
  1. See if you can get some seating on the balcony that can be more intimate with , as in seats facing each other so you don’t have to look to your side when talking to someone or just not look at them at all and talk to them or if you don’t plan on having friends over nearly as much as lovers in the future I’d recommend getting some type of longing bed to lay on while being able to look at the sky. The 3 business office chairs in the first picture are odd to be in the place they are so if you have some more homey chairs or are open to buying someone I recommend you’d do it

  2. People who reads book outdoors are weird ass people, there’s a reason why Libraries exists and need to be quiet over there.

  3. I totally get what you mean asides from being told it’s not toasted enough, I’ve never been told that.

  4. Tbh from the jump he should’ve only been responding to something out of the ordinary from a customer if it was a message because if a person really wants to speak to you after not being able to get their call answered then they’ll just message you and:or leave a voicemail

  5. There are plenty of characters like that. Some disappear and you never see them again!

  6. I’m aware of them being put on the back burner to an extent. I’ve heard that really in the later years the show really just became up about Liam Spencer and steffy forester

  7. Yep the cast is half the size it used to be. There used to be multiple families and sets. Now it’s Brooke/ridge, liam/hope/steffy, then there will be the deacon storyline, and some smaller storyline’s with the younger actors.

  8. Why do you think the cast was minimized so much and would Caroline probably still be with ridge if she didn’t get leukemia? Don’t spoil anything for me with your answer please

  9. I’d expect the same from a woman that I would from a man. I expect her to have showered throughly so I don’t smell anything, shouldn’t even smell a body odor because just like how I do, I think she oughta have scented lotion all over her body, I expect her teeth and tongue to be brushed, her clothing and shoes to smell nice, and for her to be nice.

  10. That’s a very unfortunate situation but “this game has pissed me off for the last time” has me cracking up

  11. I spent 550 because I didn’t want to be left out of the top 5 highest RP earners and the car is mid asf

  12. I really don’t think so. Yea he’s a freak. But there really nothing on this guys body that is freakish. Like he’s got good muscle mass for his height, but nothing insane

  13. Yeah people also gotta keep in mind that he’s a twig with just a good amount of muscle mass so although he likely is on something to be competitive there is a chance he’s not taking anything

  14. why is every electric car that comes out ugly? the color, trunk and taillights are god awful

  15. Jaguar year over year sales have been in a tailspin dive for over 15 years.

  16. To be fair jaguar has been bellow rock bottom for decades. I’m talking pre British leyland, then they were a car brand that only sold sport cars unless a wealthy Brit wanted a luxury sedan, then overtime their luxury sedans became less and less sought after until the only thing they could sell was a sports car and then the jaguar f pace got pushed into the shadows in the car market because there were other sport cars that were more reliable and desirable in many other ways.

  17. How long before a Chinese brand buys then and rebadges their cars as has been done with MG

  18. Do they even have two cars in production since the F pace gone? The fact that they had Gaul to make special editions is crazy too, like who’s buying the regular editions?

  19. Stopped caring about the list after I saw they summed up someone owning a car meaning their broke

  20. Although you probably won’t need them again id say keep them just in case for some reason you need them later in the future

  21. Based on the posts I've seen here I think I got rather lucky with my drops, I had opened two boxes l one of which was the 488 Spider (nice to have I guess but I'll be using the Supra for T5) and the Infiniti (which I am currently using to do T4)

  22. Should I use it for T5 instead of the Supra? Or at least to get the elite license later in the Tempest?

  23. I’ve heard it’s been to use the Supra for tempest but I’d look into whether the 488 can beat the tempest before deciding on which one you want to use for tempest. I recommend watching a tune video from Danny lightning on it because he probably has its best race times included so you can know what parts to use for the tune that might be quick enough to beat tempest

  24. Then Ola Küntllenius can go get bent, it's not anybody elses fault Mercedes' history is classy front ends and elegant proportions and not superfluous wannabe sporty trainwreck for low IQ tiktok EV influencers whose bodies are shaped like an EQE from the side.

  25. I havent implied that Porsche is fault or really anyone lol. Just communicated that if one brand has a lot less expectations for what a product should consist of then another brand, that it’ll be easier for them to make a more liked product

  26. And the solution is said brand stop making nasty shite their audience doesn't fuck with.

  27. I’d say it’s transparent their learning hee more overtime what’s not liked and what is based on them putting rear seats in the SL, saying that future models including the upcoming s class will feature more buttons and overall a more traditional interior and getting rid of the EQ line and gradually releasing evs that resemble the ICE line hense the 580e

  28. I don't know, the lip filler I presume looked quite unnatural and while I know there's lots of people on reality TV with that (I live in the UK, so yeah), I actually hardly have ever seen any non-tv person with lip filler, so it did take me out in that way than if she would've just been pretty but looked like a person you could work with in the office for example. I actually thought her acting was way better than his though and brought it back. (If she doesn't have lip filler somehow then I do apologise)

  29. That’s understandable, I’d agree if those aren’t her natural lips and that there is like that it wasn’t appropriate for the role. I agree that she acted better then her costar too but I wouldn’t say embarrassingly better

  30. Didn’t hint at it, but I think the director spoiled his fate in an interview

  31. Although it’s not a boring idea I wouldn’t be surprised if she hallucinates he’s one of them at some point and kills him. Although I’m mangling the movie writing I enjoyed it really, surprisingly I saw some people saying they almost walked out early and I’ve never done that before besides when stopping watching leprechaun because it was just too bad

  32. I’d assume she’s natty and that’s do able within a year or a bit longer I feel like if a woman is fueling herself nutrients wise. For anyone who doesn’t know, she bulked a bit too much and really didn’t even need to bulk since she still had a lot of muscle to put on lean, beautiful girl still though

  33. Can I be honest? It more looks like she just gained a bunch of fat with maybe some muscle and yes that’s doable in 2 years.

  34. You oughta just communicate you left the box there and followed instructions by not ringing the doorbell or knocking but wish you would’ve messaged them that you had dropped off the food since you think that likely would’ve prevented the pizza being without a box and covered in insects. Make sure to say you’re sorry that happened and recommend they speak to customer support to seek a refund. It’s better to respond then not to so you hypothetically ignoring them doesn’t irritate her

  35. The Exorcist: From the producer of Halloween (Halloween Ends) And the creator of the Scream Franchise (isn’t that Kevin Williamson?)

  36. I commented on this as well, some of the most disrespectful shit I’ve ever seen. Kevin has a lot of nerve

  37. I love horror but for some reason Exocist movies do nothing for me. They always feel like the movie is on rails. Are there any that really elevate past their premise?

  38. Not really tbh but I’d say the popes exorcist, and if Jenifer’s body is script has Jenifer possessed then I’d say those are the only two I know of that go beyond the premise

  39. This is the issue I am having to, feel like deleting it because I have no self control and spend waaaaaay tooooo much real money on this game, but feel like I can't delete it because of the amount of hours and money I put in it... Vicious cycle 😅

  40. I felt that way about clash Royale but just like NM, supercell fucks its players by rigging the game and that along with not wanting to spend more money on the game made it easy for me to quit it

  41. 😭😭😭 it is very repetitive. Been taking a break and got back on yesterday and they make you race 50 races just for silver 70 keys 😭 who just wants to keep sitting there doing literally the same exact thing over and over it gets boring. Then you move to another challenge and its the same thing for whatever you do 🤣 stale asab the ONLY way i can play this game is if im smoking

  42. To be fair it’s simply meant to just take up time and if does it greatly lol. I don’t mind doing the 50 races for the keys because it gets me not too far from getting : silver crates lol. If you spend less time worrying about what you don’t have and what your accumulating and how what your accumulating and will accumulating overtime would make it so you could accumulate more you’d enjoy the game more

  43. He dies very easily and his hitting radius isn’t as good as executioner, in interactions he has a higher chance of missing troops then executioner does since executioner’s axe hits other troop on its way back

  44. They still have to comply with emissions so I don’t think new a V12 will come from them unless it’s a very limited production model and I’d assume the next generation maybach sedan will be the last V12 maybach sedan from them

  45. Why don't they consider building an EV that doesnt look like shit and instead make an EV that looks exactly like their E/C class models. It's not that hard, people like mercs (amongst reasons) because they look sick, nobody wants an ugly car that costs €100k. Looking at you EQS.

  46. They’ve already started doing that and that’s exactly what the article communicates their doing… the article expresses that their keeping the appearances of future ev models similar to their ICE models and simplifying over complexed and jarring parts of the software while making them evs. Hence the new EV Wagon just being called the 580e, looking like the ICE g wagon inside and out, and being able to be optioned to look identical to the ICE G wagon

  47. I find the urus pretty easy to get it, a tiny bit after 1 has come on the timer you let go

  48. I don’t get these cars. Imo they look shit and boxy. I’m sure they feel great to drive and nice on the inside. There must be better options. Is it just purely a status car?

  49. It was released in 1979 in the same box form and has looked like a box probably since the mid 70’s since its production started on 1973. Like Mercedes has always communicated it’s an off-roader but people choose to buy it for whatever particular reasons they do. It’s just like how the SL is a high performance car but some people buy it just to never go faster then 90 mph and to cruise.

  50. It's funny to think that a 4 pot petrol or diesels were all you could get with the original G wagon.

  51. To be fair I think it could just be them big upping Mercedes in hopes of getting cars easier from them and/or being paid by them or they could simply just like it that much

  52. I’ve seen a few of them but not many myself, likely price is the reasoning because it likely it is or it could be dated too much

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