
  1. You make absolutely no sense. People converted to escape “caste system” as book religions are so pure and Hinduism was evil. This is exactly what missionaries and islamic organisations involved in conversion claim. So why do they retain caste? Or maybe then claims made by Abrahamic religions is bogus and caste is social reality and not religious.

  2. I can understand why you would say that but if you see how casteism works in real life, particularly in rural areas, you’ll realise that conversion to another religion doesn’t suddenly end discrimination against that person. The opinion of a casteist person about a Dalit person will not magically change if that Dalit person becomes a Christian. It’s more likely that his hatred will intensify.

  3. And why does it matter? You converted to Islam. Your community itself changed. Why are you bothered what any Upper caste Hindu thinks of you? And why are Muslims thinking about someone else in caste terms? Isnt that haram?

  4. For me it’s this quote “What matters isn’t if people are good or bad. What matters is, if they’re trying to be better today than they were yesterday.”

  5. He'll be a great golf player, real accounts man!

  6. I shit you not, the first time I saw this at the HC filing section this was the first thing that came to my mind!

  7. Can I know which firm this is? As an advocate who has practiced in Bangalore I have had my share of interactions with narrow minded asswipes in the profession but nothing this bad!

  8. So did you join JGU? What's your experience (in terms of faculty, placements, etc)

  9. Yes I did. Doing my LLM in General Legal Studies right now. Here’s my impression after being here for around 6 months.

  10. Duncan and Hickey getting to know each other in the end of that season 5 episode

  11. “They’re brainstorming. I’m not expecting anything more than a light shower”

  12. And here I was thinking Don couldn’t get it up because the sex with Betty was too vanilla.

  13. She should look at the bright side. There's no cleanup needed.

  14. I read that as trying to find some time to kill my children.

  15. Lot of dew on the pitch during the second innings 💀

  16. “No, I'm the princess, and the Queen."

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