.

  39. It's just music, jeez. Life doesn't start and stop on your listening habits.

  40. Honestly tengen directing most cursed energy to Japan made more sense then the actual explanation lol now it actually makes zero sense why every country doesn’t have to deal with this imagine how bad somewhere liek India would have it with a billion people crammed into that tiny space the cursed energy would be insane

  41. It will probably be revealed that cursed energy manifesting as curses isn't a natural thing and was unleashed by Tengen on Japan. Maybe they did it accidentally and their barriers is a means of containing the disaster that are curses.

  42. I think the soft of curses beyond Japan does actually just not make sense and geges world building is terrible he’s pretty good writer dispute what people are claiming currently and his art is fantastic but world building and character quitting are sure he kinda falls off. What you said would pamper make sense except for the fact that curse users exist in other countries like Miguel. Plus it would basically be a retcon cause it was told to us that all humans leak cursed energy and that’s what makes curses having it be revealed to be only a Japan thing cause if tengan is stupid cause there is nothing to indicate that it would be an asspull to explain away something that doesn’t make sense

  43. No, in my "theory" people everywhere leak cursed energy, hence foreign sorcerers, but only Japan has that cursed energy manifesting into curses.

  44. It'd be funny if the show's animation wasn't so mediocre to bad across the board.

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