
  1. It’s actually not the catch-up. It’s just people in general that put ketchup on Shawarma are just not to be trusted.

  2. It’s actually not the catch-up. It’s just people in general that put ketchup on Shawarma are just not to be trusted.

  3. Because there is no government regulation on what advertising departments are allowed to promise versus what the product is actually able to deliver

  4. I would knock on or at least call the housing and neighborhood preservation department or the VB housing resource center they literally specialize in this.

  5. I have a feeling I went to buy this bag and then I found out it didn’t have like the secret top magnetic pocket and then I didn’t buy it but maybe I’m mistaken. I can’t really remember.

  6. His name is Sidney mecham and he’s a convicted rapist

  7. I grew up when you cried like that whoever was the authority figure would tell you I’ll give you something to really cry about. And sometimes I wonder if that was the right way or if this is the right way or if there’s another way, that is the right way.

  8. No way he does not get identified and this incident hung around his neck. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets kicked out of school.

  9. I had to scroll so far incredibly down to find this comment. I think that shows where finding out who he is goes as far as peoples priorities

  10. So we setting up the governments ability to write a query to pull for example all folks who looked at lgbt content in a state

  11. What does this mean in more simpler terms please

  12. Who is we? try talking for yourself. You don’t represent anyone else other than yourself.

  13. No one is ruining your life man stop worrying about what other people do and what other people think and just focus on yourself

  14. I’ve had sexual intercourse with your mother

  15. I think my ratio is a little bit better than 300 to one but maybe I’m just not willing to take a shot if I really don’t like it as much as you. In terms of time, though, I’ve definitely spent hours and hours outside and then came home empty handed

  16. My guy thought he had the Tesla auto pilot. Bad kind of awareness is just laughable.

  17. Can you take the mailbox off it then trim off the top then remount the mailbox so it’s level or do you want the part in the ground to be straight too?

  18. Shoot then, unless someone knows a better way, you gotta dig around the post to get it loose and then make it straighten it up and then put like gravel or concrete in the hole around the post to stabilize it and then fill the remaining space with dirt again

  19. I don’t understand why the people are protesting at the schools is it because their donors are from Israel or something, I don’t get it? I would think the protest be the White House or like a senators office or something. If there’s an easy answer, let me know

  20. That’s why we gotta get our sinning in now while the exchange rate is still good

  21. I wonder if he lived. He didn’t look like he was hunting after, He looked like he wasn’t happy with what he just ate

  22. Deserved. Might be an unpopular opinion, but if you read into it, the guy was already unresponsive, had already aspirated, and they gave him 500 of ketamine off the bat without any assessment or vitals. They essentially DAI’d this guy with 3x the dose but never bothered with the actual airway part. Scary stuff. I’ve watched the body camera as well - they were very nonchalant and took a long time to get resuscitation going once they did realize something was wrong. This went beyond being a little burnt out or tired and a med error, this was far into just stupid and dangerous territory. Criminally negligent homicide is a fitting conviction.

  23. What do you think about no jail time and probation instead? Because that’s what he actually got

  24. I hope this post gets updated because he got four years probation and 14 months work release….

  25. No, I was actually not able to quickly read it. Yes, I did have to stop often and try to decode a word. And I was able to read it and put together the parts I couldn’t read with context clues.

  26. A massive boulder just ran over two innocent bystanders this is definitely not safe for work this is like I just watched 2 people die

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