
  1. I refused to click got it and clicked off the notice in denial

  2. I've seen the same exact ace multiple times in the same spot with Raze. So maybe? Maybe not?

  3. Society is falling to the control of big pharma and the psychological industry.

  4. Yup. Everything's great until you go against the opinion of the mod / subreddit hivemind.

  5. It "works" because big pharma wants to make big bucks

  6. Thanks for providing uneducated and baseless opinions. Maybe you'd be better off not talking about subjects you have no experience in.

  7. Damn Leister's win was over 5 years ago..

  8. Remember when we used to just yell at each other or at the very most beat each other up? Today we just shoot each other.

  9. From a not even ranked player, I only know five or six moves into the most common ones usually, but if I see something in an opening I’ve never seen before I try extra hard to find the flaw, because usually there is one.

  10. Get a used or possibly even new Ibis Ripmo AF

  11. Gmbn just did a video on smoothing out stanchions. Search for it on YouTube

  12. My biggest gripe about the bike industry is how hard it is to be able to try a bike before committing to buying it. Demo days are sparse and even then you are not guaranteed to get to try the bike you're considering. I get that bikes are expensive, and someone may destroy it in a crash, but I think having a better solution to trying bikes will be best for the consumer. I straight up bought 3 used bikes before landing on "the one". It was like playing battleship. I don't think you can get away with it in today's market.

  13. I mean… it’s not hard lol. Can you hop off a curb? Just work your way up.

  14. Drops are no problem. Steep lip jumps feel awkward af

  15. Coming from CS I could never spend money on a skin in this game. Also fuck "micro"(lol)transactions in general

  16. So I currently have a bit of both. I love my Canyon Stoic as I like going on long rides and hitting trail features along the way, but if I will be riding more challenging, chunky, or bigger drops, my Ibis Ripmo AF is the go to.

  17. Grandpa or whoever “didnt see you” should not be driving if they didnt see you.

  18. Same excuse a 75yo gave who turned in front of me and caused me to wreck. We need advanced seniors to take yearly competence tests.

  19. They have such great songs but Lazy Eye is the one that they're primarily known for and that always gets played on the radio.

  20. Hell of a dogfight. I heard it took out 3 of our raptors

  21. Is it confirmed to be a spy balloon or could it possibly be a lost weather balloon?

  22. Convicted sex offender Ted Hankey

  23. CSGO was just never as good as 1.6. Valorant was something at least different.

  24. Need to diversify and find balance. I love gaming, but there are many other things to take care of, such as your body (working out), your mind (reading, TV, movies), and family relations. Try to do a bit of everything every day.

  25. I don't see why this is news though. Cars do this all the time without big news stories.

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