
  1. Atlanta is not Georgia. Austin is not Texas. Arguably, Manhattan is not NY either.

  2. Jesus. He’s going the scorched earth route I guess…that’s one way to do it I suppose.

  3. It seems like almost every other flight (without exagération) my mom has taken they’ve asked for a Dr—which she is. She said they have zero equipment for the simplest assessment. Not even a pulse oximeter. Some of these things are so basic and so small not sure why you wouldn’t have them on board.

  4. Ridiculous take. I can’t speak for all Kobe fans but personally I love him because he has great basketball fundamentals and basketball knowledge similarly to Kobe. As well as Luka none of them are athletic freaks but their skill is unmatched.

  5. I think this is it--he doesn't come off as terribly athletic as compared to others. His acceleration speed seems slow (relatively), he plays quite efficiently which means at times dude is just walking, and he always looks gassed (again relatively--and I think some of that is just how he holds himself). But his basketball IQ is insane, he knows exactly where to be, when, he knows how to draw fouls and he makes his shots. If you didn't know anything about him, or his stats, and watched a game, I can see how you may think he's not that good. Once you actually start paying attention, you can see how talented he is. But I don't think he is an athletic freak like LeBron (39 years old performing how he is--no one is like him) or Jordan.

  6. There was a play in the first quarter that Lebron was emphatic about challenging too. He just doesn’t get the Darvin Ham strategy of saving them so we have 2 extra for opening day next season

  7. When your number one star, whose been playing for 21 years, tells you to challenge so emphatically, you challenge. He was legit angry...rightfully so.

  8. I like DLo. Mostly because instead of giving into a pity party with all the trade rumours, he showed up and showed them. I really liked his energy—he seemed like he genuinely cared about his team and teammates. Hyping everyone up and playing to and against the crowd. He brought some much needed positive team energy. It all seemed genuine…until the huddle. WTF was that? They are professionals. That was such a unprofessional, petulant teenager or defiant toddler (take your pick) move. It’s not about if Ham is actually imparting words of knowledge or trash—it’s about being part of the team not just pretending or fronting to.

  9. I have never heard of People needing/ wanting to give crew presents. You are paid by the airline to do your job . Getting is there safely is your job. Is this an American thing???

  10. I joined the flightattendants sub sometime ago (no idea why now as I'm not one!)--you would be surprised how many posts are travelers asking what to provide and FAs responding in a manner that made me think this happens a lot. There are SO many posts on this topic, I've been itching to respond with many of the comments here--but too scared as it's a wild sub and responses to a statement like that would be too harsh for me lol

  11. 'Jesus' and 'What the F*ck'--universal language

  12. Agree that DLo, Rui and AR need to show up.

  13. Powdered sugar—an hour ago. Only the tiniest amount but was enough 😭😭. And it’s our holiday 😭😭😭

  14. The number of game clock and shot clock issues ridiculous--they can't invest in equipment that works? It's not even 'state-of-the-art' technology--it's basically a stop watch.

  15. Subtitles had 'it's a rabbit raccoon'....ha!

  16. I love that he's hyping other players up. Calling out how good they are and that they got one over on him.

  17. Dude's accent is from NY...I suppose you can have a Brooklyn transplant somewhere rural enough where this 'may' happen. Maybe I'm wrong, but doesn't look legit. It's the drop bears you have to be worried about...everywhere and vicious.

  18. It's like he finds the worst lineups possible and gets them out playing

  19. They should check his bank account and see if there are any unusual payments coming in—what he does is so illogical that I wouldn’t be shocked if he were on the game.

  20. Ham drawing up a ‘play’ with only a few mins left and down like 18, with Bron walking away and AR giving a ‘pity’ ‘yeah I’m paying attention’ whilst everyone else was asleep, could have been a comedy skit. After the game, I replayed that a few times…it’s would be hilarious if it weren’t so tragic.

  21. It’s crazy how Austin’s been awful on offense for like 8 games and three he just shows up in a big game.

  22. And even in the games where his shooting sucks he makes up for with assists.

  23. Declare loudly that the ‘gravy at home is so much better’—family from NJ at the table next to us.

  24. Bro I know Dlo and AR about to get ripped tonight but what do y'all expect without LeBron and AD out there? Dlo had an off game and it looks like AR is having a problem with his confidence due to his shooting woes. I trust in the boys to figure it out. They both have been excellent for us this season.

  25. Love AR--it feels like he's in his own head. He's gotta pull a DLo and stop thinking about it. When DLo started just 'catching and shooting' he caught fire. I think when LBJ is on the floor he gives AR the confidence and they play so well off each other.

  26. They are perfect for each other.

  27. They have not entered their Furries phase.

  28. If anyone has the energy and is willing to dumb it down for me, what series of events would need to happen for the Lakers to move up to 6th or is it actually impossible?

  29. Why would Bron retire when he can get a 3 year $180 million dollar contract? LeBron's going to keep hinting at retirement but he's a businessman first.

  30. I think he has enough money already to be able to care about his legacy. With everything he has accomplished still meeting and beating career highs, that's the point you tap out. You tap out when everyone is in awe of your continued success...not watching you play and highlighting how much your talent has dropped. I reckon he's smart enough to know that.

  31. I am very comfortable sitting on my couch, but I feel like at least with free-climbing or any extreme sport that involves height, you die instantly if something goes wrong. This feels like a terribly horrible terrifying way to die.

  32. Lol shows how dumb she really is. Smart people know there’s always someone smarter.

  33. Real smart people also know that ignorance is actually bliss.

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