
  1. I run the seren addon but I only use it as a backup for my stremio setup. What setup are you running on kodi, if you don't mind me asking.

  2. don't worry just hike with someone who douses coyote scent

  3. The Reddit platform supports pedophiles, sex traffickers and other illegal activities. The moderation team works to cover this up.

  4. You might be right about about paid mods but I'm betting heavy on paid assets. Like a bunch the stuff we got for free from Steam we'll have to plop down a buck or 2 for. Some kind of pay wall.

  5. I hear you but I meant about all the free assets from the workshop. And there were a shit ton. When I first heard about lack of steam workshop my first thought was all of those are probably not gonna exist.

  6. I want trainstain without massive parking lot. ie non-north-american-trainstation.

  7. I want versions of a bunch of different buildings with no parking.

  8. Yes the mighty plus will work for that just clean mouthpiece regularly (weekly for me). Still best to put a 'nest' of herb on the bottom, then hash, then another layer on top, even bad herb or lavender etc, reduces tar pull through the unit and I assume, lungs.

  9. I second everything here. Love a Lil bubble hash in my Mighty to kick it up a notch. Would add that the dosing caps make it easier (imo) to make the weed /hash/weed sandwich.

  10. How many patches need to be deployed in 5 months for it not to be meager? Is there like a specific number?

  11. Yeah live rosin or even shatter pens are the best pens by far

  12. A pen that shatters when boofed.

  13. I mean.... What's your 'exploding buses' toggle set at? Did you check even it?

  14. It would be hilarious to me if they patched it so that if there’s too much sewage, it can’t pass through the damn cause it would clog it like real life because they got tired of seeing all the poop dams lol

  15. Americans when they discover how cities in the normal world are:

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