
  1. I know it's 4 years later but I am addicted to this sub. Shitty HDR aside, those clouds are beautiful.

  2. I do appreciate your feedback and digging to get to this post! Thank you

  3. I like it and I feel like 90% of the general audience will, and that’s sometimes what you want

  4. I do appreciate the thorough response. I look forward to refreshing the look. Thank you.

  5. Sure! I work on sailboats for a living (sailboat rigger and sailmaker) so teak is right in my wheelhouse. Personally, I really like the weathered look of what you have but if you want to clean it, the two part stuff is the way to go. Sanding would be a nightmare with that much detail. Nice pieces by the way!

  6. lol the drive between the two is 29 hours. Biking it there would take half the time.

  7. Sure. Organizations spending money is part of the society we live in.

  8. Follow the money: 110,000 voters in Iowa Caucus/130 million= $1181.82 per vote. Nothing strange here move along.

  9. What point are you even trying to make? Iowa and New Hampshire don't determine the winner, but they do tell candidates whether or not they're viable.

  10. A nationwide vote on one day would do the job without an issue.

  11. I recently refurbished one that has been in my family for decades. Beware- they are very heavy- be sure to use appropriate, heavy duty hardware to hang it.

  12. I'm 6'1" and about 215 pounds, and I lost my shit when that came out. You're telling me THAT guy weighs the same as me despite being taller? Come on.

  13. Did you take in consideration that his Muscle Mass is just Huge! The biggest anywhere!

  14. Don't assist in housing the homeless rather ticket them, arrest them (when they cannot pay) and then jail them with three square meals.

  15. The GOP would never seriously appeal this decision would they? That would be massive Federal Government Overreach if SCOTUS overturned the Colorado Supreme Court decision right? They hate massive Federal Government Overreach! Right?

  16. Isn't it all about having a small Government? 'Let the States decide"

  17. Follow up: Your lead indeed led me to the identification. That is an awesome site. The response to me was almost instant.

  18. Will you keep them or sell them (please dont sell them :( )

  19. Keep them, for now. I have had these for years.

  20. I think it was going to be Michigan, Florida State, Georgia, and Alabama if Oregon won and Georgia lost. I’m not saying that SHOULD be the four, but don’t underestimate the SEC politicking.

  21. No way you take Alabama over Texas (34-24 in Tuscaloosa)

  22. How is indeed a good question. You can only lose one for a very short time. Their shelf life is rather bad (unfortunately).

  23. Nothing Basic about the Carter's. I just wish I could have appreciated their personal accomplishments much sooner.

  24. Have you ever been to the baggage claim area at Louis Armstrong Airport?

  25. Funny you say that, these are in the employee area of an airport

  26. Oh no...The furniture is being used? How will we recover

  27. The used part is not the issue. It is the abused part that is the issue..

  28. I used to eat pssion fruit, then I realized they had no vitamin A, so I stopped.

  29. As a woodworker, I'm going to say that this looks like a custom piece. It's beautiful, regardless.

  30. I don’t have any info unfortunately, but can you tell if it was refinished? I’m wondering if the grain pattern on the bow tie feature would have been more subtle originally, like a stain with a toner that would hide the grain. I like the piece.

  31. Actually I refinished it. The entire piece was a dark muted brown with no indications of the cross slate pattern.

  32. Are we sure this is not the zoo in West Virginia?

  33. Hum, I don't have that issue. The only thing I have is a short delay

  34. Does anyone know any new option to the chrome banned plug-in called Ad YouTube Blocker ?. Latest Chrome update, removed it

  35. Brave Browser is the only correct answer

  36. If they do, they still won't be available to afford a home.

  37. Drake? Is this your burner account?

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