
  1. The guy in his mid-fifities who goes to Rio or Crown whenever the weather's nice and slowly rides his rollerskates around while blaring teenybopper music from a stereo perched on his shoulder like it's 1987.

  2. Yes I was gonna say him if no one else did. He goes to Kentlands too.

  3. I assure you, as a low skill new player who likes the auto shotgun, I am not able to kill people by just randomly shooting in their vicinity. I have died many times trying to do that, though! If I'm right next to them and hit them square in the head, yes, but I don't remember ever needing only two shots to kill if they started at full health and weren't a bot that just stood still.

  4. She has no chance, you can't be openly super conservative and win an election here. Last time you had to read between the lines of all the candidates platforms to figure out who were the ravid parents' rights crowd and even then they still lost.

  5. I guess he doesn't bother translating most of what you say so you're just like "wah wah wah dear" and he's just mashing heart emojis on three phones at once

  6. Well I was not expecting some X Files shit this morning but thank you, that's a crazy read. I just want it to stop now lol

  7. Haha yeah I found it back when I was googling the same thing a few years ago. Or possibly someone shared it with me when I asked Nextdoor or something. Hope it goes away soon!

  8. Best by a mile: black Burberry trench in perfect condition that I found in a random NYC secondhand store that they were selling for $75. I could not believe it. The shop owner asked me after I checked out if I would have paid more...

  9. Any chance you'd mind sharing the name of the secondhand store in NYC? Always looking for secondhand stores with reasonably priced pieces!

  10. I wasn’t sure I could find it again, but I did! 2nd Street, which is a chain. I don’t remember if I went to the upper or lower East Side one; it was one of those two.

  11. For me is all in the color, shape and material of the shoe, my selection of flat shoes has to be as colorful and interesting as my heels, bonus points if I can pair them with funky socks that peek through. Someone might be able to recommend specific shoes, I think what an UP person wears depends greatly on their own style and needs (I don’t think they have to wear high heels), but thinking of glamour, I have seen people from both up quadrants wear golden or silver flat shoes (or sandals) with a gorgeous effect!

  12. Thanks! I do have some metallic flats I used to like. I got married in silver sequined ballet flats now that you mention it.

  13. I hadn't seen that video, thank you! That's helpful. And thank you for the list of what feels glam to you in a shoe, that helps me start thinking about specifics. These days when I leave the house (I work from home), I'm usually walking somewhere. I have no occasions to wear shoes where I just walk from the car to my destination and can sit and be admired, alas! I do wear inserts already which can help make a shoe more wearable for sure (just not heels).

  14. I decided next wash day (night) I'm going to try not styling at all until the morning. When my hair just gets damp but not wet it gets quite wavy all by itself. But washing it gets it soaking wet, which weighs it down no matter what I do. Maybe if I start dry, and then just mist it enough that the waves come back, it'll stay that way....

  15. As someone who buys more than sells, I don't understand why a less than five star review is cause for concern. Does anything happen because of it? Do your listings get de-prioritized? I ask because I gave a four star review once when the pants I bought were like 2 inches shorter than I was expecting (I'd bought the same brand/length multiple times before and hadn't grown so either these shrank or were hemmed). The seller was SO MAD she left comments on my listings about it!

  16. Amazing that they kept going with the scam script - somehow smart enough to be skeptical of your story but not smart enough to realize there is no pot of gold at the end of this rainbow.

  17. For my PMAP they gave me an award of 40hrs and a step increase but according to OPM to go from step 6 to 7 you have to have 2 years at that step and I had 1 year. I have documentation of the HR person stating it was fixed but it was not

  18. If you can show that you attempted to bring errors to someone's attention and they didn't take action, that can help in a debt waiver case.

  19. I've been where you are and all I'll say is there's really nothing wrong with being adequate at a bunch of things rather than an expert at one thing. I was obsessed with making jewelry, sewing clothes, drawing, cross stitch, on and on. Dropped them all. But those skills still serve me in everyday life! You are not your hobbies. You are a person with enthusiasm and interest in a lot of different things that life has to offer. Follow your interests (just keep an eye on your budget and storage space)!

  20. She's trying to see if you care about her enough to sacrifice a bit of money to make her happy, because she suspects you don't. You don't like her that much if you're suspecting her of being a gold digger after 8.5 years. I would let her go be with someone that loves her and you can keep all your money to yourself.

  21. I've heard this but what I really want to know is how long it lasts. Because I went my whole life without being stung until last summer when I got too close to a nest and got stung 10 times, and then a few weeks ago I was just walking down the street minding my own business when one stung me on the leg for no reason. Am I marked for life??

  22. I bet he comes back around ready to "forgive" you soon - breaking up with you may have just been another sick game. So sorry OP. And happy belated birthday 🎈

  23. For me it was the facade I could put up of having my life together. Kinda like a video call where you look great but the background is fake and you're not actually wearing pants.

  24. The funny thing about having a Lucario without power up punch (can't afford it) is everyone assumes I do anyway, so I do take a lot by surprise with my random aura sphere...

  25. If I remember correctly, it’s a minimum of three or four trainers needed in order for the bonus to be activated… it’s been written about somewhere either on here or a website

  26. No, thin my whole life, still thin at 41, generally never think about what I eat (female).

  27. Oh my goodness, lol. I am someone that only hits ace during little cup and then swiftly gets demoted down to the 1800sish during other cups. Please tell your wife, not all Aces 😂

  28. I find myself saying it more and more these days, but it's never strategic on my part. It's just what's on my mind after back to back meetings for four hours and people IMing me nonstop with fresh disasters. (I'm on my lunch break for the record 😁)

  29. The problem is once this becomes established, those who don't opt in will probably find themselves totally buried. The cycle everywhere is offer a good service at a good price, suck everyone in and get them dependent on it, then gradually start extracting more money by making it suck.

  30. Try introducing some variety/randomness! Others have suggested a schedule, but on top of it you could add some kind of grab bag of sexy activities you've both agreed sound fun to try. The element of the unknown might help keep it from feeling like an obligation.

  31. I went in blind a couple weeks ago, and I recommend it for one big reason - if you get attached to the original cast album, you may be distracted by trying to figure out which performance you prefer. Hades and Persephone were two of my favorites - if I'd been expecting them to sound like the album I might have felt thrown off by how different they are right now.

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