
  1. Same with me. Fuck I hate this feeling. I have enough money to buy games but I still feel like I want to pirate because they are expensive (and who spends money on games). And when I pirate, I don't want to continue as it does not have achievements and no tracking of time played. Can't decide if I want to purchase and play or pirate Spiderman.

  2. Kite fighting is a sport in Pakistan, the string is called Manja string which is an abbrasive and coated in powdered glass, it can cause cuts to your hands quite easily. Seems like the poor guy drove into it at speed which would defo slit his throat.

  3. mfs finna ask him if Mamas Boyfriend is on the album Jesus Christ

  4. By phD I sense that she had to attend to pretty huge d**k, winter's already here that's why the hurriedness

  5. I got a hair transplant. I started losing hair at 22 years age itself. I'd have been fine with it if I was maybe 35+. Satisfied with the result and definitely recommend it to those who're thinking about it. It's actually not very risky or invasive and not very expensive at all.

  6. Hell yeah. He is like the worst spider man ever cast.

  7. I have the opposite wallpaper to you lmao. Yeezy season approaching..

  8. Hell nah. This is my least fav song on the album

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