
  1. If my therapist ever told me to fucking journal I'd be out of there so fast

  2. I mean you both seem messed up so maybe don’t judge.

  3. I agree, when I see that trolley problem asking would you run over one baby or three old people I always say the baby, like the baby has barely experienced anything and yes the parents will be sad which is terrible but three whole old people is three people with whole lives and so many people who would be sad of they died.

  4. Make a google review and post those texts, so maybe people can avoid this place and know the boss of this place is fucking crazy

  5. Let me stop you right there. Walking up an escalator past someone else is asshole behavior. Doesn’t matter which side. How much time are you saving walking past someone? 5 seconds? Escalators are usually narrow and there’s no way you’re passing someone without bumping into them. It’s just rude.

  6. What escalators are you using?? Theres room for two lanes of people unless its a tiny ass escalator

  7. Normal escalators I guess. Are your escalators wide enough that two people can fit comfortably standing on the same step? If not, then don’t be passing. Just accept your fate and wait.

  8. I think Ive only ever seen one escalator in my life that was too small for that, I live in Canada though perhaps its different in other places?

  9. Where were they annoyed? Its just an accurate started pack

  10. Whoever is filming this pisses me off with the zooming in and out but now actually showing us what we are watching the video to see

  11. There was a time when repairing your vehicle with a toolkit had a chance of sending your car flying. It was not a fun time...

  12. Wow that sounds crazy, especially when you need to get away fast

  13. Its so funny that someone was so passionate that this person should do black that they downvoted your comment

  14. Does anybody else's freeze for just a second or two like everything a new side quest comes over the radio like a survivor in trouble etc? Or when you complete a quest and the completion banner comes on screen it freezes for a couple seconds

  15. During the session my vision looks like the after its only when I'm almost out of the building it feels more normal again.

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