
  1. Make sure you eat enough protein (at least 1.5g per kg body weight) - a surplus should be around 10-15% extra calories which in hindsight isn’t that much, and ideally it should be from carbs (this will give you more energy for your workouts).

  2. I’ve been where you are! And still am! Just takes a lot of time and patience but believe in yourself. Wishing you all the best

  3. Try dairy free. Dairy is a common cause for acne outbreaks. Carbs are great to eat, and essential when bulking so leave those in!

  4. I keep thinking that Thomas might have BPD. And if he does I hope he has help for it by now.

  5. Hmmm. It’s possible. I’m diagnosed with BPD so can usually tell, but I don’t really think he has it. I think he’s just like that from insecurities. But who knows

  6. This. I had a very short friend who had to get a dildo and work her way up before having sex with her bf.

  7. This is me. Still haven’t worked my way up to sex yet. Am also still struggling with toys. But mine is from sexual trauma and I have the exact same fear - nobody is everrr going to love me because of it 😭😭

  8. You’ll be fine, I don’t think sex matters nearly as much as people make it out to. And there’s a lot more to intimacy than penetrative sex imo.

  9. That’s true. I just build it up in my head that it’s the most important thing. Doesn’t help that that’s what most people seem to think, too.

  10. It all depends on what your goals are. Wanna maximize muscle building/hypertrophy? Rest up a bit longer. Going for strength? 3+ minutes of rest is where you'd want to be ideally. In reality though if you're just going to the gym to be healthier, do what's going to keep you coming back.

  11. I’m a newbie - may I ask what the optimal rest time is for building muscle? I usually rest 90 seconds but not sure if this is correct. I’m also extremely weak (I’m a 43KG female so barely have muscle right now) so I lift light (they’re heavy for me but would feel like a feather for people who go to the gym 😭)

  12. IMHO (as a Powerlifter) enough that you feel ready to perform the next set or exercise with the same level, it is different if it is an exercise hitting many muscle groups like the big three or compounds or for a single muscle group

  13. Yeah, I usually just stick to 90 secs for each exercise, including the compounds. Thanks for your comment!

  14. I really try not to egolift in the slightest but arm day makes it so hard because I'm allmost embarassed how weak my pecs and shoulders are.. shucks man..

  15. I can relate. I’m a 97lb, 5’1 female and a newbie so you can only imagine how little muscle I have 😭😭so embarrassing. I can only do 6 reps 4 sets, 15kg (total) OH press 😭😭😭

  16. 5'1" and 101 pounds is pretty small. I am only 5'6". I hope you can get confident that you will make more muscle with that weight. Eventually you can cut if you wish. But if you are bulking, focus on the strength and muscle gain.

  17. Yep. I am slightly underweight so have to have regular check ups with my doctor and dietician to make sure nothing goes south.

  18. Try to trust your logical brain. When you cut it will.

  19. I relate to this SO MUCH. You are not alone and I think this is completely normal. You’re not disgusted by “horny men”, you’re disgusted by the oppression and degradation towards women they openly do without shame.

  20. So if your wife was a vegetarian or vegan, or had to be on a gluten free diet for celiac disease, would you say the same thing? Or would it be okay for your dear mum and you that she brought her own food so she could actually eat?

  21. I don’t understand why you ordered something when you didn’t even want it. Did your bf agree to constantly switch meals with you whenever you go out? Because it doesn’t sound like he did. It seems like he just did it a few times to keep the peace, and now he’s reached tipping point. Let the guy enjoy his damn burger.

  22. It was Glamour magazine, so idk how important or how much weight that holds, but yeah, it was 2015. And I agree. Again, not against Trans people. Just feel like your transition period should be a bit longer than a year or so before you're bonified to really be able to speak on issues facing the gender/sex you transitioned to.

  23. I remember when she first came out as a Trans woman and then a couple months later was declared woman of the year and gave a whole entire speech about all of the struggles women go through and face on a daily basis.

  24. Right? Like sorry, but do you have to clutch your keys in your hand when it starts getting dark outside? Are you catcalled relentlessly by old gross men? Do you fear your safety and imagine yourself being raped any time you go outside your house? Have you been oppressed for millenniums because society told men that women and girls are nothing? Do you earn less money because you’re a woman? No? Okay. Then sit down, because you don’t know what it’s like to be a woman. Just because you transition to one, doesn’t mean you inherently suddenly know what it means to be one or what it’s like.

  25. more religious people need to be vocal about how much they hate what's happening to women in America (and many other places).

  26. EXACTLY!!! Like, people think being pro-choice = pro abortion. It literally doesn’t.

  27. It's nuts. It's based on religious beliefs and misogyny. I am worried the sentiment will cross over into Canada. Fuck "conservative values".

  28. Just took 13 days off for mental health. Barely got out of bed during that whole time. Finally, decided to bite the bullet and went in for an upper body session. Made the weights lighter because I knew I didn’t have it in me. Struggled doing the lighter weights too.

  29. You are not alone! I feel so weak lol, can’t lift after a short break from mental health too. Try to go back to feel better, feel even worse because it’s a set back lol. Back to step 1, let’s get strong again

  30. Right? Definitely feel worse. But if I get back on track, get stronger, I’ll feel better. Sucks even more because I’m female and already weak AF but, that’s the whole point in lifting!

  31. I’ve been in a somewhat similar situation, pertaining to my trauma. I’m a 22F, was abused for the majority of my life. When I got out of my abusive household, I got into a relationship at 18, and was SA’d one year in. Didn’t leave for another year and a half because I didn’t want to be alone.

  32. If you’re saying he is exercising regularly and has muscle, then of course he’s going to take his diet seriously. Some people don’t like to eat ultra processed foods, and that’s fine. They’d rather stick to a more “clean” diet. I’m the same, because I also go to the gym, so on that note I can relate.

  33. From what I recall it’s at about the month mark is where you start to lose muscle. But I’m assuming a bunch of other factors play into that as well

  34. 100%. Also think the session was that bad because I’d barely eaten all week and probably only hit my protein target for half of that time.

  35. Happens to the best of us, get back on track and in the grand scheme of things you’ll look back and might not even remember this setback

  36. I’m from England. Same thing over here. Our new Prime Minister (just assigned after the last one resigned after SIX WEEKS), was caught on LIVE TV, saying that he took money from deprived/poorer areas to keep the rich, rich. The video is on YT.

  37. I would swap to negatives personally they helped me the most

  38. I’m so sorry for the really stupid question I’m about to ask, but I’m a newbie. What’s negatives?

  39. No worries about it ! No stupid questions.

  40. My personal belief is that men have needs (women do to of course) but if a woman isn’t meeting her husbands physical and emotional needs, it’s only a matter of time before he is approached by someone like me who is looking to help.

  41. Maybe you should ask yourself WHY these women don’t want to have sex with their husbands. Also, you are aware cheating men LIE, right?

  42. Many of the men I speak to feel afraid to discuss their fantasies with their wives, as they have tried in the past and it hasn’t gone well, or they don’t want to be judged.

  43. Just say you want a relationship with men who are married. Stop convincing yourself you’re some kind of martyr who is helping everyone. JC. So not only are you physically having sex with married men, but you’re getting to know them on a deep level?

  44. As much as I would like to say I'm adult enough to talk to my roommate about it, I'm not. I'm not on good enough terms with them to ask them to give me space much less space for sex. I struggle to confront the girl that shares my room about her strong BO as I haven't seen her shower since she's moved in.

  45. In your edit, you said you can’t masturbate as much because you share a room - you can always masturbate in the bathroom. It doesn’t always have to be where you sleep. At least that way you’ll have SOME sexual tension being relieved.

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