
  1. I genuinely don’t think brainstorm is right, they actually wouldn’t do that, no sarcasm.

  2. My big fat Greek wedding. Its cute and cuddly still, but I don’t really find it funny now

  3. When you get the classy fire mog just right for the classy fire owl

  4. But they always say it's a men's loneliness epidemic. I figured that implied that women are not lonely and don't having trouble dating... or it's not as bad.

  5. Women don’t have trouble having sex. They absolutely have trouble dating and finding a good partner

  6. But why? People are gonna get mad and not understand the intention even if you put in all that effort. So why do it? It’s gonna launch this week anyway

  7. Women also have to worry about pregnancy

  8. Yes, women have many more safety/health worries than men do when it comes to sex and relationships

  9. Grenade pistol is unbelievably convenient for bug holes, broadcasts, spore spewers, etc

  10. All this thirsty fan art. I know who Eagle 1 really is.

  11. The movie is great -- the IRL man's story a bit less so.

  12. That’s frustrating to read lol. I can’t believe he preferred spending 24/7 in an airport terminal to living in Belgium, or having his documents list a different preferred name/nationality

  13. It's not even a real achievement, it's a Feat of Strength. Which counts even less than a real achievement.

  14. Feats of strength are more valuable than achievements imo

  15. Ah yeah the polls have been great the last two times

  16. And there’s basically no way for a poor kid to know they have some aptitude for music without it existing in school

  17. Yeah. I don’t like it. I think it’ll mess with some of the hype and playing with friends/guildies. I also think it feels just icky

  18. There are good reasons why people need to talk to each other in game. I’m not going to spell them out for you.

  19. You can talk to each other in game. You just can’t message flame after the game

  20. Yes, they announced the end of the season as 10 PM PDT about 3 weeks ago. 

  21. This is not a “both sides are equally bad thing”. This is a “anyone in power could try to abuse this law, what would that look like”.

  22. Some of the funniest stuff is before the clip starts unfortunately 

  23. You’ve gotten out of bot mmr/mmr hell. Take it as a badge of honor. The game had to match you against better people because you were winning so much.

  24. Just because people don’t agree with you does not mean they aren’t discussing something with you.

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