
  1. Hey what a great idea. Think of the increased productivity without OSHA...

  2. Through my experience of living in the country, I can tell you that country folks do not need to google how to make thermite

  3. Through my experience of living in the country, I can tell you that country folks don't know nearly as much as people assume they do. I don't know a single person who can make thermite without looking it up, and none of them have all the materials readily on hand. However, most folks have an old oxy-acetylene torch laying around, and those will make a molten puddle of anything metal in no time.

  4. Interesting, bad cops getting judged against... In a righteous reality, this would set a legal precedent that would later cascade into something like BLM/AntiFa bankrupting local police forces all across the land. Might even make our "leaders" back up and re-assess their marching orders for the baton- and gun-swingers with badges. And radios. And suped-up patrol cars. And backup. And the entire legal system swinging its collective dick in their favor... Oh, but this would wreck the economy- Do you know how much money is in the Prison System?? Prison Labor? Prison Services? Prison Constuction? Prison Maintenance? Kickbacks to judges and DAs? Kickbacks to Gangster Rap producers and record industry execs? I guess I'm a little off base, huffing that Justice in a Free World again...

  5. If the monolithic climate scientists are refusing to accept amended models, who is making the new models?

  6. It must be all those woke DEI people who we are told want to destroy the country. Probably paid by santos and crossed the border illegally.

  7. Can't wait for this to get politicized and challenged into submission. Maybe they'll claim it's a DEI issue, or somehow limiting the PFAS contamination in our water is 'woke'? Either way, it happened under the watch of Democrats, so the GOP cannot let it stand no matter their justification.

  8. Spoken like someone with little experience in juvenile justice

  9. Sure, tell me how Rikers Island was a glowing example of juvenile justice.

  10. Rikers doesn’t intake minors and hasn’t for over half a decade

  11. And you should say why. It only took our juvenile justice system much too long, and the lives of too many kids, for anything to even start to change. You think that's a contained incident? That similar juvenile justice systems the country over aren't likewise throwing otherwise harmless children in with hardened offenders, and turning a blind eye when anyone dares to come forward about it? How many failed youth do we have to produce before we reform the system in earnest?

  12. It did used to be more like that 10 years ago but now it seems like ebay with quicker delivery times.

  13. Hell, even Prime shipped items are slower than Ebay nowadays. Amazon has become unreliable and slow, and starts people thinking if they should drop Prime. Which is one thing subscription models don't want. You don't want someone questioning their subscription, or they're apt to find reasons not to keep it. So selling a subscription on a premise of fast and free shipping while subsequently failing to deliver in two days highlights a disparity in consumer expectations vs reality.

  14. It's pretty common where I live in the SF Bay area to see them at all these places now heck a 7-11 recently put 4 in at the parking lot in the past year

  15. Who would have thought an extremely HCoL would have facilities catering to luxury items. Sure it's also an urban center and affluent with a substantially higher median income than the national average, so it makes sense items most would consider luxury would be more commonplace there. But the majority of americans don't live in an area conducive to EV adoption. Many of them might be able to count on one hand the places with a supercharger or other rapid chargers within a 30-minute drive of their home. So even the ones who commute short distances and don't regularly drive further than 100 miles are still considerably inconvenienced without a reliable place to charge at home or work.

  16. It just takes people to adopt them in areas for it to happen. SF Bay has for a long time now been first to adopt cleaner vehicles, I can barely afford to live here and lived here all my life and drive a hybrid and have for awhile now phev at the very least will be my next car for sure.

  17. And many people in rural or lower CoL areas don't have the dosh for a luxury that's also an inconvenience. Chicken and egg, the ones who have one for the novelty are also the ones likely to have their own home and likewise ability to install their own home charger. But if you have to rent and move every once in a while then an EV charging solution is unreliable, especially if there is no likewise convenient solution for charging at work instead of your apartment/rental.

  18. Sounds like she picked people mostly to troll RBG’s family and legacy.

  19. A shining example how the right bemoans a dying culture and society, while cheering degenerate actions like this. They're killing the society they want with petty actions meant to undermine someone's legacy all for the sake of their evergreen left/right divisive mentality.

  20. yeah if you read the article (which ofc not because this is reddit), they begged the state for help initially but they hemmed and hawed, likely because this only affects 15 people lmao

  21. A little bit ago there was record flooding in the south, east texas area, and a bunch of folks who had just put up these gigantic McMansions on the wrong side of the levee got satisfiably flooded. Like, anyone could have told them putting their house next to a river on the wrong side of the levee was a bad idea.

  22. I mean, you presumably live in a home, use electricity, bathe and type your response on a computer right?

  23. The difference being, I don't look out my window at a beautiful view of the ocean that is also threatening to undermine my house and say, "yes, everyone else should have to pay for me to stay here with a beautiful unobstructed view".

  24. The winds of shit will be blowing his way, that's for sure.

  25. You'll be fine. The most dangerous thing you'll do that day is drive to/from the airport.

  26. People do want help. The issue is that people who have no idea what their situation is like decide what that help should be, provide something useless, and condemn the people in need for not conforming to their ideas of what they should be.

  27. Similar to their aversion to outreach programs like safe injection sites. They see those like addiction as personal failings which should not be allowed, and a state-funded resource that they believe validates the addiction. They don't care for the benefit to the addicts and community provided. They'd rather criminalize the whole thing, leave junkies to shoot up on the streets and complain when they see needles strewn about.

  28. Oh my, did you recently learn about the flu as well? Stop trying to rewrite the reality of transmissible disease with your own inadequate understanding of immunology.

  29. Well, good luck to the Texans in the path of the flames, may the odds be ever in your favor because the Texas National Guard won’t be helping you

  30. It's that red wave they've been waiting for. They should welcome it with open arms.

  31. Some people don't drive. Or don't have cars. Or are disabled and can't drive.

  32. With all the time they save not driving, they'd be better off cooking for themselves.

  33. I think they sold it off, as mentioned in the above. Dumb decision.

  34. Yeah, the building wanted complete control of its land. Now it's the Fiat Chrysler building.

  35. It is obviously clear now that Republicans are willing to vote for a traitor, Trump is not even hiding his ill intent anymore.

  36. When i said that I was thinking more ensuring future kids won’t ever be at risk of growing up into the next hick ever again.

  37. See the ruin of their education systems and know it's a self-perpetuating cycle. Nothing will change until they have the skills to elevate their station, and the jobs that demand those skills in their areas. Until then, anyone who works hard and studies is almost guaranteed to leave in pursuit of better pay and QoL. Those left behind don't have fancy jobs or high society to prompt any effort for change. It's a multifaceted issue that won't be resolved by unilateral measures.

  38. Not if you follow the instructions on the box. I usually set it between 2 and 3.

  39. Get a load of this fat cat with their fancy toaster. Sorry I'm too poor to know what a toaster with power settings is like.

  40. Not a bad idea. Definitely an idea to consider when I ultimately change it again.

  41. I was thinking something similar, like a deutsch connector. Save some space and hassle.

  42. From 16 to 27 launchers is a nearly 70% increase. 40% of 16 is 6.4 more launchers 70% of 16 is 11.2

  43. Did you read the article? Because that 40% figure comes directly from the article. Maybe don't correct me, but the article, if you take issue with the assertions made therein.

  44. Straight from the article mate "Charlie Battery’s reactivation is part of the new setup. As more units are added, the 41st FAB will have about 70% more firepower than it does now."

  45. Ahh, they updated the article. Probably got called out internally. It was 40% when I read ~5 hours ago. I appreciate your update, I wouldn't have known otherwise they corrected themselves.

  46. If the right accomplishes their goal of defeating the Chevron deference, then these pesky little details like EPA regulations go bye-bye. Then it's nothing but rainbows and puppies and unlimited wealth as all those barriers to business magically disappear.

  47. It's almost like our current medical insurance model is not suited to handle a growing elderly class more susceptible to illnesses requiring hospitalization and a business model focused only on maximizing shareholder profits. Maybe we could do something about that instead of propping up bandaids to kick the can down the road. Of course the GOP alternative of booting them to the curb would also free up beds, if you're heartlessly inclined.

  48. If those kids wanted protections under the law they should have thought twice before being born.

  49. If you watched any OU football home games this year, he wasn’t looking good at all.

  50. OU football has that effect on a person. Should have gone to more Longhorn games.

  51. Not everyone with Cancer wants to share that they have Cancer. My dad hated how much some of my family babied him. He's just wanted to feel and be known as a normal person, not be known as the guy dying of cancer.

  52. Lost my uncle to cancer. He never told anyone. Never got to say goodbye. I guess there will never be that closure now that he's gone. Just feels like a jagged hole was left in his place. Our family gets along well, so there wasn't any drama he was avoiding either.

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