
  1. You know, it's never too late to apologize. I think it'll be healing to both sides.

  2. Oh, man. I have one ex I still feel such tremendous guilt over that I've never contacted her since, even though it might make sense for us to be friends (I'm over her romantically, and was so before I even ended the relationship). And it's not like I'm such a terrible person, though I've often felt like it. It's just that I refused to go to couples therapy toward the end because I already knew deep down that I wanted out and it'd be a waste of time. But it seemed like that was so unfair to her, that I should have just tried harder to want to be with her somehow. I've hated myself for it.

  3. Thanks. Yeah, like I said in another comment, it’s hard to tell what I really want. Ignoring all the guilt and shame, there are times where I do legitimately miss her, and also times where I’m glad I don’t have to deal with that relationship anymore and I’m glad to be alone. Idk

  4. Do you know the area that you want to buy? Do you already have a pre-approval from a lender?

  5. I generally know the area. Not pre approved. Yeah I think I need more time.

  6. Three months is a relatively short window to buy a home, primarily because closing (the period of time between when your offer to the seller is accepted and you close the sale and get your keys) typically takes 30-60 days.

  7. Thanks. Yeah I think I need more time. Leaning towards renting again for now, then taking more time to try to buy later.

  8. How long have you been on 40mg? I’ve been on that dose for 3.5 weeks and it’s been rough. I plan to give this dose a few more weeks but I’m struggling to notice any positive change with me. I’ve been in therapy for years and have implanted healthy life habits.

  9. I started with 20 mg about a year ago. Switched to 40 mg a few months in (can’t remember exactly).

  10. It's worth a shot! I go on and off medication here and there, Prozac was the first med ever prescribed to me almost 25 years ago. At that time though, I had a Major Depression and panic attacks- it was like my 'maiden voyage' into depression. I've never gotten to that point again thankfully but I know now I have always had this 'low and slow' way about me due to childhood traumas that I never really saw as 'traumas'. I've also tried lexapro, and wellbutrin. I seem to tolerate most meds fairly well thank goodness. I think prozac is the best for me- the old tried and true 'work horse'. I get to feeling better and then discontinue- I can't get it through my head that I just need to stay on it. Because when I do feel better, I think - wow, why didn't I do this sooner? It's a subtle 'lift', I don't notice until I 'notice', 3 months later and I think - wow this is such an improvement over where I was 3 months ago! We dont need to suffer! Even the mildest type of depression is still impactful, especially if you are a high performing type person.

  11. Hi again. I was going through my old comments and ended up re-reading our discussion.

  12. I ended up discontinuing after about 5 months. My hormone doctor started treating my thyroid and we discovered I am a poor T4 to T3 converter. He felt that my chronicaly low Free T3 level contributes to my depression tendency. Once I got that optimized with medication, I was able to stop the Prozac and doing great. I also ended up getting 'shakes'. like shaky legs going down steps. It worked for the time I needed it though!

  13. Ah I see. How did you know to get your thyroid checked?

  14. I broke up with her a year ago, but I still miss her. 😩

  15. Just found this thread via google... I'm moving from my upstairs flat to a basement flat for this very reason. My neighbours below have never complained, but it makes me so uncomfortable knowing they can hear everything I do. e.g. when I wake up or go to sleep, when I go to the toilet or shower, when I walk around etc. I HATE IT.

  16. Damn. I kinda want to move to a first floor apartment now lol

  17. Lol yeah. I’m also very aware of my footsteps and dropping stuff 🙈

  18. I know that feeling. One thing I remind myself in situations like this: this friend, regardless of the number of friends they have, likes me. They want to hang out with me and spend time with me. They care about me. They’re making the effort to contact me and see me. So, even if they have a million other friends, I know this friend genuinely likes me.

  19. It would probably be best to ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice on your specific situation.

  20. Like you say, there are different types of bars. I'm a fan of neighbourhood bars or pubs. Much more casual than a club, for example. And typically not as loud.

  21. I like how you described that cycle. You put into words the way I feel all the time.

  22. Lol at “Steadman”. Haven’t heard that name in a long time.

  23. We live in an ableist society. Anyone with a disability (mental or physical) gets left behind.

  24. Not exactly but similar. Dealing with emails and texts and phone calls fills me with dread. I know it irritates my family and impacts my work. Sometimes I can get myself to open them but I can't get myself to respond. Sometimes I can't get myself to open them at all. My mail will pile up for a month or two (or three or six) until I finally open the latest envelope and shred all of the other ones I never opened. So far so good (but not really of course). When I just let my emotions rage about this: I hate being looked at, I hate being interrupted, I hate changing gears. And just kind of mad.

  25. Oh god. I’m like that with mail too. I have a pile of mail I need to sort through

  26. I think people on this sub complain about the AP sub (and the attachment theory sub) too much. It’s fine in a rant thread like this. But, I see too many separate posts about, “omg the AP sub said this about DAs!!!” It’s getting to be a bit much tbh. I don’t find these posts very useful. Sorry 🙈

  27. Where are those posts? I rarely see one or two posts in a month that has anything to do with APs in general not even about the AP or AT subs.

  28. yeah i can definitely be like this sometimes. i tend to not really feel the need to have more stuff, and feel more comfortable making do with what i already have. when i realize i actually need some specific new object i can be really picky about it because i want it to be perfect for whatever role its filling, and i dont really trust other people to get me what im looking for.

  29. Haha I am very similar. I get picky and sometimes overwhelmed by choices

  30. I’m not a huge fan of gifts either. When I want something I buy it. My husband and I only exchange gifts for Christmas and buy gift for our dog. That’s it. I don’t buy or get gifts from anyone else. For my birthday I always do a dog rescue fundraiser so all the gifts go there.

  31. I like the idea of donating to a charity as a gift. I have done that for some family members, and they liked it. I might ask people do that for me next time.

  32. I think that’s nice of you to want to give a friendly greeting to the cashier :)

  33. Some people especially family will never understand depression if they themselves have never dealt with it.

  34. The funny thing is my sister has been depressed before. So, I was surprised/disappointed at her reaction to me.

  35. I am truly sorry. Your sister should have been understanding since like you say she delt with depression before.

  36. Damn. They had to throw in the Fresh Prince clip too 😭

  37. I've got a similar issue. There are games I want to play, but they're multiplayer or coop and I can't bring myself to play them alone. Tbf I can't bring myself to really do anything these days.

  38. Thanks! Hope you’re able to enjoy those games one day, whether alone or with company.

  39. This has been my limited experience with dating apps. My biggest success has been on a dating site called international cupid. I actually found a long term girlfriend on there and spoke to some nice people. Would recommend. Have had moderate success with an app called Boo, all on a friendship level though, I really like this one cause it's more geared towards personality type. I've used tinder, but not invested a lot of time and unsurprisingly have not had a lot of success. To be honest, outside of the cupid sites, I find I am much better meeting people in person.

  40. How is International Cupid? I searched online, and people are saying it looks scammy.

  41. I can vouch for what it was 5 years ago. The majority on there were real people that were really looking for a relationship. Yes, there were bots or scams, but they were so obvious that they didn't detract from my experience. Almost all of the scams had little bio info, had a single beautiful picture and almost immediately wanted you to click some link or download some app. I just ignored them. I like that you fill in a lot of info about yourself and you can read a lot about the person before showing interest. I will say though, I am a male, and I found some genuinely nice women on there, but I got the feeling from them that they were relieved that I wasn't a creep, so imagine the experience for a woman can be quite different. Also also, there isn't just one cupid site, there are a bunch, so if you're looking for someone from a certain country or religion or ethnic group, you can join those cupid sites. So yeah, I had a really good time of it, and I found a girlfriend after about 3 weeks I think, so not long at all.

  42. My social anxiety improving was the first thing I noticed after taking Prozac for a few weeks. It helped it a lot but my general anxiety kinda heightened!

  43. That’s interesting. How did your general anxiety get worse, while your social anxiety got better?

  44. I’m not sure it’s really weird actually. I just feel more like shaky and like restless, but in social situations I’m not constantly worrying about what people are thinking of me and I can talk more freely without worrying so much!

  45. It's good for depression especially if you're low in energy and stuff. But compared to some of the other antidepressants, it hasn't shown to be as effective in social anxiety and GAD.

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