
  1. NO. Pol Pot was not a communist, socialist, or anything resembling the left. No leftists whatsoever support Pol Pot.

  2. its such a grade school point if view to think communism == Russia

  3. yes because democracy == American ruling faction. supporting any ideology does not mean supporting any and every government that claims to follow said ideology

  4. you can understand them alright but the fact that he couldnt be bothered to bress two more buttons just annoys me you understand right i mean honestly writing this is already kinda annoying and i really dont understand how anyone can do this seriously this hurts me

  5. I think the honeycomb looks sick. just please dont try to upbadge thats tacky asf

  6. No. They come virgin and you put on what you want Do they even make an RSQ5? Lol

  7. seems like its not available in the states. but then id say go for it i just thought itd come with the badge in the pic

  8. yes. im not going to lose the forest for the trees. if the overton window was pushed so that left was actually left, center was left, and right was also left, that would be a win in my book.

  9. Europa simply quivering at the might of the PLC

  10. SS fr was like "this game isnt anti-Semitic enough"

  11. I don't understand this. yes we should take everything the west says with a grain of salt. but the fact is that Qatar DOES use a lot of slave (or hostage) labour. for years they've been duping poor Indian and African men with the promise that they'll be able to get their families out of poverty. it has been documented time and time again that once these men arrive that their passports are taken from them leaving them unable to leave the country. these men also rely on their employers for things like housing and food so they have no other option than to work. yes the west lies to gain an advantage, but a broken clock can be right twice a day. our values as socialists shouldn't be rooted in contrarianism but for workers rights

  12. Ive never seen this angle before. incredible!

  13. just rip it off, its not worth it unless its for the gas tank

  14. its unproven because not everyone is dead yet. this is how capitalists do science

  15. looks awesome but id flip it so the sword faces out

  16. From my personal experience there's no real "co-op program". I just finished my 5 year program where i needed 4 semesters of co-op. First let me get one thing straight I HAD ZERO HELP FINDING A CO-OP. others may have had a different experience but my co-op advisor was honestly more harmful than helpful. yes RIT has a good reputation with companies who have co-op positions but I had to find where to look myself and in doing so i ended up places where i was abused, im not going to go into detail but DO NOT CO-OP AT PEKO PRECISION. When i had any questions about the process or how to deal with said abuses my advisor rung me out and called me lazy and ungrateful. My next 2 co-ops were actually great though and helped me land the job i have today which is fairly challenging and pay is decent.

  17. you're seriously saying there's infinite value and resources in capitalism

  18. find me one source that says the main cause of our inflation is from the FEDERAL RESERVE (NOT OWNED BY THE GOVERNMENT)

  19. You can know if you're boosting correctly? With your logic wouldn't the temp gauge be useless too?

  20. What do you mean by "with your logic"? I simply asked what I can do with that information. I honestly have no idea. What would it mean to "boost incorrectly"?

  21. No boost or not full boost would tell you something in your turbo is failing which is pretty important so your turbine doesn't introduce itself to your pistons

  22. Oh yes because Elon has been right about literally anything ever

  23. Execution by the state is wrong, whether a czarist state or a Bolshevik state.

  24. So if Belgium had a revolution when they owned the Congo you'd be against the execution of Leopold II?

  25. I know you don’t give a fuck because you’ve never even set foot in Cuba, but I am Cuban, and I care about the suffering of my people, and my own suffering, Puerto Rico never left the side of the USA, and now Puerto Rico, with 3 million people, even after all the hurricanes and natural disasters, is wealthier than Cuba with 11 million people. Being ideological is easy when it isn’t your family suffering, and you’re sitting in the comfort of a Capitalist country. :)

  26. Tell me, who exactly is wealthier in Puerto Rico? The Puerto Ricans? Or the American imperialists who have destroyed their land, water, and infastructure? Are you seriously calling Puerto Rico well off? What are you smoking dude I want some

  27. Puerto Rico, the wealth of Americans that have property in Puerto Rico is not included in Puerto Rico’s statistics. Puerto Rico’s GDP per Capita is 4 times greater than Cuba, and if you ever had been to either of them you’d notice the huge difference there is.

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