1. Scotland in summer! It's green and full of flowers, birds singing everywhere. There is honestly no better place to spend a few days than the nature reserves in the Highlands.

  2. What's your opinion on the proposed reintroduction of wolves?

  3. I don't think that's an actual proposed idea at the moment. Only the lynx is being seriously considered for what I know. From an ecological perspective it's an excellent idea, and from a human safety point of view it's absolutely fine as well.

  4. I beg to differ there, it's blatantly obvious how some stuff is bad for us but corps just don't care. Have you heard of PFAS? It's due to be phased out by 2030, doesn't matter that since the 60s it's been proven to cause cancers. Upf food is lucrative because you pack your whatnot full of sugar and rapeseed oil/palm oil and it's a delicious treat. Tobacco has been consumed for a long time, do you reckon the tons of added chemicals to the paper etc is making it even more harmful? (since 2015ish your cig stops burning thanks to a new agent on the paper vs before you got fingerburns as it kept burning down)

  5. Personally I believe the most obvious answer is the most likely: Companies want to make money, governments are inefficient and easily swayed/corrupted, and consumers will buy stuff anyway because they don't worry about their long term health. It's an "easy win" for everyone but the unfortunate side effect is widespread bad health.

  6. Yeah, I'd assume there's annual/seasonal variable flow, but the daytime cycles in the past (undammed) must be more daytime heavy (afternoon/early evening) due to snowmelt during the day.

  7. You're probably better off asking ecologists about this than engineers. We're notoriously bad for thinking we can solve nature's problems with technology. For what I know (my partner is an ecologist) rivers don't really fluctuate between day and night because there are so many factors that slow down the water flow. If there weren't, there wouldn't be a river except for when it rains!

  8. The mature trees were "dangerous" and the existing stable ground cover was "ugly"... and fuck whatever animals or insects were living on that hill..... this is the mentality we are dealing with

  9. Clearing trees and "decades worth of leaves and sticks" sounds like the best way to destroy a great ecosystem that is great for insects, soil quality, and very importantly flood protection: what is going to stop the rainwater from running off to your house now? OP better have a sound reason for removing all of those and I'll take back my words, but this doesn't look too promising.

  10. In Nederland bij de kampeerpalen, zeker aan te raden! Ik woon in Schotland en ga hier heel vaak in mijn eentje wildkamperen. Dit jaar een tocht van een week gedaan. Zat mensen om mee te kletsen onderweg maar afgelegen genoeg om rustig één te zijn met je omgeving. Prachtig.

  11. Oh ja dat klopt, jammer! Ik heb voor corona voor het laatst in NL gekampeerd, vandaar. Ze hebben wel natuurkampeerplekken, die zijn ook mooi (maar wel iets minder wild)

  12. Oils have different smoke points where they start to burn and degrade. Olive oil has a lower smoke point than other oils typically used to fry such as soybean oil or canola oil, so olive oil isn't typically used to deep fat fry something. Even if it were, it would still be unhealthy because deep fat frying saturates the food in oil and oils (fats) are highly caloric.

  13. Funny enough olive oil's smoke point isn't really that much lower, just a couple of degrees. The main origin of this "myth" is that older style refining processes were unable to remove all solids from olive oil which would start burning at lower temperatures, and create carcinogenic compounds. Most modern olive oil is prepared way cleaner and is perfect for deepfrying with a smoke point of 210C (410F) compared canola/sunflower between 205-230 C (400 and 450 F)!

  14. Yes and they are both fine for frying. Modern extra virgin olive oil is also filtered to the point that no carcinogenic or smoking particles are left that will burn below 410F / 210C.

  15. Once travelled with a guy for a couple weeks in NZ who would just grab one of those tooth floss sticks while driving and start flossing. Half the time he'd then chuck it in the centre console for reuse and half the time he'd throw them out the window. Honestly wouldn't surprise me if it's just good ol' littering

  16. Same in Portobello! Smells like someone mixed bleach and vinegar and made toxic chlorine gas. Usually done to remove weeds (and murder the whole neighborhood). I think the fog keeps the smell locked in the city.

  17. Ronaldo didnt made it past 6th grade and he has more money than we can ever imagine

  18. Terrible example to pick one of the top footballers in the world. Statistically you're just more likely to get less far in a career if you didn't finish high school or higher education.

  19. To those wondering, it's a fake by street artist BOD as far as I could find online. They have more of this kind of stuff. FB link:

  20. Taking bets on there still being droughts with hosepipe bans declared this summer too?

  21. Tell me you don't understand weather without telling me...

  22. So then it makes sense that there'll be a hosepipe ban this summer: Lots of rainfall in winter but higher water consumption and more dry days in summer. Why write it so suggestively? Instead you could just have commented directly on the mismanagement of water resources in the UK, because that's the main reason for limiting domestic water use.

  23. I knew there was going to be someone, somewhere on this sub who's also on wild green memes!

  24. Teapigs is still my favourite. They're a B corp which is bonus points for me. I've been buying from them for years, both breakfast teas and other types like green and fruity. Their Redbush and honey bush is awesome as well

  25. Het is deels noodzakelijk. Kijk naar herten, die hebben in Nederland geen natuurlijke vijanden, en dus word de hertenpopulatie te groot om zichzelf in stand te houden, met kaalgevreten natuurgebieden als gevolg. Wat is dan humaner, om ze af te schieten of om ze van de honger te laten omkomen?

  26. Ff aanvullend hierop aangezien je alleen maar downvotes krijgt: het klopt inderdaad dat jagers nodig zijn, zo simpel is het. Herten en zwijnen populaties kunnen alleen met jagen onder controle gehouden. Hier in Schotland is het een nog veel groter probleem. Het probleem is wel dat veel jagers over het algemeen niet jagen vanuit een hart voor de algehele natuur maar gewoon beesten kapot willen maken. En dan maakt het opeens niet uit als je daarvoor een paar roofvogels moet vermoorden, dat is dagelijkse gang van zaken. Erg bedroevend en ook een goeie reminder dat onderwijs ongelofelijk belangrijk is, bijvoorbeeld zodat men weet dat roofdieren essentieel zijn voor een gezond ecosysteem en ze dus niet om zeep geholpen moet worden.

  27. You don't believe they actually carved up each individual block do you?

  28. Did they just find naturally cuboid stones lying around? 

  29. I need to find some sort of balance because I went to journalism school and care about politics and justice and all that, and feel like I’m being an irresponsible citizen if I’m uninformed about important issues. But the news can also be so damn depressing, and there’s just a constant stream of it now. I try to stay on top of the Israel/Palestine conflict and actions related to that, but as you can probably imagine, that is definitely depressing. But looking away and limiting my news consumption feels equivalent to burying my head in the sand. Especially during an election year when I should be an informed voter. I mean, look at the bullshit UNinformed voters got us. *sigh*

  30. Not being permanently online doesn't make you an uninformed voter. If anything it makes you lose your own opinion, replaced with the opinion of all the content you consume.

  31. Well done for working on it! I've had to work through some similar feelings and ideas, and it's not easy. But hopefully you'll make progress in nurturing the idea that you're allowed to put yourself first, but also that some things aren't as black and white as they sometimes seem! Wishing you all the happiness

  32. It's an ad for a retirement fund. You know, one of those big massive companies that take your money and stick it in unethical investments to make it 'grow' at the expense of the world's health. They just say investing beats saving, and they're right in that way.

  33. This is how economy and inflation work though. Not really prophecizing if you just extrapolate data.

  34. Ik ben net terug uit Edinburgh. Moet zeggen dat het best goed gaat daar. Ik voel me daar veiliger op straat dan in Rotterdam, de mensen op straat zijn veel vriendelijker, er is daar geen gigantisch huizentekort, het is er veel minder druk en de belasting op voedsel is 0%, waardoor de boodschappen ook goedkoper zijn.

  35. Haha grapjas, ik woon in Edinburgh en ik voel me in Rdam en hier op straat even onveilig. Ik ben al 2x beroofd op straat op klaarlichte dag in het centrum en op de fiets.

  36. Echt bizar idd. Ik voelde m'n hoofd tijdens de sessie kortsluiting maken. Shit waar ik jaren therapieën voor heb gehad werd na een paar emdr sessies ineens leefbaar. Top dat het voor jou ook zo goed werkt!

  37. Ik herken het gevoel van dat lampje wat aangaat. Tijdens die sessies kan het zo intens zijn, want je voelt dat je hersenen op zoek zijn om die herinnering aan dat gevoel te linken. En zodra dat gebeurt.... is het rustig? Opeens is het ongrijpbare gevoel verbonden aan een fysieke herinnering, en dan kan je er echt over praten.

  38. Hmm. Ja ik merk dat ik moeite heb met het woord trauma. Trauma zie ik als iets wat je oploopt als je in een oorlog hebt gevochten óf als je een ernstig ongeluk hebt gehad. Heb ik beiden niet gehad dus dan ook geen trauma, zegt m'n hoofd. Je laatste zin, 'wat specifiek die gevoelens veroorzaakte' leest voor mij alsnog dat je specifiek mag gaan uitleggen wat er gebeurde/werd gezegd/werd gedaan.

  39. Ik ging bij mijn eerste keer EMDR er naartoe met een specifiek probleem, namelijk het moeilijk van huis weg kunnen zijn. De therapeut zei na 2 sessies dat EMDR best wel zou kunnen helpen (ik ging eigenlijk voor 'gewone' praattherapie), want het leek erop alsof ik last had van iets wat vroeger gebeurd was. Ik had helemaal geen trauma zoals jij het beschrijft, maar hoe meer je leerst over je eigen verleden dankzij de EMDR en bijbehorende sessies, krijg je steeds een beter idee van wat voor impact bepaalde gebeurtenissen op je kunnen hebben. Bij mij waren er een aantal ogenschijnlijk matige/lichte dingen gebeurd in mijn jeugd maar die hadden tot een gedrag geleid wat me ongelofelijk veel angst gaf. Toen we dat hadden ontdekt was het opeens heel makkelijk om het gevoel te verklaren, en daarmee los je het grootste deel van het probleem op (ijn mijn geval).

  40. Supermarkten handelen volgens het principe van 'wat de gek er voor geeft' gecombineerd met geweldige marketing. Als vegetariër zou ik dit bijna kopen om te kijken hoe vershrikkelijk het is. Goeie kans dat ze dit product bijna niet verkopen maar degenen die het kopen spekken de productie genoeg om het te verantwoorden.

  41. US pedestrian deaths have been climbing over the last 25 years due to the increase in popularity of SUVS/trucks and especially due to the shift towards trucks with extremely high front bumpers. This is in addition to the deaths caused by “high speed non freeway arterial roads” aka stroads.

  42. People wouldn't even take a shot to keep others healthy. Can you imagine how mad they'd be if you asked them to get a smaller car to protect others... Muh freeduhm

  43. This depends on where you live. I’m in the US where all turf grass is considered invasive, along with a lot of “weeds” found in turf.

  44. A plant needs to tick quite a few boxes before it is labelled as invasive in a location, most certainly it must be damaging to the local environment, usually due to competition. This isn't really the case with lawn grass as they are only kept alive due to lots of fertilisation and watering in most locations. It's humans that make lawns an issue, not the grass itself.

  45. It can allow invasive species to go to seed and spread. If your yard is full of natives then it's better of course.

  46. Sorry but that's a bit of a weak argument. You'd have to be in an extremely specific area to have invasive plants show up, grow, flower and go to seed within one month. Also a few invasives growing doesn't mean you should keep your lawn mowed. It's not an all-or-nothing situation.

  47. Yeah, let's charge people for cleaning and dispensing something that naturally cleans and dispenses itself anyway! /s

  48. Username checks out. That must be the dumbest thing I've ever heard on this subreddit.

  49. they charge 0.01458 per hot water litre on the bill

  50. That's possibly more than 10p per minute that you're in the shower. And even more per minute that you've got your hot water tap open for dishes etc. You have my sympathies.

  51. I can't think of anything that ticks all your boxes exactly, but:

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