
  1. Honestly the reactions here are distasteful. It takes balls for a server to step out of the comfort zone to simply ask what they could have done better to receive the tip they deserve. Tipping is a way of showing your waiter respect in America and acknowledging that they get less than minimum wage because they rely on 20%. The server tries their best to treat you kindly, takes your orders, refills your waters, checks on you to see if everything is fine and so much more. There are guests I’ve ran an extra mile for who tipped me less than 15% on a bill meanwhile complimenting my service skills. Fuck people who don’t tip and if you don’t have the money to, get take out. It’s ok to tip less if the service wasn’t good but every server has the right to ask what they did wrong or could have done better. And when put in a position like this simply answer truthfully. Scolding is your way of perceiving an action that was a reaction to your poor action.

  2. Taking breaks right before you cum and continuing after a bit of oral or fingering for a minute

  3. Those 8 women out here staying tf silent literally meanwhile these men are irrationally speaking over them and not letting anyone talk. I have a feeling they only bring women on their podcast who literally aren’t outspoken enough to say they don’t need to be mansplained on how women work. This is crazy.

  4. That’s you’re bestfriend broski. This crush isn’t worth getting in between your friendship. Plenty of fish in the sea.

  5. This has nothing to do with sexuality. But even when my guy bestfriend would tell me he has a crush on me knowing I’m straight. I would be a bit thrown off and confused on how to handle it considering that’s my bestfriend.

  6. Guys don’t wash their hands after pissing and touch every handle going on after that. Aight.

  7. I'd have to be slightly concerned that they wanted to have sex with their identical twin.

  8. Let her look elsewhere. Never force yourself into a situation thats onesided.

  9. Uhm I believe girls use that term to describe other girls. It is a girl that tries hard to impress guys by making other girls look bad and making themselves seem wifey material. For eg a pick me girl would say “I dont understand why girls need to go out of their way to do their hair, i wake up with my hair looking pretty much perfect” to a whole bunch of guys at a party. Or “i dont get why girls wear make up, i dont need that”. This is a pick me girl. A girl who makes other girls seem less than them to seem like a wifey. Its really just an act to impress and get attention. Ive known plenty as a girl and honestly i wouldbt want to be friends with one ever again.

  10. It isn’t the birds and bees convo anymore. It’s the convo it should have always been. Love who you wanna love. A baby is made in many different ways. Sex isn’t reproduction anymore. Safe sex is what needs to be educated more often with everyone due to stds. That conversation is outdated. There’s no exact way of knowing how to have sex. Losing one’s virginity even is a controversial subject because some people never have sex or had sex with the opposite sex. It’s just a conversation that can be re-written in a more modern form. Honestly. It could use some updating. This is the conversation that forces a child to think they need to be straight to be considered normal. It’s normal to let a child figure themselves out.

  11. I accidentally pressed no. Hopefully those who pressed no either misread it, pressed the wrong answer or can rethink who they are to make loving someone and anyone illegal. Shit be crazy out here. I can’t believe this is still a question that needs to be asked.

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