
  1. Each one unlocks a new tier of upgrades. So if you find all 5, then you can buy every upgrade on every gun.

  2. Both TS181 and dilation will skyrocket production.

  3. He sampled someone saying it in an old song called ā€œgrapeā€

  4. If enabled, it will automatically increase when the x5 ep upgrade is bought. So if you bought a x5 upgrade right now, the auto eternity would be set to like 6e3 or so.

  5. Iā€™m pretty sure you only ever get integer amounts of EP from eternitying. I think the decimal part comes from the milestone that generates EP while you are offline.

  6. In the EP upgrade menu, there is an upgrade that has a multiplier based on the number of infinities. It technically doesnā€™t have a cap, but the increase is minuscule above 110,000 eternities.

  7. The reality update isnā€™t available on mobile yet, so you canā€™t import from web to mobile. The mobile update will probably be out in the next couple of months.

  8. :( I did the entire normal challenge 9 on web, now I need to redo it on mobile.

  9. If you want, you can google ā€œantimatter dimensions save bankā€ and import a save close to your progress from there. The personal stats (like time played) will be messed up if you care about that tho.

  10. Float has a reversed glass breaking sound throughout it, but idk if that's the one you meant.

  11. Maybe im just fundamentally misunderstanding something, but how would i respec into the 71 path without losing access to EC7 I buy on 73 once i do??

  12. After you buy an EC you no longer need to reach the second requirement to buy it again.

  13. The time slowdown in EC12 makes the completion give a very fast eternity. For example, if you complete EC12 in 3 real seconds, the time to eternity is 3ms.

  14. Thanks for the reply and what you said makes complete sense but the thing is that it took me several real minutes to complete EC12x1 and maybe an hour or so to do EC12x2 (which is partly why I'm grinding eternities now so my next 3 runs can go faster). Having a 7ms eternity would imply I finished EC12 in 7 real seconds but that didn't happen :(

  15. I believe the longest EC12 can last is 1000 real seconds, which would be 10 in game seconds. Any longer than that, and you wouldā€™ve failed.

  16. If something like this somehow happens again you can always quickly cloud load. Thatā€™s saved me from my own stupidity a couple of times.

  17. After you get to them, both EC4 and EC12 have pretty obvious fail conditions. As in, both are ā€œreach this threshold while doing this, or you fail. ā€œ

  18. You have to ads without shooting for like 3-4 seconds before it procs. Shooting at all resets that timer.

  19. The ads i meant was short hand for aim down sights So just do that for a few seconds and the itā€™ll proc.

  20. For Swiss formats, teams that have just won a series are matched up against teams that just lost a series, if possible. From my understanding:

  21. At this point in the game, dim boosts are counterproductive to IP/min. By turning the auto dim boosts off (leaving auto galaxy on), I was able to hit ~3.5e4 IP/min at 5 galaxies.

  22. I appreciate the attempt, but I already mentioned that in my dot points.

  23. Oh yeah I did miss that part. That being said, it shouldn't take more than a few hours to reach the 1e7 break infinity upgrade, which is fairly substantial boost.

  24. Moist is guaranteed at least a tiebreaker. If Oxygen wins then they just clinch directly without the tiebreaker.

  25. Not directly because offline blc is based off of your highest ever blc. But ghost leaf increases how much blc you would get in a crunch so it will increase offline gains in that way.

  26. I think theyā€™re planning on having an awards show after every split/worlds.

  27. wait where is the housing waitlist? I'm an incoming freshman for next year so I've been trying to make sure I got everything together.

  28. Iā€™m 99% sure incoming freshmen are guaranteed on campus housing. The waitlist was for upper class men trying to live on campus next year.

  29. Exactly, you dont need to get any dreamers to acces hornet 2

  30. I meant that you canā€™t have shade cloak for hornet 2. But yeah youā€™re 100% right.

  31. Hornet 2 isnt that bad imo. Its just a faster hornet with an extra attack

  32. I got my ass handed to me on my first play through against Hornet 2 lmao

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