
  1. DeSantis is going to win the R nom. I'm sure of it now.

  2. Um after these bad boys dropped? How about the country will obviously vote him emperor for life?

  3. You're a fucking 28 year old satanist. Your opinion on what is and isn't cringe is completely invalid

  4. Wanna change that flair to ^ one instead?

  5. Why? Basically every group that's ever met them disliked them. It's really odd how an extremely common view is always associated with one specific group that held it

  6. And diversity when your picking from the bottom of the barrel is absolutely harmful.

  7. To be fair being a homogeneous population has no link whatsoever to stagnating population. Ask Africa. Or India. It's mostly because, how do you say it?

  8. The problem is the $ he is getting from his supporters for crap like this goes to paying people to NOT TESTIFYING AGAINST HIM or take the 5th.

  9. You guys go on and on about how he has a massive brainwashed cult, but you don't think he's a viable candidate? He was already successful at it before.

  10. They must have some of that there "Bush Derangement Syndrome"

  11. a really sad attempt at a joke. First of all, it's just not funny, like at all. Second, you're trying to appropriate a meme mocking your groups emotional instability.

  12. Umm.. good? That is how things SHOULD work!

  13. That's a bit hypocritical, considering the left denounces this MLK quote in no uncertain terms.

  14. Even here in Germany, people were comparing the mask mandates and lockdowns to the Holocaust.

  15. Advertising for charities is quite a problematic issue to solve.

  16. One needs to think about where their money will get the most done. The charity over all doing more to help than if they didn't advertise doesn't change the fact that only like $2/$10 you give them will go to their cause

  17. I think at this point, people are pretty aware of that, and have switched to "the concept of free speech" instead of the legal definition of it.

  18. His legal action will be nothing. It will get laughed out of court because nothing illegal took place. He’s being a big piss baby. “Free speech” for me, but not for thee.

  19. Oh boy wait until he realises that men beating their wives in Islam is a last resort, and refers to lightly tapping them with a 20cm twig on their abdomen.

  20. Lmfao are you an idiot? I know nothing about Islam but lightly tapping someone doesn't fit any definition of "beating".

  21. Outlandish shit like “be nice to everyone” and “we all deserve rights”? Get the fuck outta here psychopath and stay away from children.

  22. I was so surprised that that was the route they went. And very impressed at the kid pulling him up. This could also be an ad for that tube brand, they were using it as a survival tool at that point.

  23. Lmfao do you seriously think that Elon Musk explicitly told his engineers to remove the Ukraine 🤣😭

  24. It's almost like twitter has devolved into a pro-russian antidemocratic rightwing platform for hate speech.

  25. Lmao Q anon is not a "terrorist movement". No more so than Antifa, almost definitely less so considering one of Antifas primary activities is to "counter protest" in black masks and start fights. There's probably some Q anon people that counter protest but that just isn't really a core activity of theirs, and I don't recall seeing them all covering their face to prevent identification. (Yeah there are some right wing domestic terrorists, but how many actually identify with Q, probably not a ton, definitely not the whole movement. And no, Boomers being welcomed into the capital by police and mulling around, worst case yelling a bit of stupid stuff and vandalism, is not terrorism)

  26. Right? 50g of powder/crystal would be a fuckton of drugs to consume in one go.

  27. There's no way your nose could handle any where near that much either. People's nose get too clogged after a few grams of things your meant to snort, and I have a real hard time believing semen would be absorbing through your nose at any rate comparable to say, cocaine.

  28. Like the guy who said that there's nothing wrong with a 22-year old teacher seducing a 16-year old pupil. He went on to say that there's something suspicious about Biden's granddaughter wedding.

  29. Lol I guarantee you ignore/disregard any unsubstantiated accusations towards left wing people. There's 0 evidence Elon is a pedo, so saying there isn't evidence doesn't make your position consistent.

  30. someone also pointed out once that here would probably be hours of security and camera footage from the premises kept for blackmail/collateral purposes, also being kept locked down

  31. That's how they get ya, if anyone from the government watches it they become a sex offender by default for watching CP

  32. These people are fucking morons. It takes a few brain cells to figure out how a roundabout works. These daft cunts showed exactly how it should NOT be done. This shit isn't that hard lmao.

  33. Hope he’s not right handed, cus those fapping session will put him between a rock and a hard place.

  34. Um, I understand the sentiment, but $20? In current year that can't buy jack shit lmao, I'd agree if you said like 1000 or even 500

  35. ? That's a fundamental misunderstanding, coming from someone who's not a gambler but also isn't a complete idiot.

  36. Yeah that’s not because there’s no right age to have kids, it’s about when you’re ready. I was 20 when my son was born and my wife was 25. He’s top of his class and a real lovely kid. I know other dads at the school in their 40’s who look fed up and tired all the time, people underestimate how much energy kids require and I couldn’t see myself wanting any children past 32.

  37. Exactly. This is why I like to spraypaint my initials on my favorite trees when I'm walking on some of my local trails. People get all pissy about it sometimes, but it's all good (at least I'm not carving my initials like some morons do).

  38. Wow, I thought you were joking till the end. You are a moron if you spray paint your initials on trees

  39. It’s much more gay to have sex with women than a men. /s

  40. The evolution of incel mentality is a fascinating subject.

  41. You understand Nick was making a joke when he said it was gay to have sex with women, right? He's celibate because he's a devout Catholic. How could you watch that clip and think he's serious? He's being intentionally comedic and outrageous.

  42. Oh no! We can't have anyone shoving judges through the system regardless of policy, that would be unfair!

  43. Judges don't make policy. They interpret laws. Maybe refrain from commenting on things you don't understand?

  44. Well, now you can legally call Musk a pedo because his defense was that it's a common schoolyard taunt in South Africa.

  45. It's funny because I believe that that's true but it's bizzare for children to call other children pedos. I guess it's kinda correct? Children do like underage children.

  46. Weird how I rarely (not never) hear the right straight out saying they hate people but the left does all the time (like 80% of reddit threads are just hating someone lmao). Then tells the right how hateful they are.

  47. We target effective enemy soldiers. We can pick out the real leaders.

  48. They never think: hmmmm, maybe they dont like me because I say and do some jerky things. Its always blame and deflect.

  49. Cause all the comments here totally aren't 10x more nasty towards him then anything he's said!

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