
  1. I'm currently job hunting, and every single place I apply to requires a separate account. I've lost track of how many accounts I've set up just in the past week. It's insane.

  2. My favorite response from a woman I saw on this replying to a man who didnt get it

  3. The 2 most heartbreaking answers I've seen are:

  4. It fits in well with the rest of that album.

  5. Yeah I've made a similar argument about the change to the ending of the Watchmen movie. People wouldn't have accepted a comic-accurate adaptation in 2009.

  6. I know I'm in the minority here, but I actually prefer the movie ending to the comic one. Blasphemy, I know, but it just feels more realistic to me.

  7. If we'd gotten the yellow suit earlier, we would've had time for the brown suit and maybe a few other variants too.

  8. It doesn’t bother me either way that they replaced Roiland. I still check out the new stuff.

  9. Rick is fine, Morty is fine, but Mr Poopy Butthole was painfully bad. I came really close to skipping that episode.

  10. What bugs me is that no one specified what kind of bear. Black bear? Yeah ok, that's fair. Brown bear? Suuuuper iffy. Polar bear? You're fucking high.

  11. I mean....the bear is a hypothetical and could be represented by any dangerous animal. Could be rancor for all it matters.

  12. It's a poorly phrased hypothetical that addresses an important issues. Poorly phrased because the certainty of encountering 1x Bear or 1x Man sidelines into a statistics argument. A better question would be: "Where would you feel more safe, alone in Bear Country or alone at a Nightclub?". That said, it isn't actually about the Bear.

  13. Another point to consider is that the bear's decision of whether to attack her or not is not in any way influenced by whether or not he thinks he's going to get caught. There are some men who only don't do the immoral thing is because they're afraid of getting caught.

  14. "We're leaving." Lawrence Fishburn in Event horizon seeing the Lovecraftian/Eldritch horror hell on this last Space ship captains video log. 

  15. That movie is a great example of how everyone is competent, nobody makes any stupid decisions(except arguably that one lady who thought her son had somehow gotten from earth to the ship), but they still lose in the end.

  16. He's in full "extract as much value from the company as you can" mode. Willing to burn it all to the ground so he can have even more money he'll never spend.

  17. Which I don't understand because wouldn't a lot of his payout package consists of share in the company?

  18. What software are you using to edit with?

  19. When they killed Desmond and announced they were shifting to an ongoing story with annual releases, I immediately lost interest. Black Flag is the only one I've played since AC3

  20. Never ending. Originally the series had a definite ending involving Desmond. Later, Ubisoft decided to milk the franchise with never ending annual sequels and killed off Desmond

  21. He cast his own son in El Topo, and while I haven't the movie, every clip I've seen from it, he's bare assed naked.

  22. I think they mixed it up with all time shows, but then Velma isn't on that list at all so I'm not sure.

  23. In all fairness, The Jynx part 2 just dropped so I'm sure a lot of people are like me and never saw it the first time around

  24. if he'd played COVID intelligently he could have waltzed into a second term.

  25. Absolutely, and it wouldn't have taken much either. Literally just one speech calling for Americans to band together and listen to the experts, but he was too vain and stupid to admit that someone else, like Dr Fauchi, might be smarter than him about anything.

  26. I definitely didn't finish the season. Made it to episode 3 I think?

  27. However many episodes they dropped on that first day, 2 or 3, were all that we watched. They spent far too much time introducing random characters without any real story development in those episodes. I get that they were going for this big epic story, but we don't really need to see characters just fucking around before they were needed for the story. Like, there's a reason Denethor didn't get introduced in Fellowship of the Ring, you know?

  28. First thought. Surprisingly entertaining movie IMO.

  29. Except for the completely nonsensical ending lol. Still enjoyed it.

  30. "But we don't have a turkey man...."

  31. Don't forget he called the men and women serving our country losers and suckers.

  32. So I happen to be sitting in an airport restaurant right now and a lady next to me is on the phone with somebody defending Trump as if he's Jesus himself.

  33. He’s closer to 6’ 2,” but he’s a thicc 6’ 2”

  34. He's really wide, like broad shouldered. Again, just basing that off the costumes.

  35. I think the mannequins might be more endowed, though.

  36. That motherfucker got me again in Oppenheimer. I had no idea it was him until I was looking at the cast list months after I saw the film.

  37. Gary Oldman is one of those actors that truly blend into his characters. I saw The 5th Element and The Professional both when I was pretty young and it took me a long time to realize that Zorg and Stansfield were the same actor

  38. They kinda present Lucy as a gem in Fallout, I don't think anyone treats her like she's an average everyday person

  39. Yeah, if anything, her attractiveness helps accentuate the gulf of differences between the pristine cleanliness and relatively easy lives of the Vault Dwellers compared to the harsh realities of the Surface Dwellers.

  40. Tiktok has better algorithms than other existing platforms, like Facebook reels, YouTube shorts, etc.

  41. Their algorithm is honestly what got me hooked on the app so quick. Like, I have to actively curate my Facebook and YouTube algo's and even then they keep suggesting things that I have no interest in whatsoever just because I fit the demographic. If they become the only options for short form videos then I'll just walk away.

  42. Well, a main part of the reason the case is still famous and acknowledged as historic is not that OJ was a celebrity or even that he was a Black man who killed a white woman in a time of great racial tension, but that many people believed he was being framed due to racial issues. And there is just as much proof that the LAPD in general was racist at the time as there is proof that OJ did it. And further specifically about people involved in this case. Fuhrman tapes, anyone? It's not so wild that people who have actually heard those have had doubts, if anyone here sort of knows the story that Fuhrman was the corrupt cop on the case who was exposed for a bunch of shit but hasn't heard the tapes- it's hard to listen to them and not ask yourself if he'd frame a Black guy. It's hard to listen to them at all.

  43. I'm old enough to remember the trials and for the longest time I actually believed he was more likely to be not guilty than guilty.

  44. Not Korn's page but I used to hang out in Staind's chatroom from around that same time and I'm sure there was a lot of overlap at that time. They did the Sick and Twisted tour together in either '98 or '99

  45. Yeah, Anduril was a pretty sweet sword

  46. I toured Warner Bros studios today and saw the Reeves suit. They have it on display next to Micheal Keaton's Batman suit and Linda Carter's Wonder Woman Suit

  47. I'd like to think that one day the concept of a town mayor putting money over the safety of his constituents would be unrelatable fiction, but we don't seem to have made any progress on that front.

  48. 3rd act isn’t as strong as the first two

  49. To be fair it'd be pretty tough for any idea to follow up that adrenocrone(sp?) sequence.

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