
  1. Personally I love time-skip OOT Link 😻it was one of my "crush" when the game was released in Europe. 2nd place I would say TP Link and BOTW one in the 3rd place

  2. Instead of unfollowing you can "mute" can be done on Instagram and Facebook too🤔

  3. I'm an artist and I've created an Instagram Account on May 2023. Since the beginning I've got around 1 to a bit less than 20 likes but now seems even less. Not every post get interaction and some of them has literally 0. I've also saw a decreasing of reach, so my posts and Reels are less viewed. Some people decided to like only stories instead of posts🤷🏻‍♀️ I've decided to hide likes to feel better with myself, to not feel the pressure

  4. On May 2023 I opened my Instagram Account...still have around 40 followers since now. I'm an artist and kind of hermit too, I know almost anyone. Often I see that people follow and then unfollow. I'm not sure of anything now. Still, refuse to give up, absolutely not. What I do is my life

  5. It's usually people that want to know what you're up to, but don't want to support you. I notice the same thing very often.

  6. This i 100% exactly what I think about this behavior. On Instagram I've noticed people who used to like both post and stories and suddenly started to like only stories 🤷🏻‍♀️.

  7. I have the same doubt. why do they only like my stories but not actual posts?

  8. Who knows. Maybe they like the content but not what's written in the post ?

  9. Currently I'm at 7 raids. I think 60 raids are too much, especially for people like me who are pretty rural. I raid when I can, If I want. I'm FTP

  10. Hi, he needs friends for XP and he srnds/open gifts everyday. Gifts from Italy

  11. Mipha's statue, wish we could get something wich would revive a champion

  12. Same. My Link still mourns Mipha. I' would be curious to see the reaction of Zelda about it🤔👀

  13. I've done 13 raids - free passes + some premium- and I've got no shiny. Another person has done the same numer of raids and got 1 shiny. Another one has done less than 10 raids and got 2 shinies

  14. I'm writing on behalf of a person not here on Reddit. He needs friends for gifts and XP (not remote raid due to PokéCoins increase) Gifts from Italy. Thank you in advance

  15. This two days I've personally experienced a lot of bugs in general and in the raid side too.

  16. Since some time this is happening to me too, as well as other bugs (GPS suddenly not working for example). I'm on Android.

  17. The Vivillon thing has messed up the things. I think that people living on less desirable regions try their way to get what they want...Scatterbug , XP, Raid. A mixture of all.. Or sometimes they are maybe troll, just to fill the friend space. People that never trigger the first interaction milestone are the less understandable ones 🤔 (they get deleted some days later)

  18. I’ve dealt with all of those situations. Recently I created a topic asking for friends in the Sun region. I didn’t mention what region I was from in the topic at all. I received 18 friend requests and not a single one was from the Sun region. I was like WTF? And out of that 18, about 5 never interacted at all. It’s been about a week and I haven’t received a single gift from them and they never opened the gift that I sent them. Why did they send me a friend request?

  19. In some cases people may genuinely not even really know from which region are sending. In my opinion, in-game Vivillon map is not trustful 😑. Vivillon map can be very complex. Just to say, Italy where I live it's Marine, then there're some areas of Meadow too. Sometimes private life takes me on the Meadow one

  20. The Vivillon thing has really messed up the friendship aspects😵 complicating very much my approach. It's a bit annoying to be added from a "non requested" region but I tend to keep them anyway. I think they need/like Vivillon pattern of my region (Marine) and maybe they want to gain some XP in the meantime. Or, well, in some case may they even troll 🤔?

  21. It was only related to an exotic cheese and a few digits. Plain, simple🤷🏻‍♀️. Had it since 2019, when I began to play Pokémon Go.

  22. I think that the concept of Scatterbugs itself is very good and give a reason to interact beyond XP, especially with whom I have 4 hearts. Good to see cool postcard and places and it turn 'm also "advertising" a place to visit.

  23. Personally, two days ago I've written my code on Pokémon Go Twitter, explaining which Vivillion I was searching for, and saying which I'm.

  24. I write on behalf of another person who hasn't a Reddit account ...he desperately need friends and gifts🙏. Thank you in advance

  25. Please add him for XP and gifts. Thank you in advance

  26. He needs friends for XP and gifts...add him please. Thank you in advance

  27. typically, exclusive moves become available via ETM a while later. Despite several posts calling it out, it didn't happen this time. At this point its starting to feel intentional.

  28. Agree. It's starting to feel intentional too. I have one hundo Giratina waiting to learn Shadow Force via ETM. To me it is almost an insult, since Giratina Origin is one of my favorite Pokemon...

  29. Don't purify it. Shadow Machamp is a beast in raids 💪

  30. Ughh that guy should have a life, really...sad to here that. I hope he'll get what it deserve since it doesn't have to behave like this. Jerks are all around, sadly and some of them are well hidden too.

  31. Remote raids is my (and not only) salvation on many cases. Many people helped me to win a raid and sometimes I could join to their raids too. Everyone has it's own schedule, be if for work, personal reasons and private life. Remote invites are also good if a gym is in a quite dangerous place.

  32. Happened to me once....the friends list got bugged making me press the unfriend button.😵 Luckily, in my case I could contact the person.

  33. Their humorism reminds me sometimes Ghost Kamikaze attack ( Gokenks one) against Kid Bu.

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