
  1. Do it sooner than later. They multiply 9 to one or something like that. It’s taken us over 7 years to regain control of our once over grown yard by practically removing the top few inches of soil in most areas. Sprays don’t work anyway. We loathe those dumb stars lol

  2. Explain thinning to me. I assume it means pulling the runts out of the patch so the more aggressive growing plants get a chance to soak up more water, sunlight, and nutrients. Correct me if I’m wrong please. I really want my first harvest to be a success

  3. I thought your idea, too, but it's incorrect. You could even leave the runs. The real trick is to allow space between each plant. The roots will literally strangle each other. By thinning, you end up with bigger, happier, fuller, and longer lasting plants. Pick a spacing (usually findable species id), and just start plucking. If you leave a few smaller ones than you'll have intermittent (longer lasting) bloom-time.

  4. Thanks for checking in! All good in my neck of the woods. Lots of physical work lately, but it's a nice change of pace from the winter bleakness.

  5. Pisces in 4th house. I used to be the "black sheep," but now that I'm beating mid-life, it seems that I'm the glue, and everyone wished they were me.

  6. Pisces sun 4th house. My entire family is the black sheep.

  7. Same & same. I am the black sheep of the black sheep. It's like karmic inception.

  8. When Dad (you, op?) said ‘show them how strong you are’, it hit me right in my feels.

  9. Got dam, right?!. This hit me. Think I just healed from something.

  10. Maybe 3-4x per year. Repot once per year. Just fertilized today since it had been since January

  11. What do you use to fertilize? These guys like a bit of sand & fish emulsion, otherwise they can get burnt pretty easily

  12. There is literally nothing satisfying about this. Why do these keep getting posted here?

  13. Yes. If an album doesn't have both grounding & bangers then it's just meh.

  14. Wow. Yes. I was just telling my Bestie that I was bummed one my fav artists just released an album without a single banger & I'm struggling.

  15. It absolutely blows my mind nobody in the comments gets this. You can literally see the tiles are wrapped in cellophane.

  16. For those who noticed that you're looking much younger than your peers, what age did you notice? 20? 25? 30?

  17. For me, it was around 25. Up until then everyone said I looked 30-ish, as I crept close to 30 everyone thought I looked 20. That 10 year age/appearance gap has remained more that I'm 40.

  18. Gemini Sun: I never shut up, change my life philosophy every week, switch life paths, careers, countries

  19. Taurus moon & stellium, I'm very stubborn. I am totally open to changing when proven by facts, but I'm not changing just bc of your opinion.

  20. So smart to get a large house with stairs when you have a couple years left to live maybe

  21. Maybe that's how they plan on passing down their inheritance, by falling down the stairs together and leaving this massive real estate to the entire family to use as a compound while they haunt it.

  22. I'm gonna say that Beyoncé didn't need this dude to bring black country to Cowboy Carter. Beyonce did that herself. This guy is just tagging along & shouldn't be getting the credit.

  23. It's good to take care of yourself. It makes you more patient and kind. You end up being better for your other efforts and for other people.

  24. Ok. Then, the issue was chlorine, not fluoride. Chlorine gets volatilized with boiling. Are you using the same lucky penny every time?

  25. I wonder if the same process can work with boiling water first and than carbonating? I do this with my bamboo plants in boil the water first before giving my bamboo water. Before our fluoride water killed my plants, after boiling. Hooray!

  26. Boiling water concentrates elements. Your best bet is to use a simple filter at the consumption tap. Like a sink filter or pitcher filter.

  27. it's weird and it's obviously to bring in customers. although I think they would've gotten more customers anyway. just let the guy live his life.

  28. He'll never be in that pub again. It's too dangerous all flooded with swifties.

  29. I'm 39 and just got a mohawk & visible piercings. I'm not trying to make friends with anyone, but the younger people keep trying to befriend me.

  30. I just got approx 40 years of wood chips & just using a wheelbarrow & snow shovel.

  31. More than I'd like to admit, but I've been working on this. I got a mohawk & some new piercings. I work in a gov office. I'm so tired of trying to live up to everyone's expectations & work up a ladder. I just wanna play in my garden.

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