
  1. there are 2 million Arabs living in Israel. How many Jewish people living in any arab countries now? I am curious.

  2. I suspect there's a lot of berniebros far left commie/socialist/demsoc/corbynbros in BBC

  3. Are we sure that FF3 isn’t capturing the original FF3 and the American FF6 that was sold as FF3? The sales numbers for it seem low compared to 4 and 5.


  5. I hate these commie fucks like you never believe it. I will always hate them till the day I die

  6. don't get me wrong, I love this game, but as a jrpg fanboy, I still never get the concept of the randomness of dice roll in everything I do. I literally have to savescum constantly this game to actually get the result that I want. Am I playing it wrongly? am I supposed to just play this game with the mindset of YOLO where I just take whatever result the dice being rolled at me?

  7. even their creativity, their meaning of life is boiled down to hating Jew. Is there anything positive they contribute to humanity other than this?

  8. even their creativity, their meaning of life is boiled down to hating Jew. Is there anything positive they contribute to humanity other than this?

  9. I see pro Musk comments here basically saying , "but what about space"

  10. Nah. Electric cars and dreams about going to mars would not exist if not for musk. Also the cost of delivering payloads to space would be a lot higher.


  12. I support Israel and this sub is definition of Zionism

  13. FF 16 basically trying to be not FF by doing everything it could to not be final fantasy. It wants to be something else as the developer seemed to think that the game will sell better if it has more action hack and slash element like every other billion games in the market right now. It doesnt want to be Final Fantasy anymore but they think thats what make it final fantasy: by not being final fantasy. I know this is weird but this seems to be the philosophy of yoshida and sakaguchi , although curiously enough sakaguchi last game for finalfantasy was ff9.. literally he was trying to go back to classic FF before 6,7,8 which have more steampunk futuristic scifi element to it. so is sakaguchi being dumbass or hypocrite or he is just as clueless about ff like the rest of us here or he blindly praised 16 because he got addicted with ff14? you decide.

  14. I have had enough with a misguided sense of righteousness and justice. Wake up already.

  15. Xenogears! But for FFs, FF8 has the most to "fix" of the gulp older games, but right after FF7 might feel a little same-y. FF5 probably has the best job system of the mainline, so my vote is for that.

  16. we are living in a weird time, its like everytime you want to do something, you have to ask, even if you are about to finish the game, people nowadays just have an urge to let other people know.

  17. almost all ff2 and ff3 plot points are weird, nonsensical and downright creepy

  18. thats the nature of fandom. Just like Abrahamic religions you get Judaism, Christian, Islam killing each other. Thats humanity, you can't surpress that urge of proving what you like is objectively the better one.

  19. LOLLLLL trueee. That's the only good thing about that game.

  20. starts from FF1 then go all the way to 16. It is all connected. They are all have final fantasy name.

  21. X is beloved title and placed first from NHK poll but IX and VIII are definitely just redditor like you smuggling in your fav FF series when FF especially VIII is one of the most hated FF series because of shitty junction system and romance highschool type of stories.

  22. can someone eli5 me as to why this far right party in german suddenly become popular again? I thought they learned the hard lesson from nazi, but i guess the history will keep repeating by itself?

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