
  1. Bro I love that little jump of yours, it's so cute. Has my heart melting.

  2. Omg a new kingdom rush!!! Can't wait ❤️

  3. Zero culture, civility, conscience left in most of them

  4. Can't have any of it in a nation where the population has been conditioned into obedient trash scum for generations

  5. its been 2yrs, how did all this go for you? and what resources did you find? books, hand's on, videos? do tell

  6. Went good! Hands on experience helped, also learning from colleagues and just getting exposed to various tasks and projects. But the most helpful thing tbf was ChatGPT. Running ideas by ChatGPT and helping me structure corporate mumbo jumbo for executives who only understand 'stock up, good'.

  7. Oh musk, the troglodyte of billionaires.

  8. I stumbled upon a military storage facility while skiing in the Forrest near where i lived, i had a guard pretty much waiting at the fence post the tree line, dude realized i probably strayed and i was only asked about if i had taken any photos and then a friendly goodbye

  9. Cameras and sensors were probably drunk at that time.

  10. Diena iki gimstant. Viskas chill, o nuo gimimo ir prasidėjo problemos...

  11. Na tu ne, bet pasaulis nesisuka aplinka tave. Manau tikrai yra dafiga zmoniu su unikaliais duomenim. Ypač mažesnėse gatvėse.

  12. U/bugo ir nesako, kad pasaulis sukasi apie jį, jis to net neimplikuoja. Gal nepradedam švaistytis tuščiais komentarais. Jei neturim ką pasakyti, galima ir patylėti :)

  13. O po to skundžias, kad "vAldžE tYk bAusT mOkA", nu nes tu niekaip neišaiškinsi Kaziui, baigusiam 8kl., kad gal gerai, kad negali vairuot girtas ir kad žmonos su vaikais lupt negalima, tai ką čia kalbėjus apie blogus įpročius kaip cigaretės ir t.t

  14. Cigaretės juk kaip ir valstybės palaimintas įprotis. Gali rūkyt kad ir 10 pakelių per dieną, viskas legalu ir gerai, bet tik pamėgink įsigyti vaistų be recepto arba kitų sveikatai naudingų dalykų be recepto, iškart baudžiakas ir kaip su šiukšle susidoros valstybė, nes reikia ginti korporatyvinius interesus. Bet gerk, rukyk, cukrų leiskis.

  15. Aišku, galima draust viską ir tada "liaudis" užsprings nuo pykčio putų kaip čia kas drįsta jiems vadovaut? Uždraudė sekmadieniais pirkt tai vos ne vienas kitą degradai korė, taip kad no win.

  16. Aišku no win. Čia post sovietinis mentalitetas drausti viską. Iš vienos pusės, reikia apsaugoti pažeidžiama ir lengvatike demografija nuo žalingų substancijų naudojimo, iš kitos pusės, ar galime sakyti, jog gyvename demokratijoje, jei neturime pasirinkimo vartoti, ką norime, jei nekenkiame kitiems. Čia atsiranda tas mažas kabliukas, kuris priverčia susimąstyti, ar tikrai esame žmonės, o ne valstybės nuosavybė, kurie gali daryti tik ta, ką pasakė ponai overlordai. Tačiau yra trečia puse, kur galime paklausti, ką daryti su tais žmonėmis, kurių žalingas elgesys kenkia aplinkiniams?

  17. Definitely. More people need to speak up. Rational people are drowned out by the maniacs who won't shut up about their magical beliefs.

  18. You really think so? In my opinion, it won't matter. The lunatics indoctrinate their young, at their most maleable age. After that it's "I believe this and you can't say anything to change my mind because I'm not listening".

  19. It's a great game. Play it to this day! Wish you guys would create more games like these.

  20. How was the pip? I hear there's a substantial pip for dhb

  21. Yeah, it's quite a pain in the ass, but it all depends on how it's brewed. DHB will ALWAYS be irritating to your body because of those tiny crystals that float in the vial. If you take a closer look and shake the vial, you'll see them. If someone claims to have pip-free DHB, it's probably EQ or something else. Especially if they tell you it's at a concentration higher than 100mg/ml. I've tested various highly reputable labs in my environment, and there was always a slight pip present.

  22. Is that the reason you pinned Ed 100mg rather than eod for 200 or 300mg?

  23. Neither do the people who post this in every thread like this since the dawn of reddit. Thus the cycle of 'why bother' continues.

  24. Neither do you, who post this response on every other thread since the fall of reasoning skills. Thus, the cycle of "what does it matter if a person knows or doesn't know, your response does 0 for the conversation except make you look like a wise ass without you actually being smart".

  25. I swear to the American God, they can be convinced of anything. I guess that's why they don't have an education system... Easier to pull the strings of idiots.

  26. Bro the states seem like a sad idiotic dystopia.

  27. I guess I’ll share this here as I recently had this conversation with a friend.

  28. This is a very wise perspective. I will definetly put it to use. Thank you for sharing!

  29. Holy fuck it's going to be amazing

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