
  1. Yes! I watched it the other day, I think Bella's depression hits us so much more into adulthood because now we all can relate to what heartbreak feels like

  2. Also, why didn’t Edward stick around to make sure she got home ok? Edward probably assumed Bella wasn’t mental and wouldn’t go running into the forest especially since she was 10 steps from her house 😭

  3. Yeah I feel like I can relate to Edward so much about feeling like he's destructive and he needs to distance himself but the older I get the more I realize how self sabotaging that behavior is and it gets old feeling that way and to the people around you😫. You would think being 109 yrs old he would've perfected his mental health at this point lol

  4. That kind of behavior is what confirms he really is 17 years old 😂 he’s old in number of years on the Earth but his brain still works like an adolescent’s. He never got the benefit we did of getting older and gaining the wisdom that comes with age and experience 😊

  5. Honestly that's a great supporting factor in why Bella should be changed haha because imagine she was never turned and she just out grew him maturity wise 😬

  6. I ended up just letting some dude off tinder take it and went about my life 😂 never told him it was my first either

  7. I work in EMS and I never know when I'll get a call so I eat fast so I can have it while it's still warm

  8. Marijuana. Why is it still illegal in so many states in the US? And why is it that in some states that it is legal in, nothings really changed.

  9. I still struggle with this outlook on myself 🥲 but I work EMS and so the uniform requires me to tuck my shirt into my pants and you can see the outline of my tummy and it use to really really bother me. I use to always where a work jacket even in the summer to avoid anyone seeing it, but as time goes on I've just stopped caring what others think because it's so very exhausting. Now I am definitely not a very confident person at all ,but I'm not gonna let my stomach (my insecurities) stop me from wearing a super cute outfit just like the one you're wearing so neither should you!

  10. Eh if it's a really good selfie I might get like 2-3 from guys but most of the time it's just one my friends hyping me up

  11. You're worth it so stop acting like you're not

  12. Omfg I only have like 400 not even I believe with her, good shit! 😭😭😭

  13. Bro keep having games like this one and you'll be past 3k kills in no time, thank you though haha

  14. My bullies growing up turned out to be people that wanted to be my friend and didn't know how to communicate. I never got bullied for something specific but I had this one girl in middle school that would corner me in the girls locker room every gym class. I was really shy, still kinda am, but I have trouble sticking up for myself. She would be friendly in words that she would speak but then she would cross boundaries I had already tried to tell her by coming into my changing stall while I was indecent and putting her hands on me and being overly aggressive. It got to a point that I told my mom and we all had a meeting with our guidance counselor...by the end of it all she wouldn't stop until it ended up going on her permanent record and was switched to a different class.

  15. I get very touchy and flirty, I'm trying to fix that lol

  16. So I was a 22 year old virgin (f) and I hooked up with some random dude off tinder and I regret it. Not because I hold some type of real value to my virginity but because I felt pressured by the stigma surrounding virginity. I felt embarrassed to confine in anyone that I was still a virgin at 22 because I felt less experienced and less adult. But I feel like if I could go back I wouldn't do it with random dude #37 like I did and instead wait for it to be someone I actually like and get butterflies over. I should've it should've been with someone that didn't block me afterwards 🤷🏽‍♀️

  17. Initiated a sexual relationship with my friend while knowing I had feelings for him

  18. I spontaneously gave my v card to a random dude off tinder... not my proudest moment. But at the age of 22 I just wanted the weight off my shoulders, I felt very out of place being as old as I am and still a virgin

  19. "Excuse me ma'am it appears that you have an uneaten ass blahahsbanajsn 🤪"

  20. I really like ordering a crown apple and ginger ale. I honestly think it's my go to, I'm not big on whiskey but crown is something else lmao and it's easy to drink and fast to get you drunk

  21. I think that you definitely have a very good point but I've also been the BLS truck that showed up to a service call and it turned out to be a full blown code. It's times like that where I'm glad we still went emergent. But with that being said I also agree that a lot of drivers in EMS are very reckless. I think the best solution would be to get strict about driving protocols. We all took EVOC and so we should all act like we've been trained to drive emergent instead of blowing through intersections and forcing other drivers to risk their own safety.

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