
  1. It's popcorn and a new gadget. Where is the actual food porn ? The skill?

  2. Bro I've worked so many bachelor/bachelorette parties in my 20s in both clubs and on charters and let me tell you that are the single most disgusting tradition I've ever seen. There almost always seems to be some sort of cheating or sexual crap going on especially among bachelorette parties.

  3. It depends on the people seriously... My BFF is getting married this year, and our Bachelorette party plans is dinner, drinks, and a board game night/slumber party with movies and junk.

  4. What’s the difference between a 17 and 18 year old aside from being of legal age. An 18 dating a 25 year old bad? What about 35 or 45? Why does it matter if both are of legal age

  5. If the person is under 18 yes it’s illegal but if they are 18 why does it become immoral? That’s what I’m trying to figure out

  6. it's mostly immoral because an 18 year old does not have nearly the same amount of "adult" life experience as a 25 year, let alone a 35 or 45 year old.

  7. Anychance i can ask what the difference is? Like it looks alot bigger then sushi or is there meat instead of fish or?

  8. In Korea, kimbap is a seaweed roll (seaweed sheet) filled with rice (tossed in sesame oil, instead of vinegar) , and typically has various differently prepared( ban Chan or side dishes ) or fresh vegetables, egg, and cooked proteins. They don't include any raw seafood, and it's a typical quick breakfast or lunch item that is easy to pack and can hold for much longer than sushi.

  9. Sounds pretty good, I’ll have to give it a try

  10. You can rarely find a place where I live that sells freshly made but they are fun to make at home !

  11. The fact that the video had over 9M views shows you he’s the greatest comedian to ever live.

  12. This one has 19 million and its the long one I think.

  13. I wonder if these peanuts would cause allergic reactions as the current peanuts today do.

  14. Peanuts are part of 4 different families. Runner is the family these are in and Runners are what most peanut butter is made from. So yes on alergy, they are not a different type of peanut they are a different variety of the Runner Family.

  15. Thank you so much for the explanation!!! I get it now.

  16. They are saying that so guys leave them alone, and they can focus on class and not dating

  17. Phone number length with or without the area code?

  18. And not be dark but did you stop yourself from adding at the end " I don't want to attend a family funeral"

  19. JWU_..Leads to business options and professional skill development as well.,

  20. Please translate the other floor sign because it's probably a health fact or tip about walking up the stairs instead of taking the escalator.

  21. The person in the car with you sounded like they were having a bad day. You probably surprised them up from thier phone too lol.

  22. Haha I was the one saying what, I wasn’t on my phone I was lying down because I was dizzy and had a stomachache 🤣 I was definitely having a bad day.

  23. Oh shoot, I hope you feel better now. Take care girl~

  24. You and I are very similar! Same weight, and im a couple of years older. I had the same questions, but I also decided to just go about this how anyone should. Get with a doctor and a therapist, and start tracking your food and determine calorie amounts four your are, weight, and height.

  25. I hope she gets the justice she deserves. They should've been more supportive to discover who wrote that note.

  26. My dad would always ask if someone had a pet at home. If they had a cat, he refused to eat food they brought.

  27. Yeah, it's bullshit... just quit a job and don't start the next one for a few weeks, and im without coverage for 1 month because of it.

  28. Wow. I never thought I'd see the day this would happen and I love it!

  29. Everything is just junk. If you really want to buy something worthwhile on Amazon without having Prime, it will cost more then the threshold you need for free shipping anyways.

  30. Exactly!! Cancelled prime 4-5 years ago and never looked back. If I really NEED something there are stores near by and the $25 free shipping is easy .

  31. I’m also okay with doing a bigger ‘necessities’ order than impulse shopping right now. A lot of Amazon’s stuff has become tchotchkey-like, I don’t need a new scent diffuser thanks…

  32. Totally agree like if you really needed things then you would.plan for them or get them urgently at a nearby store.

  33. Because teachers are highly respected in other countries.

  34. Yeah this person can fuck off....as if they do it to fuck you over. No, they may know their home better than you, and maybe there is work, or it's urgent, just mind your business.

  35. Those nails are Fire girl. I'm jealous, like I love those so much!

  36. I had a cheery thought thinking that they gave him a huge bonus and freed him before shit went down.

  37. I'm trying, a couple hundred every month. Student loans are about to lessen it but never stop.

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