
  1. I've definitely noticed an increase in posts in beauty and skincare subs from people (usually younger) saying they smell bad and need advice. And almost always, it's someone who is showering 2x a day, washing their clothes regularly, using deodorant, and not engaging in day-long physical labor; they just think they stink within an hour of getting out of the shower. It's usually not even triggered by someone telling them they stink, but just their own perception.

  2. Maybe it’s Covid related because I smell so bad now and I never used to it.

  3. Kindle needs a “find and replace” feature for text. Every time I’m forced to read the phrase “puking my guts up” I want to hurl my e-reader through the drywall.

  4. Our kids eat off plastic dishware but I don’t microwave it. Is that bad? Even for cold food like a sandwich?

  5. Please tell me you reported him. If this is the way he acts at work, in public, imagine how he behaves in private.

  6. We went to Ink’d Out in Hope Mills and it was great for our baby.

  7. The Army will cover all of your healthcare for your family. It’s why most people do it.

  8. Middle aged women lusting after teenage one direction harry styles will never NOT be weird IDC. It was weird AF with the AFTER series and it's weird with this one, I can never take these 'movies' seriously knowing they were written about a teenage boy band.

  9. It’s reminding me of that that 57 year old woman who is obsessed with Timothee Chalamet. It gives me the ick.

  10. Fingers will eventually go back to normal. Feet won’t. 🙃

  11. Our fully potty trained 3 year old is having a regression (it seems like he thinks it’s funny? 😠) and we’re going back to setting 30 minute timers until he stops peeing in his pants again.

  12. I was literally just gazing at her boobs in awe wondering how it’s possible for them to look so unbelievable.

  13. Be careful what you wish for. I had great boobs before pregnancy and then they got absolutely huge. Like melons. Now after breastfeeding 1 kid and having another, they look like sad deflated balloons. 😔

  14. Williams’ character dresses up in a disguise to essentially stalk his ex and his children.

  15. He tries to murder Pierce Brosnan who was a nice, normal guy.

  16. They have it on iPad, I still play all the time.

  17. We lived 20 minutes from my Grandparents and I remember being over there all the time, for sleepovers too. My parents got little vacations away from us like 2x a year too.

  18. Blow up two balloons and tie them together. Spread peanut butter in between them. Practice wiping. 😂

  19. I grew up going to Disneyland and loved it. My husband did not.

  20. I was always so bloated I looked huge even at 13 weeks.

  21. What would happen if you asked her to go out on a date?

  22. It's kind of hard due to us not having child care. No family within 6 hours and have had bad luck finding people from or local Facebook. Maybe that's a priority to solve first

  23. Your situation sounds rough, I’m sorry. I get the no response thing from my husband sometimes and it’s infuriating. I actually sent him

  24. Is it a multiple times thing? Like I don’t think I could take that.

  25. No, and it’s all very vague. I thought I would be very anti as well, but their friendship all grows very naturally.

  26. Yes, but it’s less of a big deal than you’d expect

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