
  1. Both of the Crank movies are basically just one big absurd moments of their own.

  2. Those movies were so insane, they were fun!

  3. Not to mention the start of The Whale. I could have done without the first scene being a fat guy masturbating to gay porn.

  4. "Suck my fat silicon cock" is SUCH a good closer

  5. TIL that silicon cocks exist…

  6. The training isn't paid? That's some serious BS there.

  7. They just met Spiders-Man (A Spider-man made up of a swarm of spiders in the shape of a man)

  8. The Facebook post in this picture has to be a joke. No-one would consider that quality construction work.

  9. 2 hours a day out of an 8 hour day equals 25% of your day wasted. Hey boss, are you ok with your entire team losing a quarter of their productivity every day?

  10. Mary Jane remembers everything that happened before One More Day erased their marriage. That’s what she asked Mephisto for right before he granted Peter’s wish.

  11. It’s totally different! This time the Death Star is an actual planet and it eats stars to power itself!

  12. Why should they give up their paid for house? The entitlement in this article is incredible.

  13. In Half Baked, Thurgood (Dave Chapelle's character) is mad at his friends for having spent money which they were saving to help their friend out of jail.

  14. The same could be said for ZZ Top’s song “Pearl Necklace”. It took me a long time to understand the line “and that’s not jewelry she’s taking about. It really don’t cost that much”

  15. I’m trying to figure out what kind of breast a nuclear reactor would have.

  16. Interesting! Some stores put shit out early but won’t let you leave with it. I know our store (which is exclusively Lego, so we can’t risk letting costumers leave with stuff that hasn’t been released yet) doesn’t put stuff out until closing the day before. Otherwise we risk Lego getting mad and repeat offenses can have consequences.

  17. It has the price listed right below it so I assume you could buy it if you wanted to.

  18. Hmm. I’ve never seen a neck bikini before…

  19. Thanos in Endgame. As soon as he hears the snap, he sits down, and hangs his head in defeat.

  20. Well, butts and boobs are the pretty obvious ones.

  21. So it's incestuous to literally use breasts for what they are designed for? This guy is insane.

  22. Ayisha doesn’t look too happy about it either.

  23. Howard Wolowitz is that you?

  24. I’m pretty sure the dead presidents won’t care

  25. I made more than that per year in my first job out of college… in 1993

  26. It’s impressive technology but I can’t think of any use I would have for it - and I’m a huge Apple fan.

  27. "Replica". So it's worthless.

  28. I absolutely loved how the Marvel logo shifted from color / stereo / widescreen to black and white / mono / standard format when the first episode started.

  29. Those look 3D printed. That's definitely not sanitary or safe to insert anywhere in your body...

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