
  1. Mate you are a superstar! Absolutely what I was looking for and works a treat, well done!

  2. Good idea. That could be pretty useful in many other scenarios too, including personal banking. Great idea

  3. Here’s what you could do: buy calls when we hit $114 again. Then if it keeps moving lower, average down when we hit $108.5. If it moves even lower, average down at $101. Then sit back and enjoy the ride. Just remember to take profit before the 24th or when we get near gamma max.

  4. Alternative average down strategy if you can’t afford multiple calls - they ain’t cheap - is to roll the call down as it moves down. Keep enough powder to keep rolling it down as necessary

  5. I sold, withdrew to my eToro Money account (instant), then did a direct transfer from their to IBKR. Money was in IBKR within the hour

  6. We all know/agree that the real SI is much higher, right?

  7. No. You can convert Uk to dollar in IBKR and buy instantly. The money only needs to settle for a few days when you want to pay them the $5 fee when you drs. I know…… weird as fuk but that how it is

  8. Every time I convert from GBP to USD I’m unable to use the USD to buy stock until the USD settles. I tried again yesterday which is why I experimented with Wise

  9. As the other user has said, you don't have to wait until the cash settles to buy stocks. It says this in one of the pages in the IBKR website.

  10. I suspect yesterdays problem was me trying to buy in pre-market which I think requires settled cash and doesn’t fall into the ‘free-riding’ that IBKR gives an exception to for cash accounts

  11. I believe you get charged for inactivity with IBKR unless you connect up to TradeStation. With TradeStation you don't get charged for inactivity but you cannot buy fractional shares.

  12. Jeez, I thought you were talking sense until that last paragraph.

  13. Not FUD. CCs are dangerous dude (edit: or dudette), you could lose your assets. Don’t play options unless you know what you’re doing.

  14. Yes, just launch 2 instances of the application and login under each account. There's an option to share market data subscriptions under account management with a paper account, which you will probably want to do.

  15. EDIT: Scrap what I said below. If I'd have just dug a little deeper... try this link:

  16. There are 2 types of Apes... Zen Apes and Hype Apes... Zen Apes have been burned and find their strength to hold by not engaging in the hype.

  17. How many of the options people are exercising all their contracts that expired otm in Dec, and now Jan 21? It's almost like options aren't helpful at all, because Wall St can usually control the price enough to screw you just at the right time.

  18. You wouldn’t exercise them OTM. You’d roll them, like any sensible trader would do, until they were worth exercising. As it keeps being said, don’t play options if you don’t know what you’re doing

  19. I don't. But my point still stands. If you don't eventually exercise them, it's just a way to delay moass by wasting money not drs'ing bought shares.

  20. Until it doesn’t. It’s not just rolling. There are profits to be made during the process that allows for nearer ATM/ITM with later expiries to be bought that double/triple whammies SHFs. First they need to hedge them, then they need to settle them, then if you DRS them that’s a third blow. All while the options player is gaining more and more shares

  21. I've bought from .37 all the way to 3.70. I'm still buying. Sure, I might have to wait a bit, but this thing is at least going to $10 bucks and we're all going to make a lot of money. We may even have to endure another crypto winter but it'll get there. I don't see a more promising coin to buy.

  22. TA suggests it’s going back to 0.37-0.40 so there’s some real tasty dips to look forward to

  23. I had a similar problem, but used the chat on Bransfer and the agent corrected my transaction. I had entered the send amount of 0.15 ETH but I needed to send the received amount of 0.150072 ETH.

  24. I will not continue this discussion, have no intention to prove anyone wrong. We all agree that token use cases determine whether or not the token is gonna be fungible. For someone with interest in crypto the Loophead is definitely not fungible token. For many people, they are all the same, thus they would consider it fungible. The same with dollar bills and their serial numbers, just different ratios. So I agree that dollar bill is used as a fungible token, but the bill itself is by design unique, and if you want to a bank with two bills with the same serial, I doubt you'd get away with both of them being accepted.

  25. You can end the discussion like that. Still doesn’t make what you said accurate in any way, shape or form to the reality of what a dollar is vs an NFT in terms of fungibility. But I’ll end here too

  26. Ok, I'll put it down this way.

  27. You’re adding extrinsic value to a serial number. In that case it has extrinsic value to some super nerd, so yes, you could consider that (edit: should have said non-fungible here) fungible in the same way as having a superstar autograph the bill, as I said. But a dollar bill does not intrinsically have any different value from one to the next so is therefore fungible. It’s a slack argument to say cos some potential rainman-like super nerd exists who likes serial numbers (extrinsic value), therefore dollar bills are non-fungible.

  28. It was used as a cover story as it was all ready to go, and no names were named since they had no news to talk about. We've known just as much about the plans as the news story told us, that is, almost nothing... just that the company is working on a turnaround. It's rather funny!

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