
  1. Mine is a. It finicky about usb cables, especially if a usb hub is involved. You might try changing cables.

  2. Cables are good, I have another computer where they work perfectly, might be USB hub but I just bought it.

  3. First off, make sure you are updated to the latest version of MacOS. 14.4 had some problems with USB hubs that 14.4.1 is supposed to fix.

  4. This little cock thinks Russia is Libia, to stab in the back, overrun and steal natural resources like his shorter predecessor, well for sure it would be the most regrettable think he did in his political life.

  5. Dope track as well at the end! Amazing skills thanks for sharing knowledge!

  6. Left to right: Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Andrew Card, George Tenet, and Donald Rumsfeld.

  7. Left to right: war criminal, war criminal, war criminal, war criminal, war criminal, war criminal, war criminal.

  8. Maybe he should be called to NATO headquarters, it worked after the Jerusalem visit.

  9. This is how you write and speak when you go every weekend clubbing.

  10. It's not about the taste or age, it's about complexity of sound, sonic shape, feel that something unexpected is coming, DNB had wide range of sonic shape, now it's vrooooooom tup tap tup tap, vroooooooooooom.....It's getting ridiculous, if you are not on drugs youre fucked up at those raves I guess.

  11. Ali ona ne slusa ni jednog sagovornika, koji level bola u kurcu, sprema intervju dok on traje ili gleda u rejtinge. Zlo i naopako sta je strefilo srpsko novinarstvo.

  12. On question did you call the board he should respond “i called the game” , but thats not Nikola 😂

  13. Yeah lets invite a country where gay people are thrown from roofs to a gay competition

  14. What does eurovisión have to do with gay people? This is a music competition.

  15. Ulozio pare koje je posteno zaradio u svoju firmu u svojoj zemlji, sta ima tu sporno? Jel njemu zabranjeno da se bavi biznisom? Ajde samo nastavi da plivas u svojim govnima....

  16. Ja ne sporim da je pošteno zaradio i počeo da ulaže ali gde baš od 2013 godine, i to uložio u posao gde moraš biti sa debelim vezama u vlasti, a kako čujem taj tender je od nedavno neko drugi dobio pa mi je tajming njegove podrške opoziciji malo čudan.

  17. Jel ti shvatas da ProGlas nije stranacka niti antistranacka incijativa? Covek se nije nigde kandidovao vec pozvao ljude da izadju na izbore. To sto neke svrbi da ce veci broj ljudi izaci na izbore, to je druga stvar.

  18. Well Indians got first to America, it didn't help right?

  19. No ya que soy Arequipeño y a mi me dio mucha risa ver a mi paisano Abimael ahí

  20. No es por nada que en locales de todo Peru dice "prohibida discriminacion", seguro son mismos que que le dan risa comentarios racistas como este.

  21. Este fujitroll solo que demuestra es su racismo y ignorancia con sus publicaciones de mierda. Título debe ser un año sin democracia en el Perú.

  22. Oh look war criminal suggesting some more war crimes.

  23. Yes in case you didn't know KLA was killing, kidnapping and selling human organs not only in Serbia but in Montenegro and North Macedonia as well. Everywhere in Balkans where they are majority they will start with insurgence attacking state forces and after that will moan that their "human rights" were denied, because they were "only attacking state forces" and fighting for Greater Albania. They "only" got serbian part of the land Kosovo but they couldn't manage the same in other countries, because the "boss" said that's enough, for now.

  24. Albanians literally started aggression on three countries: Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro and they are somehow victims

  25. Yes they've had "Liberation" army in every region where they are majority, killing, abducting, raping and taking out organs witch is very documented. Just search for "Yellow house" in Albania.

  26. I agree completely, Serbia’s mistake was that she hadn’t let Americans take all the natural resources of Kosovo when US asked for it. Albanians had better offer for US and that’s how we ended in this situation.

  27. They offer was we will give you the biggest army base in Europe, which they got, but Kosovo will never be independent with foreign protectorat on their ground. Furthermore, they are not even interested in being independent state but only in joining big Albania, which is their national dream with parts of North Macedonia, Montenegro and probably some more countries land to claim.

  28. This time will be "all my homies adore Skrillex"

  29. Yea he definitely earned my fandom for the first time after QFF came out

  30. For sure he brought that original dubstep and UK bass vibe and he gave up on brostep, I didn't see that coming.

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