
  1. With all due respect, the forum sliding is nowhere near 2021 levels. 2021 forum sliding necessitated 2 migrations. Do you remember the Rocket Mortgage topic shift back on the old sub? How about silver? I mean shit I invested in Rocket... lost 20 grand as a result. Fucking shills man, they absolutely FLOODED the forums. I don't know if I'm more immune, or if the 300 or 400 bans I've dished out over the years caught the bulk of their accounts, but I don't see anywhere near the level of forum sliding I did in 2021, both in terms of volume and intensity.

  2. Sorry about RocKeT... this comment though is accurate. There were no karma requirements on the sub which stops a lot of bots. The majority of people who reddit don't upvote... This means getting a bot account up to like what 7.5k presents a bit of a hurdle. Not that it can't be done, but it's definitely more of a hassle and tampers the number of posts down. I'm not sure what the requirement for comments is.

  3. Just wanna drop a comment to say thanks to both of you for what you do for work. Owe my life to people like you.

  4. Thanks! You know what's crazy... if you think markets are fraudulent... wait til you see whats going on in healthcare. I'm glad whatever you went through, or are going through, you've benefitted in someway. It's extremely dangerous to be sick in american healthcare right now and it's only getting worse.

  5. I have a hard time watching videos but i'll push through it. Just might take some time. I'm not in the US though, and i like to think we have pretty good healthcare.

  6. Lehman Bros. repeat ... all the top executives depart just before it hits the fan ... then they can run the typical Politics PR game ... blame everything on the previous administration.

  7. Kind of new but they are blaming both sides this time lol Basically saying it's the elections fault that your portfolio is at risk or something. I didn't bother reading the full thing and can't link it because the source url has automoded words.

  8. Good analogy. You know what it doesn't say much about though, the probe.

  9. Lol i probably shouldn't be laughing but I am. Appreciate your big brain takes on these macro issues. Hope your doing well. Just wanting to drop this image here.

  10. I believe it popped up clicking through some of the Pomeranians DD post links. I can’t find it on search.

  11. You don’t think restricting conversation about GameStop is related to GameStop?

  12. To be honest i'm not really sure what your talking about here, but i spend most of my time in subs not my feed.

  13. Exactly so do I. I’m saying that there were posts in my feed that I couldn’t find in the sub itself when sorting by new. The only way to see them is going through my whole feed and hoping they get picked up which I’m not doing. So for at least the one post I checked on I easily could have missed it cause I usually sort by new inside superstonk and remember once I start seeing posts that I’ve seen already

  14. Yeah i'm sorry i don't think i can really help here. I can't really speak to how personal feeds works. Posts do get removed, but that's also because there are rules to this particular sub, that are strictly enforced for various reasons.

  15. The data we get around these trades is basically just how many there are. There's no telling when they occurred. And the data is like 4 weeks delayed.

  16. I mean i agree with you that it shouldn't delayed, no idea on how exactly it's collected, but i'd go a couple steps further and just say lets not have OTC markets. Why the hell should a trade not have an impact on the price?

  17. The lack of regulatory oversight on ETFs and the greed of the financial elites will create the 3rd once in a lifetime financial crisis I have seen, I am just thankful for BankStop

  18. Agreed, and i'm not happy about it. I'm praying for some accountability this time 🙏 I know not every criminal is going to get locked up but some of the shit i've seen coming out of Citadel is downright criminal. Sorry for stating the obvious.

  19. Your title is a little misleading. This is not his last meme before going dark. This meme was posted to his youtube channel not sure about twitter, which is interesting, but he was still dropping memes in Jun 2021 on twitter.

  20. And that's with fractional reserve banking in their favour... Imagine getting to push profits on 90% of the money you get, every time it comes back to you, and you still losin

  21. They got rid of the fractional part of Fractional reserve banking lol

  22. Seriously... 4 weeks difference between the international CAT day and DOG day...

  23. My take on the dog and flag is basically for that stretch of days people were watching CHWY and headphones. Including the day after July 4th. which would be why both eyes were looking inward.

  24. Not recently. I know the world ain't all sunshine and roses man but i try to maintain a little faith in the fact that not every person in government or finances is corrupt. If you go to their actual site and releases it's a dark reality on how horrible people can be. So as much as people want to shit on them I am thankful there are people out in the world that put their neck out on the line to combat evil and enforce laws. Plus if we want people in prisons were gonna kinda need the DOJ to put them there. The SEC just does fines.

  25. Do you want honest digging, or tinfoil? Not that they can't coexist...

  26. JUST TO ADD TO THIS. I pulled a few other options up on public they all loaded. Soooo it’s just GameStop.

  27. Love the enthusiasm, not to rain on your parade, went ahead and put an order through for science and it worked and is queued.

  28. If all else fails? Buy a Citadel building and turn it into an animal shelter.

  29. This is a nothing burger. No offense but it's leading away from T+35, now 13 days from July 5th we should see volume starting to flow in

  30. Thank you sir, appreciate it, edited the top comment to include this.

  31. Who’s gonna buy our $1000000 shares? Hedge funds will right?

  32. I imagine if the price gets that high hedge funds are broke and were dealing with the FED.

  33. Don't look for info from financial websites. Look at the company's own filings. Total Energies owns 50% + 1 share of Global. The institutional ownership is being double reported. About 75 million of these shares were acquired by cashless exercise of warrants. Most likely already sold off. If I'm not mistaken, this won't need to be reported until the next quarter or if the percentage owned drops below 10%.

  34. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/867773/000110465924067807/tm2416279d1_sc13da.htm

  35. SPWR has only a 59 percent borrowing interest on 175 million shares.

  36. Two companies have identical entries for 65.1% ownership of the company.

  37. He's a cutie, love the tilt of his head, your pretty lucky sir.

  38. I was wondering that - I used to work there recently and wouldn't be surprised in the least. Amazon rejects in the C-suite and senior leadership.

  39. Honestly the fact that these shares didn't show up till 2020 in the reporting system is weird

  40. What i find most interesting is that CHWY has had 5 red days in a row.

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