
  1. before i checked my clip, i thought that he was crouched behind the sandbag because i misstook the metal fence for his helmet, so i just ran and it kinda worker

  2. I heard a Vietnam Vet call it a clip yesterday and had to hold my tongue.

  3. That's a tough one, idk if I would be able to hold it

  4. MOLLE webbing. It's the military standard for attaching gear to gear

  5. It's called Golf, no need for the 'ball' qualifier

  6. Flawed logic, I have been in the restaurant business for 15 years. Have never worked In a chain, but the restaurants have always had gift cards.

  7. Those lesions on his hands recently weren't looking too good

  8. the audio mixing in tarkov is so painfully bad. I love having to play at tinnitus audio levels in order to hear enemy footsteps. I love that the sound of your own footsteps are so loud that they can even drown out the sound of gunshots. I love that your own character breathing into a facemask is louder than gunshots. I love that you need an audio compressor program to force the game to be able to get a decent level of audio clarity so you can actually hear the sounds you need to hear. I love the fact that you have to soundwh*re in the first place, it's such a fun thing to have to do to not get jumped constantly because the other guy heard you take a single step from 80 meters away and you couldn't hear him

  9. Do you have spatial audio on? This is how it used to sound for me before I turned it off. (Windows setting)

  10. I was referring to the fake trump tweet. But the dress is not on backwards either.

  11. After about 5 minutes of waiting it is usually safe to say it's over and you are screwed

  12. The sites are not misaligned. There is just more recoil when firing rapidly

  13. I am always impress by people in general who can tell the direct they are being shot from. I know it’s silly but I am terrible. 

  14. Then off the setting 'spacial sound' on windows if you have it on

  15. The obstacle is the path. - Zen proverb

  16. "what stands in the way becomes the way" - Marcus Aurelius

  17. Someone teach this man how to screen shot. I thought my grandmother was posting tarkov pictures

  18. I know that it's a good product but if you look closely you can see that it is in fact a knife

  19. It only takes once to screw you over for life.

  20. Which for a knife, is a constitutional infringement of the most absurd king

  21. Sounds like seating them at a clean table will solve this non issue

  22. Sounds like cleaning the tables (which takes a minute) will do the trick...

  23. I agree, didn't want to pile on too much and sound like too much of a dick

  24. How can a gun be both automatic and single shot at the same time?

  25. Rule #1 of gun safety. Don't point a gun at anything that you don't wish to destroy

  26. Ya the one path through the lake sends you back repeatedly unless you jump it or go around, it's so odd.  No clue why jumping works as it's the same path.

  27. You can also hug the rocks and get by that way

  28. this "interview" is a meme source for the decade

  29. True, but why is interview in quotations? What kind of mental gymnastics are you performing to think this isn't an interview

  30. walked past him, scav voice lined to him and verbally told him I killed PMC

  31. Haha what a dick. You know he was thinking about it that whole time you walked away. He just took too long to decide

  32. I saw screenshots like this before viewing profiles was a thing.

  33. Shouldn't there would be blood and/or bullet holes?

  34. Unfortunately this is your fault. Don't let anyone borrow a knife that you care about

  35. Unfortunately this is your fault. Don't let anyone borrow a knife that you care about

  36. Hmm, I think I am detecting some bias here

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