
  1. The movie Milo and Otis, I could have sworn it was called Otis and Milo. It’s the movie with the dog and the cat.

  2. Apologies if this has been mentioned, but does anyone know if there is a cut of the movie Alien where Ripley and the captain have sex near the beginning of the movie? I was watching it, and I swear I remember a scene very vividly where they're in bed together talking and she gets annoyed at him for dismissing her opinion about what the ship should do. I recently watched Alien and it's not in there, so I just searched to see if it's in the director's cut. Then I find an article saying the original script DID have a scene where they have sex, but it was never filmed. I'm not an Alien fanatic or anything, so I never read this info before, so why do I remember the scene if it was never filmed? I thought maybe there really is some obscure cut out there I saw at some point that does have the scene in it - does anyone know? Because if it was never filmed, this really freaks me out, because either it's a Mandela Effect or I just came up with it out of nowhere.

  3. Think that may have been the movie splice or something like that?

  4. I see, what if a person looked aged beyond what they should, and they have asked.

  5. Oh wonderful! Im assuming every 3000 miles or do you think sooner ?

  6. Bummer. I was 09 to 15 and most certainly used these dang ear plugs.

  7. I still have mine in the junk drawer haha good place for them I suppose

  8. Does the tinnitus have to be documented to contribute to ptsd for it to be applicable to our cases?

  9. Actually you shouldn't be able to turn that drive line with the boot on it at all and get it to crimp if it were connected to all ends fully? Lest that's how I envision it unless it's some other wild design I've not seen lol

  10. It’s was the axel spline that popped out of the hub! Thank you

  11. Oh and I did check the oh and I did check the shift lever on top of the trans and it’s good, I even tried manually shifting it by hand with that with the same results

  12. The only 2 ways for her champva to end are if the following happen:

  13. Yes. But you must turn in the divorce decree or Spouse will keep benefits.

  14. The settlement is like 6 billion, there's a total of 260k 3m earplug cases in the country iirc

  15. What’s the math solution? Shouldn’t we technically get more?

  16. Is it though, or is the old man living that life because the burden of his ex is no longer holding them back?

  17. I already have one, I’m waiting on information for the other to retain a new one

  18. What did your lawyer advise you regarding the "lie detector test" - seems like it won't help your situation.

  19. My story pretty much verbatim. Gross how easily they tear up a family for their own self interest. "We are all happier now!" Really? I'm not. The kids aren't. Only you are. But "we all" just means me this day and age. It's selfishness at its finest.

  20. This is extremely accurate, stbxw is trying to remove the kids from their school district and to a place by her parents ‘closer to her bf’. So selfish, I’m all for 50/50 but she would rather accuse me of bs and steal the children than to do what’s right for them.

  21. I would assume the way it feels when your clitoris gets hard but just with a larger clitoris. Imagine the pressure and sensation in that and use your imagination to guess what that would feel like with a larger mass.

  22. Werd. From now on I'm just gonna auto invest vti and chill. Time for me to forget all this "ape" and "DD" bs. I'm poor, always will be. Time to get on with my life and think about things I'm actually interested in and quit dreaming. I might as well hold onto my 2xx shares I guess. Wishing you all happy healthy lives 🥺✌

  23. That’s it, just hold. The acceptance is part of our play. The more zen you have the easier it is to sit it forget it and let the mayotards squirm.

  24. What do smooth brains call to ask? Simple ape here, only knows how to buy and hodl

  25. It’s not our fault, it’s their fault for shorting a cheating the market place. I just like the stock

  26. Dunno what planet you’re on. Bullets aren’t cheap when it comes to millions of shots. Look at how much money is being pumped into ukraine, besides the hundreds of millions the corrupt Ukrainian government is funnelling that is. A big piece of metal sliding down metal rails over and over has a low one time cost. Maybe a bit of oil every 2000 executions. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  27. You know money is an illusion and there is a lot more of it than you think. It’s not about cost. Still think the whole this whole thing is a farce

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