
  1. How is the possible Japanese and African race

  2. Lmao, what are you talking about? There quite literally isn't "1 Peter Parker Spider-Man". There's currently 2 separate ones with 2 separate comic runs.

  3. well, I dont read comics so idk, I've only got a few movies & a game to base this off, so I'm probably wrong, my mistake.

  4. The way the comics work is that there are different universes with different versions of the character. Ultimate Spider-Man just got a new run, and that version of Peter Parker is from universe 1610, the main Peter is from 616. There's also a few other versions of Peter Parker from other universes. That's why there's really no set in Stone and Peter Parker, because there's different iterations of him.

  5. fair enough, like I said, I dont think Miles isnt a Spiderman, I just know him as Miles or black Spiderman. but from what I've heard, they were tryna replace Peter in the Spiderman 2 game, which I assume Nerdrotic was complaining about (just a guess btw, I didnt hear him talking about it, so idk)

  6. Errr no, because they came from us.

  7. yet whenever the woke trend happened in America, guess who was the first country to follow them, with Canada close behind? it's no secret that America is shit lol, but lots of people of lots of countries are following their lead still, even if they've been a joke for 8 years now

  8. it used to be "being aware of racial injustice & discrimination", now it's more "pretending to care about race/gender/identity/minorities/etc. so you can be on the politically-correct side of history & anyone who disagrees with you or questions you is the enemy"; and for companies that pretend to care, they do it to get a better ESG score & get money from BlackRock for mentioning social issues

  9. too underleved, other than that, impressive team structure

  10. funny how so many people in the comments say Gary actually cares a lot (even tho he hasn't shown it), but everyone in the comments seem to care about it a lot more than he does.. how ironic

  11. I haven't seen this guy's video, but from what I've heard (from someone who's really into 40K), the problem lies in that the Custodes have always been men & now Warhammer has come out changing it for 'a modern audience', even tho the lore has been established for decades now. meanwhile the Sororitas is all women & have also been established in the lore, so the people working at Warhammer suddenly lying about their own established rules they've had for decades now, makes "the right" assume that the company has gone woke (which is true)

  12. Barbie is a movie for women/girls, so it makes sense why it'd be woke, but most of Marvel's fanbase are guys, so naturally making a movie/show that is targetted to women, aka the Marvels, will be a massive failure. Disney & other Hollywood companies just dont seem to know who their audience is & how to entertain them. I dont really care about having a female lesbian as a protagonist, as long as it wasn't supposed to be a guy or has been written like an empty bag of cement

  13. I changed the language to English on my xbox but it still didnt work for me, how did you fix it?

  14. only fix is to change the ur location to UK or US, think there will be an patch for persona 3 in the coming weeks, and hope that fixes it.

  15. changing location still doesnt work for me unfortunately

  16. what is the round thing in between the fingers?

  17. this doesn't work on Xbox, I've also tried changing my settings location & language, it did nothing

  18. I think your character is standing in the spawn zone to the "rear" of the palbox based on how it's oriented right now. The area to the rear needs to be clear because that's where pals will spawn when you add them to your base. Try rotating it 180 degrees so your character is standing in front of it.

  19. ah.. I had the same issue & walked all the way to the red forest/beach area to put my base, cuz I couldn't place it anywhere, I never had to rotate it though

  20. I've the same issue, I just got the necklace & she doesnt attack until I throw her out of the ball

  21. Someone else said she only works in close proximity and they were right but close proximity is UNDER the feet of any boss 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  22. yeah I just fought a Boss & had to take every hit while she was just smiling at me XD

  23. ppl that are still fans of Disney Star Wars & MSheU in 2023 have very low standards when it comes to television

  24. I haven't seen it, so I can't be sure, but there's something on Netflix called Sex Education. I imagine that's what it's actually about, but it's Netflix so who knows

  25. haven't seen that either, so I'll assume it is

  26. oh I thought she was Australian & was spelling it as she said it, this makes more sense

  27. Ohh sure, when girls do this - its cute, romantic, sexy...

  28. Actually the writers did exactly what it should have happened. While he is Eobard Thawne he is genetically Harrison Wells after a certain point. He rewrote his dna to match that of Wells. You know future tech bullshit that shouldn't be possible. So if he is genetically Harrison Wells and all the Wells were merged into one the universe doesn't give two shits if you were originally Eobard Thawne you're now genetically Harrison Wells. It's stupid as shit though. It was a way to bring Thawne back and give Nash some story. They got all weird after Crisis then dropped t.

  29. I didnt know that, but the many ways they tried bringing back RF was so annoying after a certain point. he goes from being a terrifying villain to a parody of himself after a few seasons, even his backstory got changed into him just being petty..

  30. Dude. It's his whole point. The point of RF is just being petty and wanting to make Barry's life the worst it could get, while making him still become the Flash

  31. yes, but in Season 3 his reasoning was "he could never be Flash, so he had to be the reverse", while in Season 8 it was "you saved a crowd that I was meant to save, you humiliated me". it's a new level of being petty

  32. Armageddon, mostly because it was marketed as the next big crossover, when it was really just a bunch of normal flash episodes with cameos from other characters.

  33. I hate every second of that conversation, the only thing I could think of was how none of it mattered in about 5 minutes when these characters dont exist anymore.

  34. is that the season that became Star Wars? the season with the useless storm troopers that could easily be defeated & the battle with the lightsabers between the big bad vs the hero & the person who made the hero? sounds familiar huh

  35. You fool, the all-mighty Cecile destroyed Godspeed in seconds.

  36. and Allegra defeating RF with 1 hit after he failed to kill Chester somehow

  37. Sadly yes 😔 I'm still wondering how Cecile can move faster than a speedster

  38. OR fly OR telekinesis OR control her future self OR somehow take her future self's uniform that hasnt been created yet

  39. bruh how do you have Season 9 first place? did you see the ending??

  40. I liked Season 4 (as far as I remember), but Barry going to prison made no sense at all. Barry is like: "I shouldnt run from this crime scene, even though I did nothing wrong & will go to jail as an innocent person while I leave my city unprotected". he can literally get rid of the body & fake evidence in a second before the cops go inside, there's nothing stopping him other than a bad script.

  41. Either barry saves his parents, and causes flashpoint, (causing people to die as people in the flashpoint timeline would obviously die, and by your logic this is also Barry’s fault) Or barry doesn’t save his parents, which by your logic is also his fault. And what is this “he could have prevented it but he didn’t bs”? At any point in his lift Barry can run back in time and stop someone from being murdered. Does that mean Barry is responsible for the death of every human being who has ever lived?

  42. realistically, when he changes the timeline & then changes it back to how it previously was, nothing should change at all. the show however, prefers drama & unlogical consequences that shouldnt actually occur. the shows logic doesnt work, even within the show itself, so that makes it confusing in general.

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