
  1. Played his game for 200 hours haven't seen a single hacker. But hit reg on the other hand has been real bad since the update to s12, probably just overloaded servers tho.

  2. I'm not sure if it is a hack but I'm on my second day of SoT and got attacked by a crew where one of the members would blink around my ship when I was attacking him. The other members were fine, but this dude was glitching around and still fighting me so it looked like he was counting on the blinks to attack. Looked proposital.

  3. That’s just the game being buns. Glitches like that happen all the time, people teleporting, 6 meter sword hits, getting blundered point blank and tanking it, you name it.

  4. Or pay Ancient Coins to rename it, yeah. I just usually end up buying a new boat when I find a new set I like haha

  5. Chill, thanks for the tips, I'll hop in there now bc the game is back on from the maintenance already :D

  6. If you need a sailing buddy OP I’ll gladly join you, I started a few days ago myself, but I’ve made quite a lot of progress. I’m on PlayStation, not sure what you’re playing on. Let me know if you want to sail the open seas together!

  7. Sure do! I'm on PC, got a friend to play as well but we aren't available at each other's times and most of my gameplays are lonely :/ I'm taking on lots of tasks recently and the time to play has been extra reduced now but I'll gladly add you for sure!

  8. Yes! Every session you start fresh with only your cosmetic items you purchased (and a base level of supplies that’s the same every time based on ship size). So be sure to sell any loot, and accept that you’ll lose your non-loot supplies.

  9. Thank you for this tip! I have been playing for 2 days so all they could steal were coconuts and planks xD

  10. Oblivion foi o ápice da série na minha opinião e Skyrim já caiu na modinha de deixar as coisas mais obscuras. Q própria vibe do jogo é muito mais acinzentada que os anteriores, até nas músicas.

  11. Totalmente desnecessário às 18:10h de uma Sexta-Feira.

  12. And if only my grandma had wheels she would be a bike

  13. Um muito legal, mas que ficou no passado tipo anos 80 é energia cósmica ou alienígena. Spectreman e Ultraman são bons exemplos.

  14. Same, I've complained about it and most people said it's only a metal rank thing but my diamond friends are having a hard time as well.

  15. Jokes on them I like those 2 pallets better than the white/blue one. The beige or the black are very militaristic.

  16. Enzo detectado. E DBZ é outra velharia chata pra caramba

  17. 1st. I like the game and don't want to complain but the BP skins for S10 aren't for me. I only dig the Orisa and Echo ones.

  18. I have no idea what's happening at all times. Yesterday we would capture the point but the other team would also score it and vice versa. At the end we won and idk why :D

  19. Calm down, breathe... Don't try this emote with her Pajamei skin

  20. I was happy for S10 BUT Venture and Pharah are two strong rn and it is ruining the fun for me.

  21. No, it looks very regal and somehow medieval Arabic. I am in love with it.

  22. Devs keep her on the tightrope doing the bare minimum at all times to a point where you doubt if she's not actually slightly below the "ok" line.

  23. Well what I mean by give away is that the skins listed above (besides Divine Monkey) were given out with their bundles as Twitch drops that everyone could obtain by simply watching 10 hours of Twitch instead of giving real money. Which is technically "giving them away" since they were giving 10-20 dollars skins for free.

  24. Cool, thanks OP! Do you know when the Genji one might appear as a reward?

  25. No. But you can get Nihon Genji if you have Amazon Prime Gaming I suppose.

  26. It's not a reward it's already in the hero gallery for 1.9k :)

  27. Mitsky is actually the cool part and a dark version of him is what makes it for me. The skin itself is a 4/10 compared to the other ones in the pass but a 5/10 if compared to Brigs skins.

  28. Wait so Mitski is black in the spray... Is she black in the Katt emote?

  29. Yes :D All mitski stuff is black and red with this skin

  30. You are being downvoted bc venture mains are also Doom mains and they are the most annoying and toxic fan base in OW and also allergic to the truth.

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