
  1. Blahblahblah... How about a shareholder conference call once in a while? Not doing my part, get bent.


  3. I'll take things Simon Bird says for 500 Alex...

  4. JBL Partybox 310 should suffice

  5. I'm going to bookmark this post, take it to the Lambo dealership and ask one of the salespeople to kick me in the nuts for wasting their time.

  6. What are you talking about? This was a 10 minute commercial for Gamestop... Absolutely staged, endorsed and funded by the company. Don't be naive.

  7. thats what you get when the host is of bottom of the barrel IQ to begin with

  8. Simon Bird sez: ShIlLs ArE iN sHaMbLes

  9. You've been "Silver Backed"

  10. Two speakers... save the aggravation.

  11. Can you please provide us with some half-assed chart? These charts with made up dates are the only thing that confirms my bias.

  12. Here's a fun fact: German chocolate cake was invented in Texas



  15. See, this is so important because a shill would say "of course they're not the agent anymore, because your shares don't exist so they have no agent."

  16. Ok, what agent then? It shouldn't be a secret.

  17. Any Input? Ok, here goes: You already work in a dangerously loud environment and you want to go louder than that with music? Have you considered getting some bluetooth shooting noise reduction earmuffs but will amplify lower sounds like normal speech?

  18. The one from the Teddy books of course

  19. Oh that one. I had it confused with the heart-shaped Cheerio's tweet. It's so hard to keep up nowadays.


  21. website down and crypto dumping on my chest harder than my ex

  22. Back in the day, people would honor the terms of a "ban bet".

  23. They don't have to "act" in the dark. It's all right in your face, and you can do nothing about it.

  24. how would you define portable?

  25. Easy to carry with my other cleaning stuff, or small enough to put it into my cleaning bucket :)

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