
  1. Calm your tits, this just proves that the old equity was not made out of hot air.

  2. Are you actually invested in KOSS or just karma whoring the butterfly?

  3. I know right. I’ve been buying this week since towel isn’t available 🦋😀🦋

  4. Don't want to attack you, but what are you doing here? BBBY is a huge gamble. Your post history does not reflect that.

  5. You can’t trade BBBYQ right now. Neither buy or sell. Both are disabled as it has been canceled. So what are shills shilling? They can’t trick you into selling, selling doesn’t exist.

  6. Do you know the definition of brigading? Clearly not.. this is post is a GameStop NFT

  7. Don’t bring this nonsense to this sub. The shares have been terminated let it go.

  8. I think they are looking for a specific audience to engage with them 🧐🟣🟣🟣🟣

  9. I have an x and that shit still overheats randomly Lol, I’m updating to the 15 but damn idk now

  10. I am once again asking this sub to stop propping up Pulte. He is obviously pandering to retail investors, particularly towel investors, to join in his crusade to take back his company.

  11. This is actually great news and I’ve got no skin in the game at all, I’m not from the U.S.

  12. Can confirm. I know someone who watched it (had no idea about GME) and they loved it.

  13. I filled a limit order at 0.3$ for 22k shares. Wish me luck mulleniares.

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